Course Catalogue – Vocational nursing











Course Catalogue of Basic Vocational Studies


Vocational Nursing







Subject code

Subject name Semester ESPB
1. SMS1101 Anatomia I 7
2. SMS1102 Basic physioligical and biochemical mechanisms I 6
3. SMS1103 Clinical pharmacology I 5
4. SMS1104 Pathology and pathophysiology I 7
5. SMS1105/1 Microbiology with parasitology I 5
SMS1105/2 Information technology in healthcare I
6. SMS1106 Health management II 4
7. SMS1207 Hygiene and health education II 6
8. SMS1208 Nursing care II 6
9. SMS1209 Internal medicine II 6
10. SMS1210/1 English II 4
SMS1210/2 German II
11. SMS1211/1 Professional practice 1 II 2
SMS1211/2 Summer practice 1 II 2
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600
12. SMS 2312 Health care in internal medicine III 6
13. SMS 2313 Surgery III 6
14. SMS2314 Neurology III 5
15. SMS 2315 Ethics III 5
16. SMS2320/1 Sociotherapy in rehabilitation III 6
SMS2320/2 Medical waste mamagement III
17. SMS2416 Gynecology and obstetrics IV 5
18. SMS2417 Nursing care in surgery IV 7
19. SMS2418 Nursing care in neurology IV 5
20. SMS2419 Nursing care in infectology and infectology IV 6
21. SMS2421/1 Communication skills IV 5
SMS2421/2 Legal frameworks and business documentation IV
22. SMS2422/1 Professional practice 2 IV 2
SMS2422/2 Summer practice 2 IV 2
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600
23. SMS3523 Nursing care in gynecology and obstetrics V 6
24. SMS3524 Psychiatry V 5
25. SMS3525 Pediatrics V 5
26. SMS3526 Pain therapy and palliative care V 6
27. SMS3531/1 Urgent conditions in medicine V 6
SMS3531/2 Geriatrics with care V
28. SMS3627 Nursing care in psychiatry VI 5
29. SMS3628 Nursing care in pediatric VI 6
30. SMS3629 Nutrition VI 4
31. SMS3630 Physical activity and health VI 5
32. SMS3632/1 Nursing care in primary health care VI 4
SMS3632/2 Social medicine VI
33. SMS3633/1 Professional practice 3 VI 2
SMS3633/2 Summer practice 3 VI 2
34. SMS3634 Scientific research activity VI 2
35. SMS3635 Final thesis VI 2
Total ESPB    60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600









Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: ANATOMIA
Teachers: Snezana Trifunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge about the structure of organs, organ systems and the entire human body, the composition of body fluids and the role of functional systems in maintaining homeostasis and to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in other disciplines, professional work and life.

Outcome of the course

Students become able to understand the anatomical organisations of individual organs, organ systems and organisms as well as understanding the main mechanisms of functioning of individual organs, organ systems and the human body as a whole.

Content of the course

Subject of study of anatomy and anatomical nomenclature. Division of body fluids, composition of cellular and extracellular fluid. Definition of tissues, tissue structure and their function. Hematopoiesis and hematopoietic organs. Physico-chemical properties and roles of blood. Structure, division of bones according to shape and role. The most important joints and movements in them. Muscle structure and division; types of muscle contractions; muscle work and fatigue and smooth muscle properties. Position the shape and structure of the heart and heart sac. Functional features: cardiac cycle, changes in cardiac work in special conditions of the organism. Blood vessels: blood pressure and regulation (reflex and humoral). Blood volume and regulation. Muscle tissue. Heart muscle. Smooth muscles, transverse striated muscles. Functional properties, mechanism and types of muscle contraction. Large and small blood flow. Aorta and aortic branch. Structure of lymphatic vessels and lymphatic organs. Position, structure and division of the airways. Structure and function of the digestive tract (digestion, resorption, excretion). The structure of the endocrine glands. Basic concepts of hormones and division. Division, shape and structure of the kidneys and urinary tract and urination reflex. Division of female sexual organs. Position, shape, structure of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Position, shape, structure of the uterus and menstrual cycle. Breast structure. Structure of internal and external male sexual organs. Structure and properties of the human nervous system. Impulse propagation. Reflex arcs. Regulation of motor skills, muscle tone. Vegetative nervous system. Hypothalamus, limbic system. Emotions. Psychosomatics. Rhythmicity in functioning. The structure of the eye, the auxiliary apparatus of the eye and the reception of sight. The structure of the senses of hearing. The structure of the skin and skin adnexa.


1. Human Anatomy, Prof. Dr. Nebojsa D. Milanovic, author's edition, Belgrade 2020

2. Anatomical atlas – Prof. Dr. Nebojsa D. Milanovic, author's edition, Belgrade 2020

3. Bogdanović M., Human Anatomy and Physiology, Author's edition, Belgrade 2013

4. Mitrašinović D .: Anatomy as a science. Belgrade, 2012

5. Human anatomy, descriptive and functional – MS Boskovic, Scientific KMD, Belgrade, 2005;

6. Anatomical Atlas-Jovanovic, Naucna knjiga 1995, Belgrade.

7. Anatomy and Physiology, Keros, Andreis, Gamolin, Školska knjiga 2003, Belgrade.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Zarko Pavic, Prof. MD PhD  Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge about functional processes in the organism, their interdependence and dependence on the influence of external factors, as well as functioning of the whole organism in normal conditions.

Outcome of the course

The acquired knowledge in physiology and biochemistry enables the student to follow and understand other medical courses during the studies. This especially refers to clinical courses, which deal with disorders of physiological and biochemical processes and their treatment.

Content of the course

Functional organization of the human organism and the concept of the internal environment. Organs and organ systems. Body fluids, their physical and chemical characteristics. Cell organization and function, cellular respiration, transport of substances across the cell membrane, membrane potentials. Blood physiology and hemostasis. Physiology of the cardiovascular system. Physiology of the respiratory system. Structure and function of the kidneys. Digestive system function. Structure and function of the liver and pancreas. Metabolic processes. Structure and function of the reproductive system. Function of the endocrine system. Physiology of the nervous system. Skin structure and physiology.

Significance of the subject of study of Biochemistry. Enzymes, general properties, mechanism of action. Regulation of enzyme activity. Clinically significant enzymes. The concept of biological energy, the place and role of ATP and other energy-rich compounds. Carbohydrate metabolism. Glycolysis, significance, enzymes. Monophosphate pentose pathway, uronic acid pathway. The tricarboxylic acid cycle. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. Degradation and resorption of lipids in the digestive tract. β-oxidation of fatty acids. Ketone bodies. Synthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Lipoproteins. Cholesterol. Protein metabolism, breakdown and absorption of AK. Ammonia transport and urea synthesis. Water and mineral metabolism. Urine. Physicochemical examination of urine. Determination of pH value.


1. Mitrović D et al. Osnovi fiziologije čoveka. 5ht edition. Cicero, Leskovac 2009, ИСБН 86-902139-3-7

2. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall.: Medicinska fiziologija. 11th edition. Savremena administracija, Belgrade 2008.

3. Todorović T, Stojanović T, Babić M. Osnovi medicinske biohemije. Stručna knjiga, Belgrade 2002.

4. Harvey R.A, Champe P.C,  Biochemistry, Lippincott Wlliams&Wilkins, 2005.

5. Spasić S, Jelić-Ivanović Z, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Opšta biohemija, Farmaceutical Faculty in Belgrade, 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, practical training with demonstration of the method unit and practice, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 35    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is introducing students to the general principles of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and to the basic principles of drug studies. Students gain knowledge of pharmacological effects, mechanisms of drug action and drug effects, pharmacokinetics, unwanted drug effects,  and of the most important  pharmacotherapeuthical principles. Students gain basic knowledge about toxicology, general principles of poison treatment and antidotes.

Outcome of the course

Students will gain basic knowledge of current pharmacology and pharmacotherapy and therefore be able to monitor for expected, unexpected and unwanted drug effects. Students will gain awareness of the place, importance and responsibility of vocational nurse in a therapeutical procedure.

Content of the course

Introduction to phamacology (drug, drug and poison, the origin of active substancies, drug nomenclature, drug classification, ATC system, bacis disciplines in applied pharmacology ) .

Drug development and preclinical studies. Clinical drug investigation  and phases of clinical drug trials. Methods in clinical drug studies and clinical drug testing. Placebo.

Pharmacokinetcs – drug transport through body membranes, drug resorption, drug distribution, metabolism and elimination.

Oral and parenteral drug use. Topical drug use. Doses and dosaging. Dose-effect relationship. Drug effects in organism. Types of drug action (drug selectivity, drug specificity, wanted and unwanted drug effects), mechanism of drug action  (the theory of receptors, drug-receptor interaction, agonists and antagonists, competitive and noncompetitive antagonism, other mechanisms of drug action), quantitative aspects of drug action, factors influencing drug action, repeated drug administration and change of the drug effect, drug interactions, unwanted drug reactions, unwanted and side drug effects, allergic reactions, drug dependence and drug addiction.

Drugs and somatic nervous system. Transmission and drug action in the central nervous system. Psychotropic drugs, general and local anaesthetics, muscle relaxant drugs, alcohol, antiepyleptics, antiparkinsonian drugs, analgetics.

Drugs and the autonomic nervous system. Cholinergic drugs. Anticholinergic drugs. Adrenergic drugs. Antiadrenergic drugs.

Drugs and cardiovascular system. Cardiotonic glikosides. Antiarrythmics. Antihypertensive drugs. Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions.

Drugs and respiratory system. Drugs and endocryne system. Drugs and gastrointestinal system.

Antiinfectives. General principles of antimicrobial action, classification. Antibacterials. Antifungal drugs. Antiviral drugs. Antiparasitic drugs.

General principles of action and combined use of cytostatics.

Antiseptics and disinfectants – mechanism of action and use.

Poisons and antidotes.


1. Raskovic A et al. Farmakologija, Alfa Graf, Novi Sad, 2015.

2. Prostran M et al. Klinička farmakologija, Medical Faculty in Belgrade, 2014.

3. Kažić T. Gotovi lekovi- Priručnik za farmakoterapiju – 13th edition. Integra, Belgrade 2011.

4. Raskovic A et al. Antibakterijski lekovi, Alfa Graf, Novi Sad, 2015.

5. Varagić V, Milošević M. Farmakologija, Elit medica, Belgrade, 2007.

6. Stringer JL . Osnovni koncepti u farmakologiji. Datastatus, Belgrade, 2008.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, practical training with demonstration of the method unit and practice, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 35    








Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Radoslav Radosavljevic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: passed anatomy exam
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with morphological and pathological changes of cells, tissues, organs and systems, and the correlation of these changes with the pathophysiological processes of certain diseases and conditions that will be the area of future work of a health worker.

Outcome of the course

Students will be able to recognize pathological changes and conditions in their work with patients and know how to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the process of treating patients.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Material and methods of study in pathology. Disease, causes and mechanism of disease (etiology and pathogenesis). Disorder and circulation of blood or lymph. Anemia (general and local), bleeding, thrombosis, embolism, edema and hydrops, dehydration, hematogenous metastasis. Atrophy, significance and consequences. Necrosis: ischemic (infarction, gangrene) direct, inflammatory (alterative inflammation, gangrenous inflammation). Sclerosis (cirrhosis) of tissues and organs: angiogenic (vascular), reparative, inflammatory. Hypertrophy. Degeneration, salt deposition and concretion formation. Regeneration. Transplantation. Inflammation. Causes, morphological division, classifications, spread, specific and nonspecific inflammations.

Tumors: definition, division and characteristics of benign and malignant tumors. Malignant cell, division of malignant tumors, onset and growth of tumors, local and general action of tumors, necrosis and bleeding in malignant tumors, metastasis of malignant tumors.

Special pathological anatomy. Pathology of the central nervous system and neuromuscular diseases: vascular diseases of the CNS, ischemic lesions of the CNS, purulent inflammation of the brain and cerebellum, multiple sclerosis, CNS tumor, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, Myasthenia gravis, Poliomyelitis anterior.

Pathology of the locomotor system: purulent ostemyelitis, tuberculous ostemyelitis, rickets, radiation osteitis, bone tumors, arthritis in rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthropathy. Systemic connective tissue diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, acute rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, Wegener's granulomatosis (dermatomyositis mentioned earlier).

Cardiovascular diseases: endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis. Pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, arteritis: abacterial arteritis. (Buerger's thromboangiitis, hypersensitivity angiitis, polyarteritis nodosa), nonspecific bacterial arteritis. Thrombophlebitis. Arteriosclerosis. Risk factors, circulatory insufficiency (shock, collapse). Diabetes mellitus. Gastric and duodenal ulcers (acute stress ulcer, chronic peptic ulcer). Ileus. Jaundice. Viral hepatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver. Idiopathic ulcerative colitis. Acute chronic renal failure. Accompanying nephritis. The concept of glomerulonephritis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Hemolytic uraemic syndrome.


6. Tatić V. Patologija za studente Više medicinske škole, Beograd, 2004.

7. Prof.Dr Dušan Mitrović: Patofiziologija,Beograd, 2010.


Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, consultations, seminar paper, colloquiums..

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    









Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Milenko Budimcic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

is for students to acquire knowledge about the properties of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites, their way of life and causing diseases, in order to apply the acquired knowledge in professional work and life and implement preventive measures to prevent infections.

Outcome of the course

To acquire the knowledge necessary to understand microbiological phenomena.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction to microbiology. Bacterial morphology and structure, bacterial physiology, bacterial reproduction and genetics. Effect of physical and chemical agents on microorganisms. Infection and infectious disease, nosocomial infections, germination. Fundamentals of epidemiology of infectious diseases, Vogralik chain, prevention and control measures. Pathogenicity and virulence. Immunity, innate, acquired. The term antigen, antibody. Immune response, humoral immunity, cellular immunity. Manifestations and types of immunity. Vaccines and serums. Hypersensitivity, autoimmune diseases.

Special bacteriology, cocci, bacilli, rickettsiae, spirochetes and other bacteria. Medical virology, general characteristics, division and reproduction of viruses, tropism. Chlamydia. Medical parasitology. Protozoa, flagellates, sporozoa, nematodes, cestodes, trematodes. Digestive and urogenital tract protozoa, blood and tissue protozoa. Medical mycology, general characteristics. Systemic mycoses. Sanitary microbiology-types of microorganisms in water. Wastewater microbiology, microbiological examination and wastewater treatment. Air microbiology, number and types of microorganisms in the air. Air purification. Milk microbiology. The origin of microorganisms in milk. Saprophytic microorganisms of milk. Molds in milk and pathogenic microorganisms in milk. Bacteriological examination of milk. Methods of destroying microorganisms in milk. Pasteurization of milk. Bacteriological norms for milk. Microbiology of food-meat, fruits and vegetables. Sources of contamination and multiplication of microorganisms in fruits, vegetables and meat. Surface sterility control. Control of germination in staff who come into contact with food.


are realized in the school and in the laboratories of the institutions with which the school has concluded an agreement on cooperation according to the curriculum which is realized on the theoretical teaching


8. Berger-Jekić O. I sar.: Medicinska bakteriologija, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 2008

9. Kalenić S. i sur. Medicinska mikrobiologija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2013

10. Marković Lj I sar.: Virusologija, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd, 2008

11. Arsić Arsenijević V I dr.: Medicinska mikologija I parazitologija, Centar za inovacije u mikologiji, Beograd, 2012

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Through lectures, illustrated lectures, interactive lectures, students acquire precise knowledge about the properties of pathogenic microorganisms. organisms and parasites, their way of life and causing diseases.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 10    










Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Zoran Katanic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

is acquainting with the implementation of information technology, information system management and information technology in healthcare.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students to implement information technology for problem solving in the domain of healthcare. Training students to use IS databases, learn basic project development requests and use those for research purposes.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching, understanding information technology and information systems; information resources and information systems; computing systems and data processing; software; telecommunication and computer networks; managing data resources; internet, electronic trading and e-business; automation of office operations; transparency of information technology in economy management; organization, management and information system interaction; ethical and social aspects of information technology and systems.

Practical teaching

Practicing in a PC lab with the operating system MS Windows XP and software suite MS Office. Practicing with software MS Visio, AutoCad, Mathcad and Matlab and other statistical software.


1. Dačić M. Metodologija izrade naučnostručnog rada u biomedicinskim istraživanjima. VMŠ, Beograd, 2005.

2. Dačić M. Biomedicinska naučna informatika. Peto, prerađeno i dopunjeno izdanje. Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 2001

3. Dačić M. Statistika i informatika u zdravstvu. VZŠ, Beograd, 2009.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures and practical teaching in a computer lab.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 10 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 25    



Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: HEALTH MANAGEMENT
Teachers: Maja Cogoljević, associate professor, Anđelić Slavica, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire knowledge of the basics of management and its application in practice.

Outcome of the course

Students will apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

General aspects of leadership and management in nursing.

Leadership, research and leadership theories.

Motivation, motivation theories, ways to motivate in nursing.

Personnel function and personnel policy.

Organization of nursing service. Division of labor / levels of nurses’ managers.

Shared management. Organizational models of health care-Model of primary care (Primary Nursing)

Case management model.

Patient-focused care model (Patient focused care). Planning in nursing.

Time planning in the organization of health care. Time management.

The importance of nursing in change planning. Budget planning and nurse participation. Implementation of control and monitoring in ensuring the quality of health care and services in nursing practice. Performance appraisal (performance).

Professional and ethical elements of leadership and management


1. Marinković Lj: Management in health organizations, GAD: Belgrade, 2001.

2. Mićović P: Health management, Obeležja, Belgrade, 2008.

3. S. Probbins, T. Judge: Organizational Behavior, Mate DOO, Zagreb, 2009.

4. Basics of management in the health system; Group of authors, Belgrade, 2011

5. Čajka Z, Jovanović L: Sustainable Marketing Management, Scientific Professional Society for Environmental Protection of Serbia “Ecologica”, Belgrade

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

L ectures, consultations, colloquium, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Ilic-Zivojinovic Jelena, MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to enable students to view the phenomena of health and disease from a broader, interdisciplinary aspect; to enable the acquisition of basic knowledge about human development in the field of biological, psychological and social functioning, about interpersonal relations in the family and society that affect the development, maturation and vital survival of the individual; that students understand the importance of health education as a scientific discipline and process that is applied to daily and planned health work with users of health services.

Outcome of the course

The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills as a health worker for health promotion and education of individuals, families and communities in primary, secondary and tertiary health care, to independently and in a health team to conduct health education interventions to promote health. and disease prevention. Application of knowledge about the importance of air, water, soil and proper nutrition for the normal functioning of the organism.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Introduction to communal hygiene. Atmosphere and air pollution. Measures to combat excessive air pollution in settlements. Air sampling and standard sedimentator. Electromagnetic properties of the atmosphere. Microclimate (temperature, humidity, air flow rate, heat radiation), dust, brightness and noise and vibration. Apartment and housing. Occupational hygiene. Water – Hygienic and epidemiological significance of drinking water. Water supply facilities. Organoleptic, chemical and bacteriological examination examination and disinfection. Wastewater and treatment. Medico-ecological significance of land. Nutrition and health. Food poisoning. The role of school hygiene as a preventive discipline in health and disease .. Mental-hygienic problems of adolescence and adulthood. Hygiene of sports and physical culture. Hygiene in emergency situations. Methods in health education; Communication, educational and organizational methods and strategies; Seven principles of WHO education; Health education tools – types, application and compliance; Implementing healthy. educational interventions in the family, preschool and school institutions, in the workplace; Application of health education interventions in the community.

Exercises: “Views on health”; “What does it mean to be healthy”; “Be a health educator”; “Style and quality of life”; “Behavioral changes”; “Individual Action Plan”; ” Preparation and execution of the health program. educational interventions ”; Interview, Lectures, Small group work; Education; Demonstration, handling, application, production of health education tools; Patient information and counseling; Participation in promotional activities according to the WHO; Campaigns.


1. Р. Kocijancic. Hygiene. Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids. Belgrade. 2002

2. Vasiljevic N, ch. editor. Practicum in hygiene and medical ecology for medical students. Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade 2010

3. Kekush, D. Health education. Second edition, Digital Art, Belgrade, 2009.

4. Baračkov N, Bujak J, Ilić D, Jović S, Panić M et al. Health education through life skills. Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, 2007. Supplementary literature.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, exercises, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: NURSING CARE
Teachers: Vesna Paunovic, Prof. MD PhD  Zeljko Vlaisavljevic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

of the course is to acquire basic and specific knowledge in health care, professional education of nurses with analytical thinking and development of skills for the implementation of health care procedures.

Outcome of the course

Formation of a positive attitude of students towards the profession and ability to apply the process of health care through defining the diagnosis of care and collaborative problem. Ability to apply independent and interdependent nursing interventions in a specific patient as well as the application of the health care process in the family and community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Historical development of health care and modern nursing. Education of nurses. Emergence and development of methods of health care process. Lead disease prevention programs. Primary, secondary and tertiary care. Nursing functions and competencies. Phases of the health care process. Analysis of classical care and process care. Needs and models need care. Diagnosis of care and collaborative problems. Care planning, planning elements and documenting a care plan. Nursing care in clinical hospital practice. Admission and discharge of patients. Implementation of basic care procedures and progressive care. Participation of patients and families in the implementation of care programs. Health protection and self-protection of nurses.ктивно учешће студената у различитим моделима пружања неге. Организовање  здравствене неге у болничким јединицана и и јединицама за интензивну негу.

Exercises: Establishing an interactive nurse-patient relationship. Admission of patients to a health care institution. Documentation of the health care process. Determining the need for care, formulating diagnoses of care and collaborative problems, planning goals and programs of care. Implementation of the planned care program. Evaluation, evaluation method. Documenting nursing interventions.


1. Munćan B. Zdravstvena nega1, Beograd, 2014.

2. Tijanić M, Đuranović D, Rudić R, Milović Lj. Zdravstvena nega i savremeno sestrinstvo, Naučna, Beograd, 2010.

3. Rudić R, Kocev N, Munćan B. Proces zdravstvene nege, Beograd, 2005.

4. Sestrinske procedure, odabrana poglavlja u knjizi Nursing procedures, prevod četvrtog izdanja, Datastatus, Beograd, 2010..

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 15    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 20    













Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: INTERNAL MEDICINE
Teachers: Dragan Jovanovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim is acquiring knowledge about etiopathogenesis of disease, how it manifests, the course, treatment and cure of diseases with the focus on contemporary diagnosis and therapy procedures.

Outcome of the course

Students are trained to recognise life threatening conditions in internal medicine and take necessary steps in carrying out the adequate procedure. Learning skills required for active participation in urgent diagnosis and therapy procedure. Ability to lead the team of health care workers in specialised intensive care units.

Content of the course

Internal propaedeutics

Relevant signs and symptoms. Pain, fever, syncope, paralysis, altering state of consciousness, dyspnoea, cough, nausea, diarrhoea, ascites. Urgent states. Genetics and human diseases: genetical aspect of  human diseases. Cardiology: arterial hypertension, coronary atheroscrelosis risk factors,  stable angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial diseases, pericardial disease, rheumatic fever, valvular heart diseases, heart arrhytmia, peripheral vascular diseases, acute cor pulmonale. Bacterial endocarditis, cardiac insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases rehabilitation.  Pneumophthisiology: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Asthma,  chronic respiratory failure, pneumonia, airway tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastroenterology, oesophagus and diaphragm diseases, stomach diseases, small and large intestine diseases, liver diseases, bile duct diseases, pancreas diseases.  Endocrinology: hypothalamus and hypophisis diseases, thyroid gland diseases, parathyroid gland diseases, adrenal gland diseases. Obesity. Hematology: anemia, malignant hemophaties, rheumatology, inflammatory rheumatic diseases, metabolic rheumatic diseases, degenerative rheumatic diseases, extra articular rheumatic disease, Nephrology: acute renal failure, urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, uremia, chronical kidney disease.


1. Group of authors (editor Dragoljub Manojlovic), (2009) Internal Medicine, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Belgrade

2. M. Ostojic, et al. (2012), Cardiology,  М. Ostojic et al. (2012), Cardiology, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Belgrade

3. Djurica S.: Internal Medicine, Medical college of applied sciences, Belgrade, 2000.

4. Manojlovic D. : Internal Medicine, I, II, 2003

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

L ectures, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: ENGLISH
Teachers: Moretic- Micic Snezana, Prof. PhD  
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The objectives of the course are to enable students to independently use professional literature in English; to train students for written and oral communication in English; training students to process and extract information from foreign sources necessary for work in the profession, in written and oral form.

Outcome of the course

Students will maintain a productive knowledge of English acquired in the previous stages of learning as well as be able to express themselves independently within the topics related to the professional sphere.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching and exercises:

Review of grammatical categories of the English language, connection with functions.

Verbs – present tense, past tense.

Verbs – future (simple and continuous).

Verbs – infinitive, participle, gerund form.

Nouns, pronouns.

Adjectives, adverbs.

Direct and indirect speech.


Passive Voice.

The syntax.

Functions in English.

Giving instructions, descriptions, requests, commands.

Expressing personal opinion, comparison, recommendations, discussion (argumentation), etc.

Lexical scope of language, vocabulary of professional language.

Features of the style used in scientific and professional publications, speech, correspondence.

Translation – basics of translation theory and technique.


1. Murphy,  Raymond: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012

2. Maher, John Christopher. International Medical Communication in English. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004

3. English Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquiums,  exercises, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: GERMAN
Teachers: Ivan Martic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge on the structure of organs, organ systems and the entire human body, the composition of body fluids and the role of functional systems in maintaining homeostasis and to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in other disciplines, professional work and life.

Outcome of the course

Students become able to actively apply the acquired knowledge through conversation and writing reports. They are able to express their plans and cope with everyday situations by actively using the acquired vocabulary.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

The subject of study is German language and its application in everyday situations as well as in communication with patients. Teaching is theoretical, working on mastering German grammar and professional medical terminology and specific expressions.

The practical part includes phonetic exercises and conversation exercises.

At the beginning of working with students, testing is conducted to determine their level of knowledge.

Revision of grammatical categories of English language, connecting with functions.

Verbs – present tense, past tense. Verbs – future (simple and continuous).

Verbs – infinitive, participle, gerund.

Nouns, pronouns. Adjectives, adverbs. Direct and indirect speech.

Sentences. Giving instructions, descriptions, requests, demands. Expressing personal opinion, comparison, recommendations, discussion (argumentation), etc. Lexical scope of language, lexical fund of professional language.

Features of the style used in scientific and professional publications, speech, correspondence.

Translation – basics of translation theory and technique.

Practical classes are realized by working in small groups according to the theoretical teaching plan.


1. Тhemen Aktuell A1/1 Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch, Hueber Verlag, 2013

2. Themen Aktuell A2/1 Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch, DAF, Hueber Verlag, 2013

3. Menschen im Beruf, Pflege B1, Hueber Verlag, 2014

4. Граматика савременог немачког језика, Нада Арсенијевић, Партенон, Београд 2007.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 30    
Colloquiums 10    












Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Tamara Trutnovski Kocovic, PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 – 2
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The goal of professional practice is for the student to practically apply the acquired knowledge, through well-organized work and achieve a higher degree of professional independence and master the nursing skills necessary for the work of a vocational nurse.

Outcome of the course

The ability of students to apply and implement the acquired knowledge in working with patients of various pathological conditions. The student is trained to: assess the patient's condition; synthesizes relevant patient information; applies the health care process; participates in the planning and implementation of treatment; competently communicates with the patient and other relevants in the course of their profession; performs evaluation to assess the justification of treatment.

Content of the course

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester. During the professional practice 1, the student should acquire knowledge and ability to apply certain nursing interventions in the process of health care of patients, as well as in the process of health education work with healthy users. The content of professional practice includes the following contents:

Introduction to health care institutions and health procedures. Part of the professional practice takes place in laboratories where students can see how biochemical, pathophysiological and microbiological analyzes are done. Introduction to pharmaceutical institutions and the method of application of therapy in health care institutions. Nursing interventions when admitting patients to a hospital; Application of methods of health care process: establishing an interactive relationship with the patient; determining the needs for health care, independent realization of planned independent nursing activities and participation in the realization of interdependent interventions; documenting activities; preparing patients for discharge; evaluation of health care outcomes. Documentation of the health care process.

In the local community: Participation of students in programs of comprehensive and multidimensional prevention of mental disorders according to the National Strategy in the field of mental health; Participation in events according to the WHO Health Calendar; Participation in Preventive programs for suicide prevention – Tele appeal service; Participation in prevention programs for the prevention of mental disorders and behavioral disorders of young people. Health promotion – active participation of students in public health campaigns according to the WHO Calendar and according to action plans – Strategy at the national level; Application of special health education programs in the prevention of diseases of greater sociomedical significance.

Structure of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. The student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the School has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the School. 900 classes of that 600 classes students realize during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and in the summer they practice 40 hours a week, namely eight hours a day per day which is about one month and a half during the summer. Students can be involved in both day and night work, depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation: In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods are applied within the subjects with the use of methods of health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling, are also planned.
Total number of classes = 900 classes Students spend 600 classes during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays.
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the School. Professional practice is evaluated descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized” or “not realized”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.









Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Zeljko Vlaisavljevic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Students’ ability to plan, implement and evaluate health care based on the recognition of general and specific needs of internal medicine patients. Mastering the skills necessary for active participation in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Ability to lead a health care team in a hospital setting, while respecting professional and ethical principles, by applying appropriate communication skills. Ability to implement health – educational interventions and education of patients and families in terms of implementing measures of secondary and tertiary disease prevention, as well as preventive strategies to improve health.

Outcome of the course

Formation of a positive attitude of students towards the profession and ability to apply the process of health care through defining the diagnosis of care and collaborative problem. Ability to apply independent and interdependent nursing interventions in a specific patient as well as the application of the health care process in the family and community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching Levels of care and treatment of patients in the field of internal medicine. Prehospital and hospital approach in the care of internal medicine patients. Patient triage. Hospital care of patients – admission, discharge. Specifics in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Participation of the nurse in the preparation and care of patients and materials, as well as the performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of internal medicine. Emergencies in cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, nephrology, hematology. Determining general and specific needs for patient care. Specifics of health care of patients on chemotherapy. Basic Health education work with patients and members of their families.

Exercises Organization of the internal medicine service. Basic rules of prehospital and hospital patients care. Patient admission and discharge procedures. Specifics of receiving a life-threatening patient. Intensive care unit. Activities of a nurse in a specialized unit for intensive treatment and care of internal medicine patients. Nursing interventions in performing noninvasive and invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Handling of cytotoxic agents and personal protection of medical staff, patients and the environment. Health care in terminal and comatose states. Observing and determining the need for patient care. Practical application of the Health Care Process and management of nursing documentation. Awareness and health education work with patients and their family members.


1. Bošković, S.: Zdravstvena nega u internoj medicini, Visoka zdravstvena škola strukovnih studija u Beogradu, Beograd, 2014.

2. Manojlović, S., Matić Đ.: Zdravstvena nega u internoj medicini – intervencije medicinskih sestara, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2010.

3. Manojlović S., Tešić M., Radojević D., Milinović S.: Standardizovane aktivnosti medicinskih sestara u endokrinologiji i endokrinoj hirurgiji, Licej, Beograd, 2010.

4. Krstić, M. urednik: Interna medicina, Katedra interne medicine, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2009.

5. Myers,A., Drezgić, M. (ed.): NMS Medicina 1,2,Lippincott Williams&Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer Health, Beograd, 2010.


Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

theoretical teaching, consultations, practical training, exercises, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Practical knowledge examination 25    
Colloquiums 20    










Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: SURGERY
Teachers: Branislav Antic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: Passed anatomy exam
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the methods of clinical trials, diagnostic procedures, preoperative preparation and preoperative treatment, with the methods of modern anesthesia and resuscitation procedures; show them modern principles of approach to pathology, prevention and treatment of surgical diseases and insults; enable them to solve specific problems and needs; prepare them and train them as part of team as well as independent work.

Outcome of the course

The ability of students to recognize life-threatening conditions in surgery and take appropriate action. Mastering the skills necessary for active participation in urgent surgical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Ability to work in specialized units for surgical intensive care.

Content of the course

History of surgery. Diagnosis: anamnesis and clinical examination, radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, endoscopy. Interventional diagnostic-therapeutic procedures. Stages of operative treatment: preoperative, operative, postoperative. Anesthesia and resuscitation. Infections in surgery. Asepsis and antisepsis. Injuries: mechanical, burns, polytrauma. Wound healing. Bleeding. Surgical shock. Complications in surgery: general, local. Injuries and diseases of the head, skull and brain: skull fractures, brain injuries, diseases of cerebral blood vessels, intracranial bleeding, tumors. Spinal injuries and diseases: spinal fractures, congenital and acquired deformities, degenerative diseases, tumors. Injuries and diseases of peripheral nerves. Chest: rib fracture, thoracic wall tumors, congenital anomalies. Pleura: pneumothorax, tumors, empyema. Lungs: abscess, cysts, chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer. Esophagus: injuries, tumors, foreign bodies, hiatus hernia, reflux disease. Heart: injuries, heart valve diseases, ischemic diseases. Heart transplantation. Abdomen: abdominal pain, acute abdomen, ileus, abdominal wall hernia. Stomach and duodenum: gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric cancer. Small intestine: tumors, Meckel's diverticulum. Colon: appendicitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, polyposis, cancer. Рецтал царцинома. Perianal region: hemorrhoids, tumors, fistulas, fissures. Liver: tumors, cysts, abscess, cirrhosis. Biliary tract: calculosis, biliary carcinoma. Pancreas: acute pancreatitis, cysts, cancer, Spleen: splenomegaly, injuries. Port hypertension. Kidneys: anomalies, calculosis, inflammation, hydronephrosis, tumors. Ureters: calculosis. Bladder: inflammation, tumors, calculosis. Male genitalia: cryptochism, phimosis, torsion, hydrocele, varicocele, inflammation, tumors. Prostate; cancer, benign hyperplasia. Bone and joint system: fractures, dislocations and subluxations of joints, degenerative joint diseases, extraarticular rheumatism, tumors, ruptures and sprains of tendons and ligaments, muscle injuries.. Blood vessels: injuries, gangrene, aneurysms, varices, thromboembolism. Limb amputation. Skin: injuries, tumors, infection, ulcers, pressure sores.


1. Maksimović Ž i saradnici. Hirurgija-udžbenik za studente, Beograd, Medicinski fakultet, 2008.

2. Domazet N. Hirurrgija sa ortopedijom i traumatologijom. Beograd, IKA tačka, 1996.

3. Dragović M. Ambulantna hirurgija, beograd, Vbalerta, 2006

4. Stevović D i saradnici. Hirurgija, Beograd, Savremena administracija, 2000.

Dragović M, Todorić M. Urgentna i ratna hirurgija, Beograd, Valerta, 1998.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 45    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: NEUROLOGY
Teachers: Stojanovic Biljana, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire the necessary knowledge about the structure and function of the nervous system in normal and pathological processes, the most common neurological diseases, their causes,  clinical picture and diagnostic  and therapeutic  approaches.

Outcome of the course

Ability to recognize and understand various neurological phenomena as the basis  of neurological propaedeutics, as well as the way neurological health care works and rehabilitation.

Content of the course

General concepts about the structure and function of the nervous system. Motor disorders.  Syndrome of damage to central and  peripheral motor neurons, neuromuscular junctions. Sensitivity and sensory disturbances. Autonomic nervous system and syndromes of autonomic nervous system disorders. Cerebellum and extrapyramidal systems. Basal ganglia. Brain lobe damage syndromes and neuropsychological  syndromes. Diagnostic methods in neurology.  History.  Inspection. Neurological finding.  Menthal status.


1. Pavlovic D. Neurology. Orion Art, Belgrade, 2016.

2. Levic Z. Fundamentals of  Modern Neurology, Institute for textbooks and teaching aids,, Belgrade, 2000.

3. Radojicic B.: Neurological examination  and Basics  of Clinical neurology, Elit Mecica, Belgrade 2006.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, exercises, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 45    




Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: ETHICS
Teachers: Jovan Jugovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

– adoption of ethical principles and their practical application;

– training students for a critical relation towards habits, attitudes and types of patient-approaching in order to establish an ethical approach and find solutions in a given situation.

Outcome of the course

To apply in practice ethical principles in accordance with the Rights of a Child Convention

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Sociological genesis of morality: the role of the social system in the formation of value systems. Customs and morals, religion and morality, law and morality – differences: customary, religious, legal and moral norms. Pranorms: norms of the original community. History of ethical teachings: ethical teachings of ancient Greece (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, hedonism, stoicism – clinical direction) ethical teachings of the Middle and New Ages (Spinoza, Rus, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, utilitarianism), the latest ethical teachings (Marx, Engels, existentialism -Sartre). Yugoslav ethical practice. Positive and negative psychological and moral characteristics – virtues and flaws. Characteristics of magical medicine. Scientific medicine. Hippocrates, Seneca and Largus and their doctor's description. The Hippocratic Oath. Codes. International Code of Medical Ethics. Geneva revision of the Hippocratic oath. Code of Ethics of Healthcare Workers of Yugoslavia. Oath of Florence Nightingale. International Code of Ethics for Healthcare Professionals. Ethical attitude of the health worker towards the patient: the patient as a subject of treatment. Principles of communication health worker patient, verbal and nonverbal communication, transfer and countertransference. Attitude of health worker towards patient in certain branches of medicine – ethical specifics in psychiatry, oncology and attitude towards dying patient, ethical attitude towards sick child, in gynecology, towards handicapped patient, ethical problems in surgery, problems of communication with infectious patients. Great and eternal ethical themes and dilemmas: euthanasia, secret experiment. Ethical attitude of a health worker towards another health worker, ethical principles of communication with the patient's family. Ethical problems of health education, ethical obligations of the health worker towards the social community. Ethical aspects and norms of behavior in a health institution, ethical problems of modern medicine: prevention, diagnosis, expertise. Medical law: the principle of self-determination by patients. Mistakes in medicine and criminal liability of health workers.


1. Јugovic Ј.: Оdabrana poglavlja etike, skripta. VZSSS Мedika, Beograd 2021.

2. Muncan B.: Sestrincka etika, Mladost-biro, Beograd, 2009.

3. Мaric Ј.: Меdicinska etika, „Bareks“ Beograd, 2018.

4. Мaric Ј.: Оsnovi medicinske etike, Visa medicinska skola, Beograd, 1978.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium, term papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Anita Kovacic-Popovic, PhD   Vojin Vidanovic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Introducing students to modern theoretical and practical achievements in the field of sociotherapy in rehabilitation (medical, social and professional). Also, acquiring knowledge about the methods of sociotherapy in prevention, diagnosis and therapy within the rehabilitation and social integration of persons with various disorders, conditions and diseases.

Outcome of the course

Application of acquired knowledge and skills in the field of sociotherapy in rehabilitation as a multidisciplinary field that is present in its complexity in all aspects of rehabilitation. As such, it is present in the work of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching: Teaching covers theoretical and practical socio-medical aspects and possibilities of sociotherapeutic action in prevention, diagnosis, therapy, training, rehabilitation and social integration of persons with different types of disorders, conditions and diseases, persons with disabilities and persons with special needs. “Open forms” of protection and integration of persons with disabilities. Characteristics and possibilities of rehabilitation and social integration of children with disabilities. Studying the elements of sociotherapeutic work in the therapeutic dimensions of the group, communication theory, interpersonal psychology, field theory, etc. Within the rehabilitation process, sociotherapeutic aspects of occupational, occupational and recreational therapy as well as environmental therapy are studied. Special emphasis is placed on the elements of therapeutic work in the family environment, on network or network therapy.

Exercises: Acquisition and adoption of elements of sociotherapeutic work of rehabilitation, in which physiotherapists participate.


1. Popović Kovačić A.: Skripta iz socioterapije u rehabilitaciji, 2020. VZŠSS Medika 

2. Simić M.: Skripta iz gerontologije, 2002.

3. Lakićević M: Metode i tehnike u socijalnom radu, FPN 2003.

4. Jovčić LJ: Skripta iz socioterapije u rehabilitaciji VZŠSS 2015.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, exercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Aleksandra Sekulic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Gaining knowledge about importance of appropriate disposal of medical waste, with respect to health of employees, patients and local population and environmental protection.

Outcome of the course

Obtained knowledge and expertise in medical waste recognition and classification and ability to efficiently apply acquired knowledge and skills in a daily professional work.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction to medical waste management, type of wastes, key principles in medical waste management. Medical waste hazards. Legislation. Medical waste risk control. Classification and arrangement of medical waste. Packaging and marking of medical waste. Safe handling of medical waste. Safety and health on work, injuries at work caused by sharp objects. Handling of spilled medical waste, treatment and disposal of medical waste. The flow of infectious waste.


Determining the risk. Classification of medical waste on place of origin, usage of appropriate containers and bags. Sterilization of medical waste in autoclaves, medical waste classification by EWC – hands-on experience. Handling of spilled medical waste. Measures in cases of injuries, accidents.


1. Jan Gerrit Tesink, Craig C, Milanović S et al. Upravljanje medicinskim otpadom, priručnik za učenike medicinskih škola, septembar 2012. Tehnička podrška za tretman medicinskog otpada u Srbiji, EU, Ministarstvo zdravlja RS.

2. Milanović S, Jovanović V, Mršulja A et al: Radna sveska za upravljanje medicinskim otpadom za medinske škole, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2015.

3. Nacionalni vodič za bezbedno upravljanje medicinskim otpadom, septembar 2008.

4. Lewis LS, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L.: Medical surgical nursing : Assessment and management of clinical problems.

5. Pravilnik o upravljanju medicinskim otpdaom, Sl. Glasnik RS br 78/2010.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lecture, practical training, seminars.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 25    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Aleksandra Mladenovic Mihailovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Introducing students to the scientific and practical basics of gynecology and obstetrics.

Outcome of the course

Students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in the field of gynecology and obstetrics patient care professionally, while respecting the patient's personality and privacy based on the principles of medical ethics and life preservation.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

1. Basic concept of  anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system 2. Gynecologic procedures 3.Hormons in gynecology 4: Infertility and contraception 5:.Abnormality of menstruation 6:Diseases of female reproductice system7:Abortion 8 :The menopause and climacteric 9. Gynecologic history and examination 10. Instruments using in gynecolocic procedures.. 11.Labor


1.Introduce the student to modern diagnostic procedures in gynecological  clinical practice. 2. Introduce the student to modern diagnostic procedures in obstetrics clinical practice 3:Treatment and care of the patient in urgent situations. 4. Control and treatment wound after gynecolog.and obst. operations. 5 :Diagnosis of pregnancy. 6 :The duration og pregnancy 7: :Prenatal care 8:Post-partal monitoring 9. Gynecologic history and examination



1. Prof D. Mladenović Z. Mladenović Bogdanović , A. Mladenović Mihailoić , “Ginekologija i akušerstvo” Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Bgd  , 2009

2. Williams” Obstetrics” 21st edition McDraw-Hill companies 2001

3. Peter W. Callen”Ultrasonography in obstetrics and gynecology “ 4th editionSaunders 2000

4. Šćekić M” Prenatalna dijagnostika naslednih oboljenja primenom savremenih metoda medicinske genetike” Skver Kragujevac 2005

5. Charles R. Beckman,Smith, Herbert, Ling, Barzansky. Laube Lippincott Williams & Wilkins “ Obstetrics and ganoceology” 2005

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion,  individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: NURSING CARE IN SURGERY
Teachers: Negra Terzic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

I Introducing students to the scientific and practical basics of surgical nursing care and how to apply them properly and professionally for the benefit of improving the health of patients.

Outcome of the course

Students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in the field of surgical patient care professionally, while respecting the patient's personality and privacy based on the principles of medical ethics and life preservation.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

1. Basic concept of nursing care in surgery 2. Nursing profession of midwife in the surgical nursing system 3. Surgical nursing care in preoperative and postoperative course. 4. Bleeding and Hemostasis. 5. Wound categorization. 6.Infections in surgery. 7. Anesthesia and resuscitation. 8. Nursing specificities in traumatology and orthopedics. 9. Shock condition and transfusion administration. 10. Nursing specificities in abdominal surgery. 11. Nursing specificities in urology and transplant surgery. 12. Specific features of nursing care in thoracic surgery. 13. Specific features of nursing care for neurosurgical and ophthalmic patients. 14. Specific features of nursing care in otolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery. 15. Oncology surgery, modalities of pain control.


1. Educational guidelines for the application of nursing care. 2. Implementation of nursing process. 3. Educating the student to access the patient through the surgical nursing system. 4. Introduce the student to modern diagnostic procedures in surgical clinical practice. 5. Treatment and care of the patient with electrolyte disorders. 6. Wound control and treatment. 7. Control and care of drains. 8. Control of intravenous and intraarterial cannulation, measurement of CVP. 9. Transfusion administration. 10. Recognition of clinical manifestations of shock in patients. 11. Application of intervention measures in trauma and administration of CPR. 12. Bandaging of postoperative wounds – wound healing, removing stitches. 13. Application of medicamentous therapy in preoperative and postoperative course. 14. Post-anesthetic monitoring of patients. 15. Pain management.


1. Terzić N: Zdravstvena nega u hirurgiji, Grafo Pres, Valjevo, 2019.

2. Stoiljković J: Zdravstvena nega u hirurgiji, Altera Books, Belgrade, 2014.

3. Glišić R.:  Zdrastvena nega u hirurgiji 1, Cicero, Belgrade, 2011.

4. Stevović M. and co-workers: Hirurgija za studente i lekare, Savremena administracija, Belgrade, 2000.

5. Lewis LS, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L.: Medical surgical nursing : Assessment and management of clinical problems, 8 edition,  Canada, 2011.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, practical training with demonstration of the method unit and practice, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Zeljko Vlaisavljevic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of health care in neurology and their application in hospital conditions in neurological patients and in the practice out of hospital in order to improve health.

Outcome of the course

The student will have acquired knowledge and skills for continuous evaluation of the condition of neurological patients, determination of individual needs on the basis of which a health care plan and program will be made and implemented.

Content of the course

Theoretical lectures : Importance of the medical care in the neurology. Admission and evaluation of the  condition of the neurological patient. Consciousness and vital functions, communication, motor skills, sphincter control, sensory-perceptual abilities. Protocol for the Medical Nurse in the Unit for the Brain Stroke.  Organisation of the implementation of health care for patients with neuropsychological disorders, peripheral nerve diseases, movement disorders, neuromuscular diseases, demyelinating disorders and neurological paroxysmal disorders. The Implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The process of health care in certain neurological conditions: pain, sensory disorders, visual changes, olfactory and bulbar disorders, communication problems and immobility. Nutrition, control functions of the bladder and bowel movements. Prevention of possible complications of inactivity. Education of family members for care at home.

Practicies : Organisation of the work at the Clinic of the Neurology. Triage with respect to the criteria of progressive care. Interventions for nurses in the neurodiagnostics. Admission of a neurological patient, assessment of consciousness -GKS and prioritization. Respiratory and nutritional support. Patient care procedures in a Brain stroke unit. Nutrition as an integral part of therapeutic treatment. Sweeper control. Risk factor analysis and prevention of inactivity complications. Nutrition as an integral part of therapeutic treatment. Sphincter control. Risk factor analysis and prevention of inactivity complications. Care interventions in the presence of pain. Nursing interventions in epi seizures. Health care of patients with: headache, intracranial tumors, dementia, neuromuscular diseases, peripheral nerve diseases, motor neuron disease and multiple sclerosis. Psychological support of patients and families.   


1. Мaksimovic M: Health care in neurology, Classbook, VZS, Belgrade ; 2009.

2. Babic L, Matijevic M, Sarenac D ; Health care in neurology, Licej, Belgrade, 2006 ;

3. Kostic V. and associates. Neurology for medical student. Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade, 2009 ;

4.  Djurkovic P. -editor. Nursing Procedures, 4th edition, Data Sataus, Belgrade 2010.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

lectures, exercises, demonstrations, seminar works, consultations

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Check of practical work 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Mijoljevic Vesna, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

is that students in their vocational education and health education must be acquainted with infectious diseases in general, their recognition, mode of transmission as well as protection measures; to know the needs for health care in patients with infectious diseases, diagnostic procedures and therapy.

Outcome of the course

The ability of students to recognize the clinical characteristics of infectious diseases, the implementation of preventive measures as well as mastering the teaching content of health care in infectology.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Significance of infectious diseases. Etiology of infectious diseases. Epidemiology of infectious diseases.

Introduction to epidemiology; basic terms and definitions. Vogralik's chain. Immunity. Nonspecific resistance and specific resistance. Humoral and cellular immune response. Measures to prevent and control infectious diseases. Infectious agent as a biological weapon. Epidemiological problems in emergencies. Intrahospital infections. Pathogenesis – entrance door, spread, mechanisms of damage, clinical picture and course of infectious diseases. Diagnosis of infectious diseases. History. Physical examination. Epidemiological survey. Microbiological diagnostics. Direct and indirect methods of pathogen isolation.

Therapy of infectious diseases. Antimicrobial therapy. Antiviral drugs. Serotherapy. Symptomatic treatment. Hygienic-dietary regime. Immunization. Classification of infectious diseases. Respiratory diseases. Bacterial intestinal diseases. Meningitis. Other bacterial diseases. Vector diseases. Anthropozoonosis. Special infectious diseases. Sepsis. Viral diseases. Protozoal diseases. Fungal diseases.


Organization of the work of the nursing service in the infectious department. Report of infectious diseases, method of filling in and records in the protocol. Infectious ward regime – isolation of patients, distribution of clean and unclean laundry, food and waste. Measures to prevent nosocomial infections and the role of the commission for nosocomial infections. Medical-technical interventions in the infectious department. Specifics of receiving and sending infectious material. Access to an infectious patient according to the health care process for the following diseases: rash fever, intestinal infectious diseases, comatose patients, meningitis, hepatitis, protozoal diseases, AIDS, chemical and drug poisoning.


1. Nožić D,  Infektivne bolesti sa epidemiologijom . Urednik  Darko Nožić; Beograd 2008.

2. Božić M, Dokić Lj, Nikolić S, Pavlović M, Šašić M. Infektivne bolesti. Beograd,  CIBID   2009.

3.  Clinical Infectious Diseases: A Practical Approach Richard K. Root, Lawrence Corey, Walter E. Stamm, Francis Waldvogel. Oxford University Press. 1999.

4.  Diklić D., Akutne infektivne bolesti sa epidemiologijom, Savremena administarcija, Beograd, 1980.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquia.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    










Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: COMMUNICATION SKILLS
Teachers: Miroslav Knezevic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to actively participate in the teaching process, master the knowledge in the field of communication, in order to acquire communication competence and necessary skills for professional work in interaction with service users, communication, interpersonal communication, teamwork and public relations in health, social and educational institutions.

Outcome of the course

Ability to apply the acquired theoretical, pedagogical and psychological  knowledge in the field of communication and communication skills for working with preschool children.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Communications – general concepts, definitions, aspects, functions, types, models, methods, techniques; Personal skills of quality in communications: self-observation and self-esteem, political and social correctness, ethical principles in communications; Importance of verbal communication: speaking, listening, reading, writing Importance of nonverbal communication: body language, observation, recognition; Conflict resolution; Transmission, communication, presentation, reception – exchange of messages and establishment of a relationship between professional beautician, beautician – patient / client;

Emotional intelligence and empathy; Communication structure: cognitive, emotional and action aspect in relation to age. Styles in communication: assertive, passive and aggressive; Application of assertive techniques; learning assertiveness; Conflicts in communication – conflict management; Communication skills in providing support and assistance – advisory communication. Presentation; Lecture, public appearance, media – preparation and performance techniques.


“Communication Functions”; “Empathy and Ethical Principles”; ” Verbal and non-verbal communication ” ;; “Writing, reading, listening, speaking”; ” Assertiveness ” ” Communications for information ”; “Therapeutic communication”; “Communication in teamwork”; “Conflict Resolution”; “Electronic and telephone communication”;

“Communication for speech development”; “Public appearance, oral and poster presentation”; “Communication in conflict”.


1. Кneževič М. Коmunikacije, skripta, VZŠSS Мedika, Beograd 2021.

2. Кеkuš D: .Komunikacije u profesionalnoj praksi zdravstvenih radnika, II izdanje Beograd, autorsko izdanja 2010

3. Кеkuš D:  Моdeli integrisanih komunikacija u zdravstvu, FON Beograd.

4. Eide H.Eide T.:  Комunikacija sestra pacijent, UMST, Beograd. (2005)

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquia.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Danilo Savovic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The students should be capable of applying the law and other legal acts on the subject of health and health protection, controlling the measures prescribed in accordance with the law and other legal acts, getting acquainted with the basic principles, norms, standards, and nomenclatures of health services, realizing the importance of organized healthcare in keeping and advancing the health of the population.

Outcome of the course

Students will learn the basic terms of the law and the organizational frameworks, as well as disciplinary, ethical and deontological groundwork necessary for the healthcare professional.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

The legal basis of health and ecological protections. The most important regulations in healthcare.

The rights and duties of the republic, and the municipalities, as well as the role of the state in the field of healthcare. The jurisdiction and the tasks of the republic in these fields.

The regulations on founding and cessation of work of healthcare institutions. The rights and duties of founders of healthcare institutions. The management and financing of healthcare institution – regulations. Overseeing the work of healthcare institutions – regulations. Law pertaining to healthcare – law on prevention of communicable diseases, laws on food safety.

Law on protection from ionizing irradiation.

Law on medications, opioids, poisons.

International humanitarian conventions – prisoners of war, civilians during wartime.

International law on environmental protection.

Law on healthcare database.

Database and their statistics.

Legal proceedings in healthcare.

Administration paperwork.


1. Timotic B, Andjelski H: Тимотић Б.: Zdravstveno zakonodavstvo,, Elit- Medica, Beograd, 2004.

2. Lazarevic A et al: Javno zdravlje, Socijalna politika in zdravstvena zastita – dopuna, Beograd, VZSSS u Beogradu, 2016.

3. Savovic M, Prlja D, Stepic D:  Zdravstveno zakonodavstvo, Udruzenje “Pravnici za demokratiju”, Beograd, 2006.

4. Lazarevic A: Socijalna medicina, autor, Beograd, 2015.

5. Milic C. Socijalna medicina, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

colloquia, papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    












Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Tamara Trutnovski Kocovic, PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 – 2
Eligibility: realized professional practice 1, summer practice 1
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The goal of professional practice is for the student to practically apply the acquired knowledge, through well-organized work and achieve a higher degree of professional independence and master the nursing skills necessary for the work of a vocational nurse.

Outcome of the course

Expected outcomes in accordance with the set goals and anticipated competencies, they follow the contents of professionally applied subjects. Ability of the student to master the skills of performing certain nursing interventions in the process of patient health care in surgery, internal medicine, neurology and infectology.

Content of the course

Content of professional practice: Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester. During the professional practice 2, the student should practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills, as well as expand and acquire new knowledge and master the skills of performing certain nursing interventions in the process of patient health care in surgery, internal medicine, neurology and infectology. The content of professional practice combines from:

Nursing care in internal medicine: Procedure for admission of a vitally endangered patient in the field of cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and hepatology, oncology, allergology and immunology. Specifics in performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in emergencies. Specifics in the organization of intensive care.

Health care in surgery: Communication skills with patients with surgical diseases and according to categorization: geriatric patient, psychiatric patient, patients with chronic diseases, consumers of alcohol, drugs and medications; Preparation for diagnostic procedures in surgery; Preparing patients for surgery; Premedication, transport of the patient to the operating room; Patient observation, assessment, identification and prevention of possible complications; Monitoring; Application of Ambu apparatus and patient ventilation technique.

Nursing in neurology: Admission of emergencies in neurology, data collection, condition assessment (GCS-Glasgow Coma Scale and NIHS-Neurological Deficit Scale), nursing admission list; Assessment of the condition in vitally endangered neurological patients and health care program; Preparation of patients for diagnostic methods in neurology: radiological (RTG, CT), electrophysiological (EP, EEG, EMNG), ultrasound, magnetic resonance, lumbar puncture; Observation and assistance in performing telemetric EEG monitoring of patients with epilepsy; Mini-Mental test during and after the attack.

Health care in infectology: Admission of patients with mild, moderate, and severe disease; Knowledge of the protocol when providing assistance to the patient in the respiratory center; Sampling for toxicological tests; Knowledge of protocols related to communication with the police, escorts, family; Applies health care to the patient – general and specific care.

Structure of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. The student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the college has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the college. 900 classes of that 600 classes students realize during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and in the summer they practice 40 hours a week, namely eight hours a day per day which is about one month and a half during the summer. Students can be involved in both day and night work, depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation:

In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods are applied within the subjects with the use of methods of health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling, are also planned.

Total number of classes = 900 classes Students spend 600 classes during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays.
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the School. Professional practice is evaluated descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized” or “not realized”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.







Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Vesna Paunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquire professional knowledge and skills for work at all levels of women's health care. Forming a positive attitude of students about childbirth, which contributes to successful health education work with women, in order to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and motherhood. Understanding the specific problems of women at all stages of life and being able to work on disease prevention and health promotion. Forming the moral character of a professional nurse for work in the field of health care in gynecology. and obstetrics.

Outcome of the course

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in educational and health-educational work with the female population at all ages, both with healthy and sick people. Students will master the principles of modern management of physiological and pathological pregnancy and childbirth, in order to actively participate as part of the team in managing childbirth and caring for the newborn, build a sense of responsibility and preserve the reproductive health of women.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Specifics of the organization of the work of the nursing service in the health care of the mother and child. Prevention of diseases of the female genital organs. Counseling centers for the prevention of malignant diseases of a woman's reproductive organs. Health care for acute and chronic inflammatory processes of female genitals, sexually transmitted diseases and tumor processes. Preoperative and postoperative care and complications prevention measures. Life periods of women and physiology of pregnancy. Family planning counseling, abortion prevention and contraceptive methods. Organization and work in marital infertility counseling. Genetic counseling. Prenatal diagnosis. Counseling for pregnant women, psychophysical preparation and nutrition in pregnancy and midwives. High risk pregnancy monitoring. Physiological and pathological childbirth. Procedures for admission and care of the mother in the maternity hospital. Newborn Health Care and Baby Friendly Program. Specifics of maternity health care, breastfeeding promotion, information and preparation for discharge.

Exercises: Nursing history and preparation of women for gynecological examination. Assistance in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of marital infertility. Work procedures in the counseling center for pregnant women. Psychophysical preparation of pregnant women for childbirth. Methods of monitoring the condition of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. Maternity care. Caring for a newborn immediately after birth. Lactation and breastfeeding. Nursing activities in the operating room and in the intensive care unit. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in gynecology and obstetrics and the participation of the nurse in the preoperative and postoperative course. Health documentation.


1. ŽivanovićV.: Zdravstvena nega u ginekologiji i akušerstvu; autorsko izdanje; Dragan Srnić, Šabac, 2012.

2. ŽivanovićV.: Zaštita zdravlja žene i deteta; autorsko izdanje; Tipo štampa; Beograd, 2009.

3. D. Plećaš, B.Stanimirović, A. Stanković, M.Vasiljević. Ginekologija i Akušerstvo. Udžbenik  za studente medicine., drugo dopunjenoizdanje,Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, CIBID,  Beograd, 2006.

4. Živanović Ž.: Uvod u porodiljstvo, Elit Medika, Beograd, 2004.

5. Šćekić M.: Prenatalna dijagnostika naslednih obolenja primenom savremenih metoda medicinske genetike, Skver, Kragujevac, 2005.

6. The Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health  2016-2030.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquia.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Check of practical work 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: PSYCHIATRY
Teachers: Jovan Jugovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire appropriate and necessary theoretical knowledge in medical psychology and psychiatry that will enable him/her to build a professional interactive relationship in the process of meeting the real needs of patients.

Outcome of the course

The student will apply the acquired theoretical knowledge independently or in cooperation with other members of the professional-therapeutic team in the prevention of mental disorders, as well as health care and rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders or diseases in out-of-hospital and clinical-hospital health care and to work on mental disorders prevention.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

1. Mental health and mental disorders – demarcation problem.

2. Mental functions and their disorders – symptoms and syndromes of mental disorders.

3. Mental disorders diagnosis. Classification of mental disorders.

4. Pathogenesis of mental disorders. Personality and pathology of personality.

5. Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders.

6. Schizophrenia and disorders with insanity. Mood disorders (affective disorders).

7. Brain organic psychosyndromes. Suicide.

8. Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances.

9. Developmental psychiatry.

10. Biological therapy – a) Psychopharmaceuticals, b) Electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy.

11. Sociotherapy. Urgent conditions in psychiatry.


1. Raskovic Ivic S.: Psihijatrija, Beograd, VMSSS “Milutin Milanković”,2016.

2. Maric, J.: Klinicka Psihijatrija Beograd, Bareks, 2004.

3. Lecic Tosevski D.; Jasovic Gasic M; I sar.: Psihijatrija, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd 2006.

4. Kalicanin P.: Psihijatrija , Velarta 2002, Beograd

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquia, term papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    



Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: PEDIATRICS
Teachers: Radmila Savcic Kos, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The student will become acquainted with basic physiological and pathological processes during growth and development, favorable and unfavorable factors for child health: genetic and environmental factors, proper nutrition, and disease prevention. Current scientific foundations are incorporated in the prevention, early diagnosis and current therapeutical and rehabilitation interventions, improving the health and environmental factors.

Outcome of the course

The students become capable of monitoring the basic physiology and pathophysiology mechanisms in childhood diseases and develop skills for treatment possibilities. The students will be capable of applying the acquired knowledge in the educational and health awareness related work with children of all ages, with health conditions.

Apply their knowledge in education and prevention of childhood diseases, functioning of the pediatric healthcare system.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction and definition of pediatrics. History of pediatrics. Growth and development. Newborn. Nutrition.

Diseases of water and electrolyte metabolism. GI disorders. Immunity and immunodeficiencies. Allergy disorders. Respiratory disorders. Cardiovascular disorders. Hematology and oncology disorders. Endocrinology disorders. Central nervous system disorders. Dermatology disorders. Emergencies, poisoning, foreign bodies, drowning, snake and insect bites. Sudden infant death syndrome. Childhood trauma.

Basic principles of the intensive care.

Pediatric healthcare. Pediatric health institutions. Parent education in health and disease.


1. Jankovic, B. Vodic osnovno i specijalizovano zbrinjavanje novorodjenceta, Beograd: Institut za zdravstvenu yastitu majke i deteta Srbije “Dr Vukan Cupic”, 2011.

2. Perisic, V., Jankovic B.: Pedijatrija, udzbenik, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd, 2010.

3. Barjaktarevic, Z, Cerovic B, Pedijatrija, Udzbenik za student Visoke zdravstvene skole strukovnih studija. Zavod za udzbenike, Beograd, 2010.

4. P. Stepanovic, grupa autora, Pedijatrija, Savremena administracija, 2001.

5. Berman R., Kligman R., Dženson H. Nelson. Udžbenik pedijatrije, knj.1 i 2.Beograd: Bard-Fin, 2009.


Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    



























Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Branislav Antic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Introduction to all aspects of diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain with special reference to postoperative, neuropathic and cancerous pain. Getting acquainted with the basics of the philosophy and practice of palliative care, as well as acquiring knowledge and skills for participation in palliative care, including emotional support to the patient and his family members.

Outcome of the course

Acquiring basic knowledge and skills in terms of diagnosis and treatment of pain. Qualification of students for the organization of palliative care, as well as work in the team for palliative care, ie implementation of measures and procedures that include palliative care. Mastering skills that enable the reduction of pain and suffering of the patient, as well as skills for providing psychological and other support, both to the patient and family members during the period of expected loss of a loved one.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

History and significance of pain. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of pain. Epidemiology of pain. Division of pain: acute, chronic; nociceptive, neuropathic, mixed. Assessment of pain type and severity: scales for pain assessment. Psychological aspect of pain. The most common pains: headaches, back pain, neuralgia, cancer pain, postoperative pain. Basic principles of pain treatment: pharmacological treatment (analgesics/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, adjuvants), infiltrations and blockades (muscle infiltrations, peripheral nerve blockades, spinal injections), pain surgery (anatomical, ablative and augmentative procedures). Pain in specific groups: children, the elderly, athletes. Definition, goals and basic principles of palliative care. Problems of patients in the terminal phase: physical (pain, weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, sleep disorder), emotional, mental, social. Terminal stage of the disease: symptoms and signs of impending death. Basic methods of palliative care: medication, nutrition, relaxation techniques, emotional support to the patient and family members. Palliative care standards. Ethical principles of palliative care. Palliative care team.


Pain assessment: pain expression, application of a pain assessment scale. The role of the nurse in the treatment of pain: proper implementation of drug, injection and infusion therapy of pain, assistance with infiltrations and blockages. Basic principles of opioid analgesic therapy: titration of opioid analgesics, proper application, monitoring of effects and complications. Proper application of the fentanyl patch. Basic principles of palliative care: medication, nutrition, care, relaxation techniques, emotional and psychological support to the patient and family members.


1. Antić B i saradnici: Dijagnostika i lečenje bola. Beograd, MP media&SLD, 2016.

2.  Ely J, Miličević N, Downing J, Haraldsdottir E. Priručnik za studente iz predmeta palijativna medicina. Beograd, Razvoj palijativnog zbrinjavanja u Srbiji & EuropeAid/129769/C/SER/RS, 2012

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

lectures, exercises, practical work, seminar work, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Checking practical work 25    
Colloquiums 20    





















Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Gradimir Stankovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is teaching students how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and administer first aid when necessary; knowing the types of injuries and conditions when to administer first aid; knowing basic characteristics of certain conditions relevant for prevention of shock and keeping vital functions; supporting development of personality traits and health care workers ethics.

Outcome of the course

Students are able to recognise life threatening conditions in internal medicine and take adequate measures and procedures. Learning skills necessary for active participation in urgent diagnosis and therapy procedures. Ability to lead the team of health care workers in specialised intensive care units.  

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Organisation of health institution. Types of health institutions, documentation in urgent medicine, means and equipment. Organising the management of the injured and sick in areas with mass-casualty. First aid, managing the injured and the sick, first aid, medical care, triage and prioritising when administering first aid, evacuation equipment and stages of treatment and curing. Concept and importance of first aid. Procedures with the injured and the sick on the spot of the accident, checking vital functions of the injured and the sick, types of injuries, open wounds, injuries and wounds in war, protecting wounds from infections, sepsis and antisepsis, giving antibiotics, use of serum and vaccine for protection. Signs of vital functions. Consciousness, breathing, arterial pressure and puls, diuresis,  body temperature. Definition, importance, basic principles, immobilisation with available equipment, immobilisation with standard equipment, immobilisation using bandages.  Temporary hemostasis. Blood vessels injuries, bleeding, losing much blood, methods of temporary hemostasis. Acute heart failure and cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation. Blood circulation disorders, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, acute abdomen diseases.

Practice lectures. Medical triage. Establishing condition of vital functions with the injured and the sick: taking heartbeat, measuring arterial pressure using oscillometric and auscultatory method, taking body temperature, central and peripheral, evaluation diuresis hourly and daily, urostomy pouch, checking consciousness with verbal communication. Asepsis and antisepsis: disinfectants, pasteurization, sterilising by boiling, dry heat sterilisation, autoclave sterilisation, gas sterilisation and gama rays sterilisation. Bandages and placing them. Transporting immobilisation. Temporary hemostasis methods: compression bandage, digital compression, Esmarch’s bandage, wound tamponade and coercive limb position. Acute heart failure and cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation: blood transfusion. The injured and sick care.


1. Dragosev, G, Stojiljkovic J,: Cardiopulmonary cerbral resuscitation – basic instructions for nurses and technicians, UINARIS, 2012

2. Donaset, N, Urgent Medicine, Belgrade, 2014

3. Vucovic D, et al: Urgent Medicine, Marks, The Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade, 2003

4. Jovanovic, K: Heart failure and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Medical College in Cuprija, 2007

5. Pavlovic, A: Cardiopulmonary cerbral resuscitation, Belgrade, 2004

6. Nurse procedures, Data Status, Belgrade, 2010

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquia, term papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Checking practical work 20    
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 10    























Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: GERIATRICS WITH CARE
Teachers: Bojana Atanaskovic Subotic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the specifics of health care for the elderly (consideration of needs, communication, work with the family of the elderly), diseases in old age, prevention of complications, treatment, care and rehabilitation.

Outcome of the course

Students will be trained to recognize diseases in old age, to prevent complications, treatment, care and rehabilitation. The student will be trained in all ways of caring for the elderly: family, dormitory accommodation, hospices, hospitals. training for the application of tests as well as knowledge of social protection of the elderly. Ability to implement health – educational interventions and education of the elderly and family members

Content of the course

Theoretical classes Aging society. aging as a problem of developmental psychology and as a problem of social psychology. Biological aspects of aging. Intellectual development and intellectual decline. Social relations .. Stress and coping with stress in the elderly. Death and dying: psychological aspects. Stereotypes about aging. disturbance of homeostasis, water and salt in the elderly. Immune system in old age. Infections in old age. Obesity in the elderly. Cardiovascular diseases. Metabolic and endocrine problems. Digestive diseases. Disorders of internal systems and organs. Neurological and psychological problems. specific disorders in old age: skin aging, changes in the eye, senile deafness, senile hip problem. Emergency geriatrics. Complication prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation. Determining the need for health care. Specifics of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. categorization of care. Palliative care and work with the family. A way of taking care of the elderly. Family accommodation. Home accommodation, hospices, hospital care. The care of the local community for the improvement of the life of the elderly population (association, day care centers …) Education of the population for volunteer work.

Exercises: Assessing home care conditions. Demonstrate certain home care procedures. Awareness and education of family care. Cooperation with centers for social work. Visit to a club for the elderly. Preparation and accommodation of an elderly person in a home. Communication and specifics of reception. introduction to the organization of the work of institutions for the care of the elderly. Application of health care procedures in solving general and specific problems. Practical application of tests Katz index for fall prevention, Norton's and Braden's scale for assessing the risk of pressure ulcers. educating visitors and families to nurture the elderly — preparing to return home. Introduction to social protection of the elderly.


1. Davidović: Contemporary Geriatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade, 2010.

2. K.Heal: Communication with the Elderly (translated from Norwegian), Oxford, 2006.

3. Šarenac, D., Health care of the elderly, Lyceum, Belgrade, 2009.

4. Milosavljević N .: Gerontology, center for preventive work and educational activity in health care, Novi Sad, 1993.

5. Vukadinov j .: Geriatrics and care of the elderly, Novi Sad, 2006

6. New York, Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing, 2009.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

lectures, exercises, practical work, seminar work, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Checking practical work 25    
Colloquiums 20    
























Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Vesna Popovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of health care in psychiatry, to master the skills for providing quality health care and recognizing psychopathological reactions and mental disorders.

Outcome of the course

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in the observation of psychopathological reactions, determine the patient's need for care, to participate in all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures independently or as a team member at the level of primary, secondary and tertiary health care.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Nursing service organization. Recognition of psychopathological reactions. Psychiatric health care, participation in team work. Establishing the first contact, with the patient, the specifics of communication. Emergencies. Admission of a psychiatric patient: principles of patient triage, compulsory admission, compulsory treatment, admission of an agitated patient. Participation of the nurse in modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Visit.

Principles of patient care. Continuous monitoring and determination of care needs: hygiene, nutrition, sleep, visits, outings, weekends, discharge of patients. Psychiatric health care of children and youth. Psychiatric health care of psychogeriatric patients. Educating patients about the importance of applying therapy and treatment measures. Prevention of nosocomial infections. Documentation in health care.

Exercises:Modern approach and specifics of care for patients with mental disorders. Establishing the first contact with the mentally ill. Procedures in emergencies Specifics in the organization of work in the psychiatric ward. Sister's participation in the visit. Nursing interview. Determining the need for care. Keeping records of the psychiatric health care process. Implementation of therapeutic procedures – psychotherapy and sociotherapy. Recognition of side effects of therapy. Participation in diagnostic procedures in psychiatry. Development of a plan and realization of patient care for neurosis, psychosis, personality disorders, mania, depression, schizophrenia, addiction and certain syndromes. Risk assessment and measures in the prevention of insanity, self-harm and suicide insanity. Discharge of patients and medical records.


1. Kekush D. Practicum in psychiatry with care, textbook, third edition, author. Belgrade, 2015.

2. Kekush, D. Organization and process of health care in psychiatry, script, VZŠ, 2012.

3. Gelder, M. Psychiatry, Oxford, translation, Data Status, 2012.

4. Marić, J .: Clinical Psychiatry VII Bareks, Belgrade, 1998.

5. Kovačević K. Dobrašinović D. , Psychiatric Nursing, 2000.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium, seminar papers

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Exercise activity 10    
Colloquiums 20    



























Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Radmila Savcic Kos, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Achieve theoretical knowledge in pediatric care, understanding of organizational concepts in pediatric care institutions.

Outcome of the course

Master theoretical knowledge of pediatric conditions and care, continuous follow up  of growth, development, common disease processes and care. Evaluation od individual pediatric care as a basis od development of the plan and care, individually and as a team member for diagnostics, treatment, care and rehabilitation in children.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Historical development of the pediatric care and elements of the healthcare system as a separate discipline. Organization and current concept of childhood and adolescent healthcare, process of care. Care of the healthy child. Care of the sick newborn. Breastfeeding and formulas. Preterm baby. In hospital care and management with diagnostic evaluation, treatment. Intrahospital infection, neonatal sepsis, staphylococcal disease. Care of children with blood disorders. Hemotherapy. Blood products transfusion. Care of children after bone marrow and organa transplant. Care of the children with: respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrinology, renal, urinary, gastrointestinal, neurology systems. Care of the children with genetic disorders. Care of the children with hearing and vision disorders. Care of the children with dermatology disorders.


Growth and development, care of the healthy child. Care of the newborn baby, umbilical cord  care, sleep position. First feeding.

Overseeing of the breast and formula feeding. Care of the preterm baby, transport, admission, treatment, nutrition.

Anthropology measures: wight, length; head, chest, abdomen circumference. Parents education. Transport, admission, care of the critically ill child. Incubator use. Well child exams, immunizations, prevention. In-hospital care of a child. Water, electrolyte and gasses abnormalities management. Invasive and noninvasive monitoring in children with congenital heart diseases. Care of the children on chemotherapy. Care of an unconscious child. Care of children with hemophilia and blood disorders. Nursing interventions in children on insulin.


1. Marinkovic Lj, Stojanovic B, Damjancevic N, Nega neonatusa, Beograd, VZSSS, 2013. Udzbenik

2. Jankovic B, Vodic osnovno i specijalizovano zbrinjavanje novorodjenceta, Beograd, Institut za zdravstvenu zastitu majke i deteta “Dr Vukan Cupic”, 2011.

3. Marinkovic, LJ. Zdravstvena nega  u pedijatriji, G.A.D., Beograd, 2007.

4. Berman R, Kligman R, Dzenson H. Nelson, Udzbenik pedijatrije, knj1. i 2. Beograd: Bard-Fin, 2009. Berman R., Kligman R., Dženson H. Nelson. Udžbenik pedijatrije, knj.1 i 2.Beograd: Bard-Fin, 2009.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Practice engagement 10    
Colloquiums 20    






















Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: NUTRITION
Teachers: Radmila Savcic Kos, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Achieve knowledge about significance and basic principles of healthy nutrition in maintenance and health improvement. Achieve knowledge about nutrition in all population groups.

Outcome of the course


Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Introduction to nutrition; nutrition recommendations and application. Evaluation of the nutrition status (anthropometric, biochemical, functional, clinical). Disorders of metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. Water. Dehydration and hyperhydration. Disorders of metabolism of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Energy balance disorders. Eating disorders. Food allergy. Nutrition of population groups; pregnancy and breastfeeding; infants, children, adolescent, athletes, elderly. Nutrition in disasters.

Anthropometric evaluation (BW, BH, circumferences), various index calculations for nutrition evaluation. Nutrition evaluation of infants and children, adults, elderly, disabled persons. Energy requirement evaluation: general for different population groups. Biochemical parameters in nutrition evaluation (hemoglobin, blood sugar, cholesterol triglycerides, albumin, prealbumin). Functional evaluation: blood pressure, pulse, Harvard step test). Nutrition evaluation: family and individual nutrition questionnaire.


1. Jorga, J. Higijena sa medicinskom ekologijom, Medicinski fakultet Beograd, Beograd, 2014.

2. Novakovic B, Jusupovic F. Ishrana i zdravlje. Medicinski fakultet Novi Sad, 2014.

3. Vasiljevic N. Praktikum iz higijene i medicinske ekologije za studente medicine. Medicinski fakultet Beograd, Beograd, 2012.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, colloquia, papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Colloquiums 20    
Seminar paper 15    



Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Radmila Savcic Kos, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Achieve knowledge about physical activity education as health education process; to acknowledge principles, goals, methods and application of health educational methods in the field of physical education; to develop healthy lifestyle and educate, and promote general health; to actively participate in programs that promote physical activities and healthy lifestyle in disease prevention and health improvement; to develop interest in students for continuous education in the field of physical education and health.

Outcome of the course

To apply knowledge and skills in the field of Physical activity education and health to promote healthy lifestyle in education of the people, families, community in primary, secondary and tertiary health care, independently and in a team participate in multidisciplinary health education activities in promotion, improvement, and disease prevention; to assist and participate in the kinesiology team.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Movement as inherent part of human being; low physical activity and health; biological development and physical activity; physical activity and the cardiovascular system; physical activity and mental health; physical activity and chronic diseases; effect of the exercise on the musculoskeletal system; aerobic and anaerobic exercise and health. Anthropometric capabilities and development (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, and coordination). Biometric, functional, and health aspects of abdominal and back muscles; body status and exercise; postural status an exercise; education and physiological basics  of sports in childhood and risk periods; test to evaluate functional and motoric capabilities; activity and compensatory activities and health; natural factors and effect on health; strengthening of the body; breathing techniques; prevention and treatment injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system as a consequence of inadequate and improper exercise; participation in promotion according to Health calendar, sports  and humanitarian activities.


1. Vezboteka. Cvetkovic N, Public Practicum, Belgrade, 2010

2. Budi zdrav i bices zdrav. Peric D, Cvetkovic N, Jovicic Lj. Biblioteka Despot Stefan Lazarevic, Mladenovac, 2003

3. Vezbe oblikoavanja za decu. Author’s edition, Mladenovac, 1996

4. Opsta antropometrika. Kukolj M, Fakultet fizicke culture, Beograd, 1996

5. Vezbanje i zdravlje.  Sharckey B, Gaskill S, Data Status, Beograd, 2008

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Multimedia presentations, verbal, recognition test, team learning, consultations, seminar papers, debate clubs

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    





























Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers: Ivana Đorđević, MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge in the field of primary health care, to acquaint students with the organization and work of all primary care institutions and master the knowledge and skills that are necessary in the scope of work of a nurse in this field and their application.

Outcome of the course

Family and community. Competence to work in polyvalent community care and community the student will be trained to work in primary health care institutions on health promotion and disease prevention for the individual,.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes General terms and definitions of health care in PHC. Levels of prevention, preventive activities and interventions in primary health care. Institutions for the implementation of health care in the primary health care system. Community health care. Methods of work in PHC, Health Center – services Prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases. Health education method of work. The work of nurses in health care services, children, women, school dispensaries and counseling centers. Health care in polyvalent health care. Development and activities of the health care service, content of the work of the nurse in health care, home visit, the process of health care in polyvalent health care. Home health care. Organization of health-promoting activities in the community and partnership for health. Organization and activities of the Red Cross and the non-governmental sector. Public health calendar. Health promotion.

Exercises Introduction to the organization of work and services in the Health Center. Participation of the nurse in the counseling center. Organization of polyvalent patronage service. Preparing students for a home visit (documentation, material). Realization of patronage visits. Determining the needs for health care in certain population groups.


1. Kekuš D. Zdravstvena nega u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti, VZŠ, Beograd, 2015.

2. Tijanić M.; Đuranović, D., Rudić, R., Milović, Lj. Zdravstvena nega i savremeno sestrinstvo, Peto prerađeno izdanje, Naučna, Beograd, 2013;

3. Kekuš D: Zdravstveno vaspitanje, treće izdanje, Digital art, Beograd, 2014.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    






























Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: SOCIAL MEDICINE
Teachers: Aleksandra Sekulić, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

To provide students with basic knowledge of social medicine, which deals with the study of the health status of the population, the study of social factors that affect health and the organization of health care, as well as current knowledge of health care economics and health legislation.

Outcome of the course

The student should learn preventive forms of health care, ie to view health as a global phenomenon – of the utmost importance for the population, to understand the role of socio-economic factors that affect the health of the population..

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:  Health care (Modern health concept, population health assessment, Population health indicators), Health care planning (Modern understanding of health care, International health cooperation), Social protection (Basic socio-medical characteristics of health care and activities, International classification of injuries and cause of death), population mortality (Extent and structure of dying population, Morbidity), Health care of specific population groups (Health care for women and small children, Marriage and family), Health care for school children (Health care for school children, Health care for students), Health and social care for the elderly and mortality of the elderly, Health care of workers), Marriage and family (Socio-medical significance of marriage and family, Types and forms of marital association), Health care, (Relevant chapters from textbooks and Social diseases), Definition of social disease, Characteristics of certain social diseases, Economics of health care as a scientific discipline, Economic aspects of health, Health as a resource, Indicators and indices of population health, Classical approach to measuring health status, Evaluation in health care, Health system, Legal records in health care.


1. Lazarević A. i saradnici: Javno zdravlje, Socijalna politika i zdravstvena zaštita-dopuna, Beograd, VZŠSS u Beogradu, 2016.

2. Miletić L., Janić L.: Ekonomika u zdravstvu, VZŠSS u Beogradu, 2016.

3. Lazarević A. Socijalna medicina.Beograd: Autor, 2015.

4. Mićović P. i sar.Socijalna medicina.Beograd:  Medicinski fakultet , 2005.

5. Milić Č. Socijalna medicina , Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Medicinski fakultet, Kragujevac 2005.

6. Šolak Z. Ekomnomika zdravstvene zaštite, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 2003

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Lectures, practical work, seminar, colloquium, consultations

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Written exam 30
Seminar paper 30    
Colloquiums 20    


Study program: Vocational nursing
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Tamara Trutnovski Kocovic, PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 -2
Eligibility: realized Professional practice 2, summer practice 2
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Professional practice aims to improve the student's ability for successful practical application of professional and scientific knowledge in the field of health care.

Outcome of the course

Expected outcomes in accordance with the set goals and anticipated competencies follow the contents of professionally applied subjects. They enable the student to acquire practical skills within health care in primary health care, pediatrics, neurology, rehabilitation and care of the elderly.

Content of the course

Content of professional practice: Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester. During the professional practice 3, the student should practically apply the previously acquired knowledge and skills, as well as expand and acquire new knowledge and master the skills of performing certain nursing interventions in the process of patient care in primary health care, pediatrics, neurology, rehabilitation and care of the elderly. Professional practice 3 includes activities and the following contents from the course:

Health care in pediatrics and gynecology and obstetrics: Specifics of the organization of the work of the nursing service in the health care of mother and child. Prevention of diseases of the female genital organs. Maternity care. Nursing a newborn in a maternity hospital; Assessment of Apgar score and further treatment of the newborn; Anthropometric measurements; Performing personal hygiene and comfort: newborns, infants, small and school children; Health education work with mothers; Application: natural, supplementary or artificial nutrition; Ability to apply enteral and parenteral nutrition; Ability to transport a sick and vitally endangered child; Admission of the child to the hospital and discharge from the hospital; Monitoring and care of the child on mechanical ventilation; Child care with phototherapy; Child care during and after exanguinotransfusion, Application of oxygen therapy.

Health care in psychiatry: Acquisition of observation skills for patients with mental disorders; Participation in the work of the therapeutic community; Practicing and acquiring skills in selecting and implementing the most adequate health care procedures for the mentally ill through a specific approach to patients with certain mental illnesses: psychosis, neurosis, personality disorder and emergencies; Risk assessment and implementation of measures to prevent injuries, self-harm and suicide; Recognition of the phenomena of simulation, dissimulation and aggravation; Participation in activities for: patient outings, visits and preparations for the weekend; Stay in the day hospital.

Geriatrics with care: Assessment of functional independence, assessment of the condition and determination of current and potential problems of persons with impaired functional ability of temporary or permanent character; Student participation in planning an individual care program; Implementation of specific care tasks through independent and interdependent nursing interventions: implementation of patient care activities for self-care activities, conducting intermittent catheterization and patient education, colon training; Education of patients and families for active participation in care, education of patients  for care; Documenting nursing interventions and patient reactions with outcome evaluation; Preparing patients for discharge.

Structure of professional practice:

Structure of professional practice: Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. The student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the college has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the college. 900 classes of that 600 classes students realize during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and in the summer they practice 40 hours a week, namely eight hours a day per day which is about one month and a half during the summer. Students can be involved in both day and night work, depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation:

In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods are applied within the subjects with the use of methods of health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling, are also planned.

Total number of classes = 900 classes  Students spend 600 classes during the school year, and 300 classes during the summer holidays.
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the college. Professional practice is evaluated descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized” or “not realized”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.
















Study program: Vocational nursing
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2
Teaching language: Serbian
The scientific research activity of the Medika College for Vocational Studies in Healthcare is planned in accordance with the law on scientific research, the rulebook on the procedure and manner of evaluation and quantitative expression of scientific research results of researchers and the Statute of the college.

The volume of scientific research activities is planned in accordance with the possibilities of the college and the quality is evaluated on an annual level, by ranking published papers over the coefficients of learning competencies.

– organizing professional conferences on current issues in the field of nursing, health and clinical care and physiotherapy;

– initiative for concrete cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations in the country, within joint projects and exchange of teachers, associates and students;

– design, adoption, accreditation and implementation of continuing education program;

– planning professional development of teachers in the field of teaching realization;

– monitoring and evaluating the quality of professional, research and scientific work of teachers and associates;

– planning of participation of students, associates and students at professional and scientific gatherings in the country and abroad;

– selection of strategic partners in the field of nursing, health and clinical care and physiotherapy, concretization of bilateral cooperation programs, joint appearances in European projects, increasing the volume of teaching staff and students within international cooperation;

– realization of the publishing activity of the college, which would include publications of teachers and associates (textbooks, professional papers, scripts, practicums), publications within the program of continuous education (brochures) and publications of students of the college;

– involvement of the college, teaching staff and students in research projects in the country and abroad.












Study program: Vocational nursing
Name of the course: FINAL THESIS
Teachers: Mentor of the final thesis
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 2
Teaching language: Serbian
Prerequisite for applying for the topic of the thesis: the student must pass all exams in the study program

Prerequisite for the defense of the final thesis: successfully completed professional practice

Aim of the course

Preparation of the final thesis in the professional-applied field based on the results obtained in practice through the process of research and comparison with published data on the same topic; ability to connect theory and practice; use of research methodology in the field of health care; ability to adequately present the results, draw conclusions in the area that is the subject of research; ability to valorize one's own work, propose measures and improve the field of health care.

Outcome of the course

Upon completion of the final labor, the student is expected to acquire knowledge and skills in: searching the literature, assessing the validity and importance of publication results, designing research, formulating research questions, collecting data, statistical processing of results, analysis of results, making adequate research conclusions and drafting presentation of results.

Upon completion of the final labor, the student is expected to gain views on the ethical principles of research work and a critical attitude towards their own results.

The ability of students to partiipare individually and as a team in all forms of research work in the field of health care.

Content of the course

The final thesis is a research work of the student in which he gets acquainted with the research methodology in the field of health care. The final labor is done from professional – applied courses and refers to research in the field of health care at all levels of health care (primary, secondary and tertiary) and at all levels of implementation of care and therapy (in the field of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation of patients). The research is conducted in the field of functions and competencies of professional nurses. After the research, the student prepares the final labor in the form that contains the following chapters: introduction, goals, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion with a proposal of measures and literature.

Methods of performance

According to the interest, the student decides on the professional field of research, on the basis of which he has the opportunity to choose a mentor. In agreement with the mentor, the topic of the final labor, research design and necessary literature are determined. The research is conducted with a selected mentor.

After the research, the student prepares the final labor according to the instructions for writing the final labor. The final labor contains the following chapters – theoretical approach, methods of work, results and discussion of results, conclusion, proposed measures, bibliography, contributions and biography of the author. The oral defense of the final labor in front of the three-member commission is made in public.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
written paper 50 Public defence of the thesis 50