Course Catalogue – Management in health care











Course Catalogue of Vocational Studies Master


Menagement in Health Care






Subject code

Subject name Semester ESPB
1. 19.MM0001 Methods of scientific research work I 8
2. 19.MM0002 Health Management I 7
3. 19.MM0003 Organization and planning of health systems I 7
4. 19.MM0018 Material resource management I 8
19.MM0019 Health tourism management I
5. 19.MM0005 Health care management II 7
6. 19.MM0006 Information systems in healthcare II 8
7. 19.MM0007 Human Resources II 7
8. 19.MM0020 Crisis Management in healthcare II 8
19.MM0021 Financial management in healthcare II
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600
9. 19.MM0009 Monitoring and data protection in healthcare III 7
10. 19.MM0010 Communication in healthcare III 5
11. 19.MM0011 Management of new technologies III 7
12. 19.MM0022 Medical law III 8
19.MM0023 Public health III
13. 19.MM0013 Practical training III 3
14. 19.MM0014 Quality management in healthcare IV 7
15. 19.MM0024 English IV 7
19.MM0025 German IV
16. 19.MM0016 Master thesis subject IV 4
17. 19.MM0017 Master thesis IV 12
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600




Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Anita Kovacic Popovic, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring new knowledge about the research process. Acquiring research knowledge, acquiring new theoretical knowledge and practical skills in designing and implementing the research process, acquiring knowledge and obtaining experience in the basics of research work.

Outcome of the course

By acquiring new knowledge about the research process, we enable students to properly understand research, independent practical implementation of research, as well as the application in practice of theoretical and practical knowledge obtained through that research. Candidates are trained for independent research work and leading research teams in research projects. Raising the professional potential of staff in health care, creating conditions for the formation of their own research and academic basis.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

The nature of scientific knowledge. Research methodology. Relationship between science and research methodology in health sciences. Methodological specifics of research in health sciences. Composition of Master's thesis and research report. Professional opinion, knowledge and professional language. Research projects. Areas of research in healthcare. Research phases: design and implementation of health research. Project structure. Master research.

Basic and derived research methods: Observation, examination, experiment, case study, content analysis in health sciences. Establishing goals and hypotheses in quantitative research with types of data distribution. Basic elements of successful presentation of data / research results. Clinical trials. Definition of problem and hypothesis generation. Data collection and measurement, classification and evaluation of data. Validity of variables, sample and group design. Ethics in publishing research results. Presentation of research work.


1. Đurić P. Uvod u naučnoistraživački rad. Univerzitetet u Novom Sadu. Medicinski fakultet. Novi Sad. 2014

2. Savić J. Metodologija naučnog saznanja i-Kako stvoriti naučno delo u biomedicini. Data Status. 2013.

3. Popović Z. Kako napisati i objaviti naučno delo. Akademska misao. Beograd. 2014.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Teaching methods Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: HEALTH MANAGEMENT
Teachers: Zoran Katanic, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge of the basics of management in health organizations and its application in practice, and to improve the quality of health services and the integration of management functions in the organization of nursing services.

Outcome of the course

Students will apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction to management. Management functions. Organizational goals and results. General and specific goals of management. Strengths and weaknesses of general management. Successful management. Managerial characteristics. Communication. Monitoring and control. Decision making and problem solving. Conflicts. Ways of acting in conflict situations. Human resource management in health care institutions. Motivation, motivation theories, ways to motivate in nursing. Leadership, research and leadership theories. Personnel function and personnel policy. Organization as a function of management. Organizational culture. Managing change and managing your own time.

Practice: Practical introduction to the tasks of leaders in the organization of nursing: problem solving, decision-making style and decision-making in nursing. A practical presentation of personnel policy organized by the nursing service. Systematization of patient data. Standard hours for the patient's category of care-practical work. Systemic approach to unforeseen (possible) situations. Measuring indicators – SWOT analysis. The role of the nurse in conflict resolution. Group problem solving. Team creation and development. Practical presentation of the implementation of control and monitoring in ensuring the quality of health care in institutions. Assessment of the quality of health services – a practical overview. Development of a research project and research instrument.

Study research work: (independent)


4. Marinković Lj: Management in health organizations, Higher Medical School, G.A.D: Belgrade, 2001.

5. Mićović P : Zdravstveni menadžment, Obeležja, Belgrade, 2008.

6. Rakic S, Antonic D. Fundamentals of Health Management, Pan-European University Apeiron, Banja Luka, 2015.

7. Mihajlovic B, Kostic N. Health management. Whose. White City. 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Zarko Pavic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The main objective of the course is that the student uses the acquired knowledge and acquired skills to use the structure of organization and planning of the health system and to lead changes in health care institutions. The student will be able to apply knowledge about organization and planning in all areas of health, understand and follow trends in the development of the health system.

Outcome of the course

The student will be able to define the goals, strategies and work plans of the health institution; compare different organizational structures of the health system and choose the optimal model for the health care institutions; integrates into the system of health care providers; participates in the promotion of health promotion, disease prevention and social marketing in the social environment; introduces information technologies according to the needs of the institution; updates and uses international scientific and professional cooperation.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes

Health care financing models, sources of financing and methods of payment to health care providers for their work. Methods of complete financial evaluation: financial reporting, cost accounting, income and balance sheet records. Control systems and interpretation of financial statements. Basic knowledge of costs in terms of: cost-related behaviors; cost analysis, as well as the relationship between costs and the price of health services; costs in measuring performance; fixed and flexible budgets; potential benefit from activity-based budgeting. Fundamentals of project investment, sources of funding, and cost-effectiveness analysis in project management. Financial planning. Financial analysis. Financial management system. Management of financial resources in health care.


1. Pavić, Žarko: Zdravstvo i zdravstveni sistem, Srpsko lekarsko društvo, Beograd, 2007

2. Dragić, Milovan: Organizacija zdravstvene službe, VMŠ Prijedor, 2018.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Students papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    


Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Slavica Andjelic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge about the basic theoretical and practical approaches to resource management in health care – health care institutions. The course is conceived and presented in the light of a systematic consideration of the problem of resource management in health care institutions.

Outcome of the course

After passing the exam, the student can present the goals, principles, methods and measures that management uses in the process of managing resources in health care. After passing the exam, the student knows the basic theoretical principles of material resource management in health care institutions, understands human resource management and financial management.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Importance of material resources for the work of health institutions, Maintenance of material resources, Equipment management, Goals and tasks of human resource management, Job analysis, Human resource planning, Ways of financing health care, System of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Serbia, Types of costs in health institutions, Analysis of financial reports.

Practical teaching:

A closer explanation of some of the topics covered in the lectures. Presentation and analysis of practical examples. Preparation of colloquia and exams. Evaluation of realized teaching and analysis of its results.


1. Zarko S. Pavić, INSTITUTIONS OF HEALTH SYSTEM, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade.

2. Zarko S. Pavić, INSTITUTIONS OF HEALTH SYSTEM, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade.

3. Zarko S. Pavić, MANUAL FOR HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2020.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

The lectures are auditory, fully supported by video slides, and performed in the amphitheater with all students. Exercises are performed in groups of students in the auditoriums and in the field: (1) as auditory, where certain topics from the lectures are further elaborated; (2) as analytical where characteristic cases of business indicators from practice are analyzed; (2) as, discussion for the discussion of the analyzed business indicators from practice.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 10 Oral exam 60
Colloquium- first 15    
Colloquium- second 15    












Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Miroslav Knezevic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the impact of all natural factors that affect health, and are related to the stay of tourists at the destination, as well as the effectiveness of non-medical treatments offered in wellness and spa centers and spas. Introduce students to the laws of historical development of various forms of health tourism (thermal spas, climatic spas, etc.) with a special emphasis on spas in Serbia.

Outcome of the course

The outcome of the course is to enable the student to think critically about topics related to health tourism or, more broadly, the relationship between tourism and health.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes

Forms of health tourism. Specifics of health tourism development. Medical science in health resorts. Natural factor treatment. History of balneotherapy. Balneoclimatology. Meteorology and human biometeorology. Climatology and human bioclimatology. Mineral waters. Balneotherapy. Application of physical therapy in spa conditions. Spas and climatic places in Serbia. Wellness tourism. Medical tourism. Type of medical services in medical tourism. Medical travel planning. The most important medical tourism destinations. Medical tourism-Global competition in healthcare. Promotion of medical tourism. Prospects for the development of health tourism in Serbia.


1. Živanović S. Oblici i trendovi zdravstvenog turizma, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet za hotelijerstvo i turizam u Vrnjačkoj Banji 2015..

2. Jovanović B,.Tematski turizam, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd 2015


Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 30    
Colloquiums 20    


Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT
Teachers: Zarko Pavic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basics of access to public health, development and establishment of traditional health care systems and the discipline of health policy. The student should gain insight into the possibilities of research methods in this field through interventional and prospective or observational and retrospective studies of the so-called. aggregation macro-data, in order to see their possibilities in their use in health management.

Outcome of the course

Knowledge and skills that the student will acquire: The student will develop basic knowledge about the establishment and challenges of public health in the world in the age of globalization; will get acquainted with the principles and techniques of health policy and economic analysis. The student will acquire skills in applying certain techniques such as CEA (cost-effectiveness study) or disease cost studies, become familiar with ways to assess the global burden of disease, and based on the WHO methodology and the GBD Global Burden Assessment Project, learn the nature and quantitative relationships among leading risk factors. human health nowadays and the usual health policies of certain regional traditions in the fight against it, will become independent in public health and health policy opinion, develop a strong conceptual apparatus and enable independent action and decision-making based on evidence.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes and exercises

Area 1. HEALTH POLICY AND HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. Health policy – goals, strategies and impact on efficiency; Hospitals and payment for hospital health care provision; Government policy and goals in the field of public health; National Health System; Hierarchy of medical institutions as an institutional framework of health care; Health professionals as medical service providers; Quality of health care; The notion of quality of life of the patient; Accreditation process of health institutions; Concepts of preventive and curative health care / the role of screening and long-term benefits. Area

2. GLOBAL HEALTH. Transitional health care reforms in Eastern Europe according to the Western model and the concept of family doctor; Key public health challenges in the world; Poverty Diseases and the Third World; Welfare Diseases (CNBs / NCDs) and developed countries; Health Metrics Project – Global Burden of Disease (GBD) and its results and applicability; World Health Organization Methodology in Expressing Morbidity and Mortality (DALY, QALY …) and its Annual Health Reports; Population aging / Population as a widespread world phenomenon; The issue of healthy eating and the expansion of Genetically Modified Food on the World Market. Area

3. RESEARCH DESIGN IN PUBLIC HEALTH. Research design in public health; Working with databases and public repositories; Models of some key data sources in the field of global health – OECD Health, WHO HFA-DB, UN sources; Sampling-general principles of sample formation; Statistical data processing-test selection; Qualitative research methods in public health; Applied principles of research design; Ethics in Science, Issues of Good Clinical and Good Practice in Research, Ethics Committees, Ethics in Publishing Scientific Results; Hierarchy of scientific evidence – Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes; Evidence-based medicine (EBM) and its applications in clinical and public health studies.


1. M. Jakovljević, i dr., Zdravstvena Ekonomija sa Farmakoekonomijom za studente Medicinskih Nauka, ISBN 978-86- 7760-082-2, Fakultet medicinskih nauka Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2014.

2.  A. E. Birn, Y. Pillay, T. H. Holtz, Textbook of Global Health, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2017

3. J. Maddock, Public Health-Methodology, Environmental and Systems Issues, InTech, 2012.

4. M. Lovett-Scott, F. Prather , Global Health Systems: Comparing Strategies for Delivering Health Systems 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1449618995 ISBN-10: 1449618995.

5. A. E. Birn, Y. Pillay, T. H. Holtz, Textbook of International Health: Global Health in a Dynamic World 3rd Edition by ISBN-13: 978-0195300277 ISBN-10: 0195300270.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Zoran Katanic, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

To get students acquainted with the concepts, roles and functions of healthcare information systems – local, institutional, regional, national, international, etc. A special emphasis is placed on the integrated healthcare information system of the Republic of Serbia.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students to implement information technology for problem solving in the domain of healthcare. Training students to use IS databases, learn basic project development requests and use those for research purposes.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Information Systems. Healthcare Information Systems. Development of Healthcare Information Systems. Types of Information Systems. Hospital Information Systems. Information Systems in Diagnostic Laboratories. Information Technologies in Medical Education. Application of Information Technology in Medicine and Healthcare. Purpose and Composition of Healthcare Information System. High Technology Management in Healthcare. Safety and Risks. Economic Aspects of Technologies in Medicine.

Practical teaching:

The Fundamentals of Computing Technology. Information Systems. Researching Electronic Information Sources. Researching Bibliographic, Abstracting and Indexing Databases. Searching Information Services COBISS, KOBSON and GOOGLE. Searching Full-Text Databases – electronic journals, monographs. Sourcing Literature. Preparation of Power Point Presentations on Seminar Papers.


1. Ajzenhamer N.Bukurov A.Stanković V., Informacioni sistemi -skripta 2017.

2. Milić N. Stanisavljević D. Trajković G. Miličić B. Bukumirić Z. Mašić S.Biomedicinska informatika . univerzitet u istočnom Sarajevu. Medicinski fakultet Foča.

3. Mihaljev-Martinov J. Medicinska informatika, Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad.1995.

4. Keri J. Petrovečki M. Medicinska informatika, Medicinski fakultet, Zagreb, Data Status,2009.

5. Petković D. Sivić S. Tehnologije umedicini, Univerzitet u Zenici. Medicinski fakultet. 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations whereby lectures are conducted with comprehension questions, active participation of students, visual aids and printed material. Small group discussions where students exchange ideas, considerations and responses with the presence of the teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies based on real scenarios pertaining to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and subsequently make reports on them after individual or team work. Seminar paper.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: HUMAN RESOURCES
Teachers: Vojin Vidanović, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to gain basic knowledge about the possibilities of improving services in the health care system by looking at basic theoretical concepts and practices as well as modern trends in human resource development for health, from the aspect of human resource management, i.e. planning, education (“production “) and management of health personnel, as well as to acquire the ability to independently plan and conduct research related to the assessment of labor needs in the health care system and their provision.

Outcome of the course

Expected knowledge and skills of students are knowledge of the range of instruments and techniques of modern short-term and long-term human resource planning, as well as the ability to introduce and apply human resource planning methods to develop and improve health services and health services planning, then, the ability to identify framework in which human resources will be trained, improved and developed. Accordingly, students will possess knowledge of work processes, measuring staff and service performance, and acquire skills for critical analysis of possible approaches to performance improvement, as well as reprofiling of human resources necessary to improve health services and population health. The overall knowledge and skills of students will be used to develop strategic and operational plans of human resources for health at the regional, organizational level or service level, in accordance with the defined goals, mission and vision of health services and health care systems.

Content of the course

The content of the course includes the following topics: The content of this course will include the following thematic units: analysis of the situation of human resources for health in Serbia, Europe and the world with the use of relevant indicators; evolution of human resources planning and development, strategic and operational methods and techniques of human resources planning and methods of making several different planning models, developing and writing plans to provide the necessary staff; analysis of work processes, workload and determination of requirements for human resources according to workload, organizational culture, management and reprofiling of human resources; human resource management – recruitment, selection, staff retention, measurement of staff / institution performance, assessment of employee competencies and performance improvement, training and development, compensation and benefits, and career planning.


1. Joint Action Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting (2015). Handbook on health workforce planning methodologies across EU countries.

2. Fellows, J. and Edwards, M. (2014) User Guidelines on Qualitative Methods in Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting and

3. Hornby P., Santric Milicevic M. Human resources in Health Planning. In : Bjegovic-Mikanovic at al. Health management guides, readings and references for Serbia. Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia 2011.

4. Bjegovic-Mikanovic V, Vukovic D, Otok R, Czabanowska K, Laaser U. Education and training of public health professionals in the European Region: variation and convergence. Int J Public Health 2013; 58(6): 801-10.

5. Santric Milicevic M, Marinkovic J, Vasic V. Physician and nurse supply in Serbia using time-series data. Human Resources For Health, 2013:11;27.

6. WHO country assessment tool on the uses and sources for human resources for health (HRH) data. Geneva: World Health Organization 2012.

7. Green A. 2007. An Introduction to Health Planning for Developing Health Systems. 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press, pp: 331-385.

8. World Health Report 2006: Working together for Health. Geneva: World Health Organization 2006.

9. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. Human Resources Strategy in the Health Care System – Draft (World Bank Expert Report). Belgrade: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia 2006

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching methods:

Interactive lectures with active student participation, visual aids and printed materials.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    







Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Danilo Savović, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The main aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with the characteristics of crisis management in healthcare and the basic principles of planning, starting and implementing it. One of the goals is to influence the process of business idea development and the acquisition of knowledge in terms of the methodology and the content of the development of models for the repair and restructuring of a crisis healthcare institution.

Outcome of the course

By acquiring the knowledge and skills planned for the course Crisis Management in Healthcare the student will be able to understand the characteristics of crisis management in healthcare, utilize  a modern approach to organizing the operation of a crisis instutiton, apply knowledge from the domain of managing crisis situations, understand and recognize crisis situations, recognize the hazards when implementing a business undertaking and define the steps and models for mitigating the crisis situation.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

The concept and definition of change. The methods and the neccessity for changes. Technology as a generator of change. Resistance to technology changes. Changes induced by crisis. Changes as threats. Managing changes and management. Crisis dimensions. Types of crisis management. Repair strategy. Turnaround strategy. Narrowing operations strategy. Liquidation strategy. The search for crisis managers. Crisis managers’ experiences. The legal framework of crisis management. Financial management in a crisis. Procurement management in a crisis. Marketing management in a crisis. Controlling in a crisis. Human resource management in a crisis.


1. Senić R., Lukić S., Krizni menadžment I, Panevropski univerzitet Apeiron, Banja Luka,2008.

2. Omerčević S., Kulović Dž., Menadžment I, Mate,2018

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
The lectures are given with didactic and educational content in electronic or digital form on various presentational media.  Seminar papers are a specific form of independent study with topics assigned by the professor from wider programme frameworks of the course for which the paper is required. Seminar papers must satisfy the methodological criteria of academic literacy, citation standards, minimum length and content requirements that are defined in concert with the mentor during the topic assignment.

Practical teaching classes are intended for acquiring practical skills and elaborating the practical aspects of the main topics. Practical teaching classes follow and complement the thematical units of the lectures.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Marija Djekic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Students should acquire basic knowledge about the concept of financing in the health care system and acquire skills necessary for mobilization, accumulation and redistribution of money in order to meet the health needs of residents.

Outcome of the course

Knowledge and skills that the student will acquire: Expected knowledge and skills of students are acquired knowledge on issues related to responsibility, control and evaluation of the performance of health services. Students will be trained to clearly understand the use and practice of managerial accounting in planning and controlling health service activities; for the preparation and interpretation of a series of financial statements relating to accountability, costs, decision making and budget control. They will also adopt methods for evaluating different approaches to capital cost financing and learn to critically evaluate and apply investment assessment techniques relevant to health facilities.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes Models of health care financing, sources of financing and methods of payment to health care providers for their work. Methods of complete financial evaluation: financial reporting, cost accounting, income and balance sheet records. Control systems and interpretation of financial statements. Basic knowledge of costs in terms of: cost behaviors; cost analysis, as well as the relationship between costs and prices of health services; costs in measuring performance; fixed and flexible budgets; potential benefit from activity-based budgeting. Fundamentals of project investment, sources of funding, and cost-effectiveness analysis in project management. Financial planning. Financial analysis. Financial management system. Management of financial resources in health care.


3. Sholak Z. Health care financing. Institute of International Politics, Belgrade. 2010.

4. Јовичић К. Health care and health insurance systems. Institute of Comparative Law. White City. 2014

5.  Dragić M. Financial management in the health care system. Prijedor Medical School. 2018

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching methods Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.
Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    












Study program: Menagment in health care 
Teachers: Danilo Savovic, PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Introducing students to computer system protection technologies and basic principles of computer network and computer systems protection in healthcare. Understanding, applying and managing risks.

Understanding data security issues and computer systems. Understanding the legal framework in the field of patient data protection. Understanding, application and management of personal data protection, data warehousing and cloud computing, business analytics.

Outcome of the course

Possession of knowledge about technologies for protection of computer systems and basic principles of protection of computer networks and computer systems in health care. Ability of students to use individual technologies for the protection of computer systems, as well as their integrated application. Ability of students to identify personal data, types of processing, relevant actors and manage the processes of harmonization of business institutions of health institutions that process personal data by taking legal, organizational and technical measures.

Ability of students to assess the impact on the protection of personal data and define measures.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Monitoring. Mobile health service in the field of measuring, monitoring and controlling patients. Information security: concept and forms. Risk identification. Risk analysis and planning of computer network protection. Management of systems from the point of view of security and data protection in health care. Incident management and business continuity planning crisis management and disaster recovery. Protection policies. Personal data protection and privacy. Privacy and information privacy. The right to privacy. Personality data. International regulations – General Regulation on Personal Data Protection. Codes of conduct, certification and other instruments of self-regulation.

Impact assessment on personal data protection. Organizational measures: records of processing operations, harmonization of processes, organizational structures and normative acts. Technical measures: security of personal data in health care. Security breach notice. The role of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection.

Practical teaching

Exercises, Case studies, Use of legal databases, Use of tools for mapping data flows and their visualization, Training for harmonization of internal normative framework.


1. Diligenski A, Prlja D, Cerović D, Data Protection Law GDPR, Institute for Comparative Law, Belgrade, 2018.

Number of classes of active teaching    7 Lectures: 4 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    










Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Miroslav Knezevic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to actively participate in the teaching process, master the knowledge in the field of communication, in order to acquire communication competence and necessary skills for professional work in interaction with service users, communication, interpersonal communication, teamwork and public relations in health, social and educational institutions.

Outcome of the course

Ability to apply the acquired theoretical, pedagogical and psychological  knowledge in the field of communication and communication skills for working with preschool children.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Communications – general concepts, definitions, aspects, functions, types, models, methods, techniques; Personal skills of quality in communications: self-observation and self-esteem, political and social correctness, ethical principles in communications; Importance of verbal communication: speaking, listening, reading, writing Importance of nonverbal communication: body language, observation, recognition; Conflict resolution; Transmission, communication, presentation, reception – exchange of messages and establishment of a relationship between professional beautician, beautician – patient / client;

Emotional intelligence and empathy; Communication structure: cognitive, emotional and action aspect in relation to age. Styles in communication: assertive, passive and aggressive; Application of assertive techniques; learning assertiveness; Conflicts in communication – conflict management; Communication skills in providing support and assistance – advisory communication. Presentation; Lecture, public appearance, media – preparation and performance techniques.


“Communication Functions”; “Empathy and Ethical Principles”; ” Verbal and non-verbal communication ” ;; “Writing, reading, listening, speaking”; ” Assertiveness ” ” Communications for information ”; “Therapeutic communication”; “Communication in teamwork”; “Conflict Resolution”; “Electronic and telephone communication”;

“Communication for speech development”; “Public appearance, oral and poster presentation”; “Communication in conflict”.


1. Кneževič М. Коmunikacije, skripta, VZŠSS Мedika, Beograd 2021.

2. Кеkuš D: .Komunikacije u profesionalnoj praksi zdravstvenih radnika, II izdanje Beograd, autorsko izdanja 2010

3. Кеkuš D:  Моdeli integrisanih komunikacija u zdravstvu, FON Beograd.

4. Eide H.Eide T.:  Комunikacija sestra pacijent, UMST, Beograd. (2005)

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching methods:

Forms: frontal, group and tandem; Methods – oral presentation, conversation-discussion, role-playing, creative workshops. Working with a book. A combination of presentation, discussion and situation analysis.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Menagment in health care 
Teachers: Zarko Pavic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: Required knowledge of the basics of management, marketing and production management
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main elements of management of new technologies and innovations, as very important items for achieving, maintaining and strengthening the competitive advantage at the level of the company, and overall technological development.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students to use adequate techniques and knowledge for future professional activity in the field of managing new technologies and innovations.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

 Fundamentals of new technology and innovation management. Previous approaches to technological changes. Old and new techno-economic paradigm. New technologies and high technologies. Specific and general areas of management of new technologies and innovations. The meaning of technology. Technology as an object of management. Types of technologies. Technology package and technology components. The concept of technological „know-how“. Technology fragmentation. Nature, man, society and technology. Science-technology-practice relationship. New technologies and employment. Technology and organization change management. Reengineering and organizational changes. Integrative enterprise models, innovative organization model and comparative overview of management models. Technological evolution, life cycle of the organization and stages of development of a new product / process. Technological trajectories.

New technology management and productivity / organization / organizational structure. Technology transfer. Strategic and operational technology management. New technologies and company strategy. Models of technological strategy of the company. New technologies and the market. Innovative organization. Technological innovations and commercialization of invention. Classification of innovations (radical, evolutionary, architectural, component). Models of innovation activities.

Efficiency of innovation activities. The importance of innovation ability and knowledge management – the concept of visible and invisible property. New technologies and competitive advantage – Porter's generic strategies. A diamond of competitive advantages. Changing the techno-economic framework of modern business. New technologies and globalization. Accelerating technological changes.

New economy. Moore’s legality. Company gazelle. Abilities and competencies of the company. The core of competence. The root of competitive advantages. Appropriation of profits from innovations. Dynamic abilities. Appropriative regimes. Copying and imitation. Innovation activity and MSP. Knowledge management as the main competitive force of the 21st century. Key determinants and contributions of modern management of new technologies and innovations.

Practical examples:

Application of methods to support technology innovations in the company – methods and techniques of creative thinking, methods of evaluation, ranking and selection of technology, cases from practice.




1. Dragana Živković, Management of New Technologies and Innovations, Technical Faculty, Bor, 2006 (authorized lectures)

2.  Maja Levi-Jakšić, Sanja Marinković, Jasna Obradović, Management of Innovation and Technological Development, FON, Belgrade, 2005.

3. Slobodan Kotlica: Fundamentals of New Technologies and Innovation Management, Megatrend, Belgrade, 2001.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching methods

Theoretical classes with the development of practical examples through group, individual and combined methods of work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    








Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: MEDICAL LAW
Teachers: Savovic Danilo, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Aim of the course  is to provide students with knowledge and skills related to legal and ethical issues and ways to solve them in the health care system.

Outcome of the course

Students acquire basic knowledge of the main legal and ethical principles that influence decision-making in health care in Serbia and in the international environment.

They are specially preparing to solve key problems related to patients’ rights and ways of exercising them, as well as obligations and responsibilities.  They also get acquainted with the rights, obligations and responsibilities of medical professionals. They are trained to understand the legal and ethical framework of management in the health care system.  They are preparing for creating  a favorable environment for the application of ethical norms.


Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Lectures and excercises include:

Defining basic problems related to health care. Genesis of Medical and Health Law. International legal frameworks for health care. International Health Organization and its competencies. National legislative frameworks.

Medical and health ethics. Ethics committees and medical chambers.

Patients’ rights, obligations and responsibilities. Rights, obligations and responsibilities of medical staff. Media data and protection. Medical and genetic privacy of patients.

Research and the position of patients and medical staff. Special categories of individuals and their rights to health care. Regulation of medical services advertising. Ethical and legal aspects of medical experiments. Safety of pharmaceutical products and processes. Damage and liability. Legal frameworks for adopting health strategies.


1. Drakulić M., Legal and ethical aspects of modern medicine – patients’ rights, NISPAcee, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, 2006

2. Herring  J., Medical Law and Ethics,  OUP Oxford, Oxford, 2014.2.

3. Fremgen B.F., Medical Law and Ethics, Prentice Hall, New York, 2012.

4. Hervey T.K., McHale J.V., Health Law and the European Union, CUP, 2004.

5. Klajn Tatic V., Ethical and legal position of people as subjects of biomedical research and clinical trials, Institute of Social Sciences, Center for Legal Research, Belgrade, 2012.

6. Yount L., Right to die and euthanasia, Infobase Publishing, 2007.

7. Klosek J., Protecting Your Health Privacy A Citizen ’ s Guide to Safeguarding the Security of Your Medical Information, Praeger An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara, 2011.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 5    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 30    









Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: PUBLIC  HEALTH
Teachers: Vojin Vidanovic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 8
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Introduction into the general characteristics of public health and public health problems, with a special attention to ethical public health code in the application of multidimensional programs derived from public health strategy on the basis of evidence-based medicine.

Outcome of the course

The students are expected to apply the acquired knowledge in the field of public health from public health problems recognition to their resolving in a community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction into public health, definitions and historical development. Subject and content of public health– science and social practice. Public health as a multidisciplinary entity. Health and disease research methodology. Strategies for the promotion and advancement of public health. Social community’s distribution to promotion of a proper nutrition. Public health programs, production, administering, financing. Improper nutrition disease prevention among population groups, women, children, the elderly, the working population, for those in need of special care. Mobilization and resource engagement in the promotion of proper nutrition and improper nutrition disease prevention. Promotion of healthy lifestyles– nutrition and health.

Practical teaching

Parameters for public health problems in the field of nutrition. Healthy community lifestyle promotion and support. Identification of improper nutrition factors. Development of programs in the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases, cardiovascular, malignant, urinary, allergological, neurological and other diseases. Participation in the preparation of the Health Bazaar – the area of promotion of proper nutrition. Evaluation of community programs.


1. Lazarević A et al. Public health, social policy and health care – updated edition. Beograd: VŠSS in Belgrade, 2016.

2. Lazarević A. Social Medicine – updated edition. VZŠSS in Belgrade: Belgrade; 2015

3. Đorđević J. Dietetics 1 and 2: for students of the College of Health Professional Studies in Belgrade – study program Professional nutritionist dietitian, for professional nutritionists  / senior dietitiansfor patients. Belgrade: Djordjevic Jelena; 2013

4.  Tisovski S, Trbović B, Đorđević J. Nutrition planning and organization: for students of the College of Health Vocational Studies in Belgrade, the study program of vocational nutritionist and for nutritionists. Belgrade: Tisovski Silvana; 2013.

5.  Public health services – WHO/Europe

6. Public Health England (PHE)

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Introduction to Public Health. In: Public Health 101 Series. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2014. Available at:

8.  American public health  association:

9.  Law on Public Health, Republic of Serbia “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 15 of February 25, 2016.

Number of classes of active teaching    7 Lectures: 4 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lectures, practice, discussions, students’ practical activities method, campaigns and field courses.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: PRACTICAL TRAINING
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 3
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

§ To enable students to apply acquired scientific-professional and professional-applicative knowledge in the study program Physio and Occupational Therapies in Practice

§ To enable students to apply knowledge from the field of patient care, regulations and standards

§ To gain practical experience during student’s visits to a selected institution – company

§ To gain an understanding of the business activity and operations of a selected institution – company, which are closely connected to the area of physio and occupational therapy in general


Outcome of the course

Acquiring practical knowledge and skills required to perform specific complex practical problems in the area of physio and occupational therapy

Content of the course

§ Getting students acquainted with the activities pertaining to patient care and health care standards

§ Practical work in companies in Niš and surroundings

§ Practical work in institutions and companies in the country and abroad which activities are closely related to the field of patient care

§ Practical work by direct application of delivered content in the process of developing business activities in the field of patient care in objective/realistic conditions

Teamwork in solving practical tasks.


1. Marinković Lj: Management in health organizations, Higher Medical School, G.A.D: Belgrade, 2001.

2. Mićović P : Zdravstveni menadžment, Obeležja, Belgrade, 2008.

3. Rakic S, Antonic D. Fundamentals of Health Management, Pan-European University Apeiron, Banja Luka, 2015.

4. Mihajlovic B, Kostic N. Health management. Whose. White City. 2005.

Number of classes: 20×15=300
Teaching method:

Practical training is realized through students’ practical, independent and team work. Practical work includes visits to and work in institutions/companies which business activity is closely related to patient care, or working in student teams on development projects defined by companies and institutions, as well as practical work in companies in Niš and surroundings.

Practical training ЗНмм.105.О. takes 60×15=900 classes and is taken by the student in the first semester under the management of the practical training teacher/teaching assistant in the study program.

In order to become acquainted with concrete problems in their future occupation, students are sent to spend envisaged number of working hours in companies/institutions which business activity is closely connected to the field of economics-management. Students are given particular tasks in the work place which completion reflects the level of adopted knowledge envisaged in the program of study. These tasks are directly connected to the jobs they are intended to do after completion of studies. Students are assigned a mentor from the institution or company, who monitors and evaluates performance of delegated tasks- jobs. Practical training diary is kept throughout the training period wherein all activities assigned to the student are recorded. On completion of practical training, confirmation on completed training, signed by both relevant teacher/teaching assistant and mentor, is issued.

In case of student teamwork on a development project, the topic of the project is the development of a real economic-managerial business from the form of the domain of patient care to the virtual in the domain of patient care institutions by an independent student team of 6 to 10 members.

Development task is defined by a company/institution. On their project, students work in simulated company environment which virtual management comprises the teacher/teaching assistant in practical training and representatives of the company/institution that has defined the development task. The role of the virtual management, apart from project evaluation, is to provide all resources necessary for the successful project task. Teams of students are placed in separate facilities with the equipment necessary for the project realization. At the end of the project, student teams make presentation of the development project to the virtual management and company representatives.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Attendance and activity / commitment in practical training (1,2 and 3) 50 Defence of practical training portfolio 30
Practical training portfolio (1,2 and 3) 20    
Student's obligations:

Making and defence of practical training diary is mandatory







Study program: Menagment in health care
Teachers: Danilo Savovic, PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to acquire knowledge about the dimensions of health care quality and patient safety in the health care system, approaches in measuring the quality of health care, programs for continuous improvement of the quality of health care and on ways to implement quality assurance measures and safety measures in practice, in order to improve the quality of health services and increase patient satisfaction.

Outcome of the course

The expected knowledge and skills of students are the ability to critically and creatively analyze quality, safety and risk management models. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge about the process of accreditation of health care institutions, learn to assess the potential of implementing measures to improve the quality and safety of patients in practice.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Тheoretical basic concepts, principles and terminology of quality and patient safety management, with the application of an approach that is highly specific to health care institutions and includes structural process and outcome variables and quality indicators defined by the OECD, as well as in strategy and regulations in Serbia. User identification and design of health services. The place of quality and management system in health care. Application of management system models (quality, safety, risk, food safety, environment, safety, social responsibility, energy efficiency) in health care.

Practical and other forms of teaching Case studies in the field of quality management and patient safety that take into account all the specifics of continuous quality improvement in health institutions, using models based on (SRPS CEN / TS 15224 and ISO 15189) only where is possible, and that means in support services.


1. Cucic V, Simic S, Bjegovic V and associates. Terminological dictionary of quality in health care. Belgrade: Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2000

2. Legido-Quigley H, McKee M, Nolte E, Glinos IA. Assuring the quality of health care in the European Union – A case for action. WHO, on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2008

3. OECD. Health Care Quality Indicators 2015.

4. Avedis Donabedian. An introduction to Quality Assurance in Health Care. Oxford University Press, 2003.

5. Filipović, J. and Jovanović, B. Quality management in health care, (in press), FON, Belgrade

6. Kelly, DL (2007) Applying Quality Management in Health Care: A Systems Approach (2nd edition) Alpha

7. Swage, T (2003) Clinical Governance in Health Care Practice: Butterworth Heinmann

8. Emslie, S and Hancock, C (2008) Issues in Health Care Management, Health Care Governance Ltd

9. Chaff, LF ( 2006) Total Health and Safety for Health Care Facilities American Hospital Association

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 4 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminary work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    

















Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: ENGLISH
Teachers: Snezana Moretic-Micic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to provide all students with knowledge of a foreign language from primary to intermediate level on topics listed in the methodological units, as well as knowledge of grammar at this level.

Outcome of the course

After successfully mastered the course, the student will be able to:

– demonstrate knowledge of the foreign language through concrete application in business communication,

– demonstrate the understanding of professional terminology that will help them perform concrete activities in future work.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching and Eercises

Introducing  and situation dialogues (Simulation of social situations introducing and getting familiar with a business environment and practice in pairs and larger groups),

Introducing and situation dialogues (Grammatical exercise in relation to the use and construction of the Present tenses),

Using the phone (Simulation of telephone conversations and practice different situations in pairs),

Scheduling meetings (Exercises in pairs using a newlyvoyed lexical material; Grammatical exercise regarding the use and construction of Future tense),

Visitors reception (Exercises in pairs and larger groups),

Business partner reception (Exercising the dialogue on the topic of the business partner reception),

Business trip (Dialogues on the topic of different situations regarding business travelling by plane),

Hotel conversation (Dialogues on the topic of possible situations in the hotel; Grammatical exercises regarding the use and construction of Imperative),

Business lunch (Exercising possible dialogues at business lunch),

Customs formalities (Exercising possible situations on customs; Grammatical exercise regarding construction and use of Past tenses),

Trade (Dictation, writing and conversation on the topic of trade. Grammar – use of  Passice Voice in business vocabulary).



1. Group of authors, Business English, Anima Belgrade

2. Morrison Milne, Business Language Practice, LTP Business, 1997

3. Nadežda Silaška, English Grammar for Economists, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, 2001

4. Milorad Stojilović, English for Students of Industrial Management, Industrial Management Kruševac, 2006.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Classes are organized in the form of lectures (2 × 45 minutes) and exercises (1 × 45 minutes). The skills of speech, reading and writing are learned in parallel with grammatical rules, starting from the basic to intermediate  level. The translation in both directions is exercised at all levels, as well as an informative reading. Each group and level are assigned specific texts and tests of appropriate placement level. The active participation of the student is achieved by simulation in exercise of real situations from the business environment, the students run a conversation in pairs or in larger groups using a newly-introduced  glossary as they are theoretically prepared at classes. Additional activation is achieved by individual consultations with the teacher in the fixed terms.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 20    




















Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: GERMAN
Teachers: Ivan Martic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Learning one foreign language is mandatory for all students. The aim of the course is to provide all students with knowledge of a foreign language from primary to secondary level on topics listed in the methodological units, as well as knowledge of grammar at this level.

Outcome of the course

After successful completion of the course the student will be able to: demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language through concrete application in business communication; Demonstrate an understanding of professional terminology that will help them perform the specific activities that await them in future work.

Content of the course

Theoretical and practical classes 

Introduction and getting to know each other: Simulation of social situations of presentation and acquaintance in a business environment and training in pairs and larger groups.

Introduction and getting to know each other: Grammar exercises related to the use and construction of the present tense.

Mobile phone usage: Simulation of telephone conversation and practicing different situations in pairs.

Scheduling meetings: Practicing conversations in pairs using newly adopted lexical material; Grammar exercises related to the use and construction of the future tense.

Admission of visitors: Practicing the situation in pairs and larger groups.

Admission of a business partner: Practicing dialogue on the topic of admitting a business partner (client).

Business trip: Dialogues on various situations related to business travel by plane.

Hotel stay: Dialogues on possible situations in the hotel; Grammar exercises related to the use and construction of imperatives.

Business lunch: Practicing possible dialogues with patients.

Customs: Practicing possible situations at customs; Grammar exercises related to the construction and use of the past tense.

Customs formalities: Possible situations in dialogues.

Trade: Dictation and essay writing on the topic “Trade Grammar – the use of liabilities in business language”.

Division of trade: Conversation between teachers and students on the topic of health and health care institutions.

Wholesale shopping malls: Dictation, conversation; Grammar exercises related to the use and construction of liabilities.

Retail shopping centers: Conversation; Grammatical exercises related to the liabilities.


1. group of authors, Deutsch, Anima Belgrade,

2. Nadežda Silaški, Textbook for students, Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, 2001

3. Milorad Stojilović, Deutsh – Textbook, Industrial Management Kruševac, 2006.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Teaching takes place in the form of lectures (2 × 45 minutes) and exercises (2 × 45 minutes). Speech, reading and writing skills are learned along with grammar rules, starting from elementary to intermediate level. Translation in both directions is practiced at all levels, as well as informative reading. Each group and level is assigned specific texts and tests of the appropriate difficulty level. Active student participation is achieved by simulation in practice classes of real situations from the business environment where students lead conversations in pairs or in larger groups using newly acquired lexical material since they are theoretically prepared to work on exercises in lecture classes. Additional activation is achieved through individual consultations with the teacher in the scheduled time.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Colloquiums 20    


















Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: MASTER THESIS SUBJECT
Teachers: All teachers in study program
Status of the course: compulsory
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: all exams passed and practical training successfully completed
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

To introduce students with the rules, procedures and processes of the research work and presentation of the work from the field of business management

Outcome of the course

Student is able to demonstrate the application of principles and theoretical bases acquired over the course of studies, familiarity with the research in the field of Master Thesis topic.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Theoretical classes

Student’s independent work on the topic he/she has chosen from the list of available topics. Study research work describes the project the student is working on during a pre-defined timeframe. In his/her work, student makes sure that:

· study research work contains description of phases of work, obtained results and description of applied methods;

· scientific writing style is applied. Literature must include peer-reviewed texts and must not include solely references from the Internet;

· except for main results related to the topic, study research work must also include overview of main results from the narrow field the work pertains to. This way, students demonstrate familiarity with the research in that field. Good study research work usually contains analysis of similar works in English as well as explanations of similarities/differences with the results obtained by the candidate.

Practical classes 

Practicals, other teaching forms, study research work.


Depending on the chosen topic for the study research work. Literature comprises peer-reviewed papers and books.

Study research work 4x15=60 classes
Teaching method:

When enrolling for semester, students choose relevant topic that is recommended by the teacher. Students demonstrate independence in work in a chosen discipline by creating study research work which covers a topic pertaining to that discipline. In the exam, the work is defended through assessment of understanding of basic principles of the chosen discipline.





Study program: Menagment in health care
Name of the course: MASTER THESIS
Teachers: Master Thesis mentor
Status of the course: compulsory
Number of ECTS: 12
Teaching language: Serbian
Condition for Master Thesis topic application: student must pass all exams in the study program

Condition for Master Thesis defence: successfully completed practical training

Aim of the course

Creating Master Thesis from the professional-applicative field on the basis of results obtained in practice through research process and drawing comparisons with published data on the same subject; ability to link theory and practice; using research methodology in the area of physiotherapy; ability to adequately present results, reaching conclusions in the area of research; ability to valorize one’s own work, recommendation of measures and improvement of the field of  physiotherapy.

Outcome of the course

On completion of the Master Thesis, the student is expected to gain knowledge and skills in: literature search, assessment of validity and relevance of publications results, research design, formulation of research question, data collection, statystical analysis of results, analysis of obtained results, drawing proper conclusion from the research and creating presentation of results.

Upon completion of the Master Thesis, the student is expected to form opinions on ethical principles of the research work and critical approach towards his/her own results.

Ability to both individually and as part of a team participate in all forms of research work in the area of physiotherapy.

Content of the course

Master Thesis represents student’s research work where the student becomes acquainted with research methodology in the area of physiotherapy. Thesis pertains to professional-applicative subjects and relates to the research in the field of physiotherapy on all health protection (primary, secondary and tertiary) and implementation (prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients) levels. After conducted research, the student prepares thesis in the form that contains the following chapters: introduction, aims, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion with the recommended measures and literature.

Teaching method:

Depending on student's interest, the student chooses an area of research and a mentor accordingly. In agreement with mentor, Master Thesis topic, research design and necessary literature are defined. Research is conducted in collaboration with the chosen mentor. After the conducted research, the student prepares the Master Thesis according to instructions for writing Master Thesis. Oral defence in front of a three-member committee is public, accoding to the adopted College protocol.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Master Thesis 50 Public defence of Master Thesis 50