Course Catalogue – Vocational physiotherapist











Course Catalogue of Basic Vocational Studies


Vocational Physiotherapist







Subject code

Subject name Semester ESPB
1. SFT1101 Anatomia I 7
2. SFT1102 Basic physioligical and biochemical mechanisms I 6
3. SFT1103 Clinical pharmacology I 5
4. SFT1104 Pathology and pathophysiology I 7
5. SFT1109/1 Microbiology with parasitology I 5
SFT1109/2 Information technology in healthcare I
6. SFT1205 Health management II 4
7. SFT1206 Hygiene and health education II 6
8. SFТ1207 Nursing care II 6
9. SFТ1208 Internal medicine II 6
10. SFТ1210/1 English II 4
SFТ1210/2 German II
11. SFТ1211/1 Professional practice 1 II 2
SFТ1211/2 Summer practice 1 II 2
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600
12. SFТ2312 Manual therapy III 6
13. SFТ2313 Kinesiology III 6
14. SFТ2314 General physical therapy III 6
15. SFТ2315 General kinesitherapy III 6
16. SFТ2419/1 Sociotherapy in rehabilitation III 6
SFТ2419/2 Medical waste mamagement III
17. SFТ2416 Somatopedics IV 6
18. SFТ2417 Special kinesitherapy IV 7
19. SFТ2418 Special physioterapy IV 7
20. SFТ2320/1 Communication skills IV 6
SFТ2320/2 Legal frameworks and business documentation IV
21. SFТ2421/1 Professional practice 2 III,IV 2
SFТ2421/2 Summer practice 2 IV 2
Total ESPB 60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600
22. SFТ3522 Ethics V 4
23. SFТ3523 Orthotics and prosthetics V 6
24. SFТ3524 Pain therapy and palliative care V 7
25. SFТ3525 Work therapy V 5
26. SFТ3529/1 First aid V 6
SFТ3529/2 Public health V
27. SFТ3626 Physical medicine in geriatrics VI 7
28. SFТ3627 Physical medicine in pediatrics VI 6
29. SFТ3628 Physical medicine in sport VI 7
30. SFТ3630/1 Mental health VI 4
SFТ3630/2 Health tourism VI
31. SFТ3631/1  Professional practice 3 V,VI 2
SFТ3631/2 Summer practice 3 VI 2
32. SFТ3632 Scientific research activity VI 2
33. SFТ3633 Final thesis VI 2
Total ESPB    60
Total hours of active teaching classes 40×15=600










Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: ANATOMIA
Teachers: Snezana Trifunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge about the structure of organs, organ systems and the entire human body, the composition of body fluids and the role of functional systems in maintaining homeostasis and to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in other disciplines, professional work and life.

Outcome of the course

Students become able to understand the anatomical organisations of individual organs, organ systems and organisms as well as understanding the main mechanisms of functioning of individual organs, organ systems and the human body as a whole.

Content of the course

Subject of study of anatomy and anatomical nomenclature. Division of body fluids, composition of cellular and extracellular fluid. Definition of tissues, tissue structure and their function. Hematopoiesis and hematopoietic organs. Physico-chemical properties and roles of blood. Structure, division of bones according to shape and role. The most important joints and movements in them. Muscle structure and division; types of muscle contractions; muscle work and fatigue and smooth muscle properties. Position the shape and structure of the heart and heart sac. Functional features: cardiac cycle, changes in cardiac work in special conditions of the organism. Blood vessels: blood pressure and regulation (reflex and humoral). Blood volume and regulation. Muscle tissue. Heart muscle. Smooth muscles, transverse striated muscles. Functional properties, mechanism and types of muscle contraction. Large and small blood flow. Aorta and aortic branch. Structure of lymphatic vessels and lymphatic organs. Position, structure and division of the airways. Structure and function of the digestive tract (digestion, resorption, excretion). The structure of the endocrine glands. Basic concepts of hormones and division. Division, shape and structure of the kidneys and urinary tract and urination reflex. Division of female sexual organs. Position, shape, structure of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Position, shape, structure of the uterus and menstrual cycle. Breast structure. Structure of internal and external male sexual organs. Structure and properties of the human nervous system. Impulse propagation. Reflex arcs. Regulation of motor skills, muscle tone. Vegetative nervous system. Hypothalamus, limbic system. Emotions. Psychosomatics. Rhythmicity in functioning. The structure of the eye, the auxiliary apparatus of the eye and the reception of sight. The structure of the senses of hearing. The structure of the skin and skin adnexa.


1. Human Anatomy, Prof. Dr. Nebojsa D. Milanovic, author's edition, Belgrade 2020

2. Anatomical atlas – Prof. Dr. Nebojsa D. Milanovic, author's edition, Belgrade 2020

3. Bogdanović M., Human Anatomy and Physiology, Author's edition, Belgrade 2013

4. Mitrašinović D .: Anatomy as a science. Belgrade, 2012

5. Human anatomy, descriptive and functional – MS Boskovic, Scientific KMD, Belgrade, 2005;

6. Anatomical Atlas-Jovanovic, Naucna knjiga 1995, Belgrade.

7. Anatomy and Physiology, Keros, Andreis, Gamolin, Školska knjiga 2003, Belgrade.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Zarko Pavić, Prof. MD PhD   Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge about functional processes in the organism, their interdependence and dependence on the influence of external factors, as well as functioning of the whole organism in normal conditions.

Outcome of the course

The acquired knowledge in physiology and biochemistry enables the student to follow and understand other medical courses during the studies. This especially refers to clinical courses, which deal with disorders of physiological and biochemical processes and their treatment.

Content of the course

Functional organization of the human organism and the concept of the internal environment. Organs and organ systems. Body fluids, their physical and chemical characteristics. Cell organization and function, cellular respiration, transport of substances across the cell membrane, membrane potentials. Blood physiology and hemostasis. Physiology of the cardiovascular system. Physiology of the respiratory system. Structure and function of the kidneys. Digestive system function. Structure and function of the liver and pancreas. Metabolic processes. Structure and function of the reproductive system. Function of the endocrine system. Physiology of the nervous system. Skin structure and physiology.

Significance of the subject of study of Biochemistry. Enzymes, general properties, mechanism of action. Regulation of enzyme activity. Clinically significant enzymes. The concept of biological energy, the place and role of ATP and other energy-rich compounds. Carbohydrate metabolism. Glycolysis, significance, enzymes. Monophosphate pentose pathway, uronic acid pathway. The tricarboxylic acid cycle. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. Degradation and resorption of lipids in the digestive tract. β-oxidation of fatty acids. Ketone bodies. Synthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Lipoproteins. Cholesterol. Protein metabolism, breakdown and absorption of AK. Ammonia transport and urea synthesis. Water and mineral metabolism. Urine. Physicochemical examination of urine. Determination of pH value.


1. Mitrović D et al. Osnovi fiziologije čoveka. 5ht edition. Cicero, Leskovac 2009, ИСБН 86-902139-3-7

2. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall.: Medicinska fiziologija. 11th edition. Savremena administracija, Belgrade 2008.

3. Todorović T, Stojanović T, Babić M. Osnovi medicinske biohemije. Stručna knjiga, Belgrade 2002.

4. Harvey R.A, Champe P.C,  Biochemistry, Lippincott Wlliams&Wilkins, 2005.

5. Spasić S, Jelić-Ivanović Z, Spasojević-Kalimanovska V. Opšta biohemija, Farmaceutical Faculty in Belgrade, 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, practical training with demonstration of the method unit and practice, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 35    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is introducing students to the general principles of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and to the basic principles of drug studies. Students gain knowledge of pharmacological effects, mechanisms of drug action and drug effects, pharmacokinetics, unwanted drug effects,  and of the most important  pharmacotherapeuthical principles. Students gain basic knowledge about toxicology, general principles of poison treatment and antidotes.

Outcome of the course

Students will gain basic knowledge of current pharmacology and pharmacotherapy and therefore be able to monitor for expected, unexpected and unwanted drug effects. Students will gain awareness of the place, importance and responsibility of vocational nurse in a therapeutical procedure.

Content of the course

Introduction to phamacology (drug, drug and poison, the origin of active substancies, drug nomenclature, drug classification, ATC system, bacis disciplines in applied pharmacology ) .

Drug development and preclinical studies. Clinical drug investigation  and phases of clinical drug trials. Methods in clinical drug studies and clinical drug testing. Placebo.

Pharmacokinetcs – drug transport through body membranes, drug resorption, drug distribution, metabolism and elimination.

Oral and parenteral drug use. Topical drug use. Doses and dosaging. Dose-effect relationship. Drug effects in organism. Types of drug action (drug selectivity, drug specificity, wanted and unwanted drug effects), mechanism of drug action  (the theory of receptors, drug-receptor interaction, agonists and antagonists, competitive and noncompetitive antagonism, other mechanisms of drug action), quantitative aspects of drug action, factors influencing drug action, repeated drug administration and change of the drug effect, drug interactions, unwanted drug reactions, unwanted and side drug effects, allergic reactions, drug dependence and drug addiction.

Drugs and somatic nervous system. Transmission and drug action in the central nervous system. Psychotropic drugs, general and local anaesthetics, muscle relaxant drugs, alcohol, antiepyleptics, antiparkinsonian drugs, analgetics.

Drugs and the autonomic nervous system. Cholinergic drugs. Anticholinergic drugs. Adrenergic drugs. Antiadrenergic drugs.

Drugs and cardiovascular system. Cardiotonic glikosides. Antiarrythmics. Antihypertensive drugs. Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions.

Drugs and respiratory system. Drugs and endocryne system. Drugs and gastrointestinal system.

Antiinfectives. General principles of antimicrobial action, classification. Antibacterials. Antifungal drugs. Antiviral drugs. Antiparasitic drugs.

General principles of action and combined use of cytostatics.

Antiseptics and disinfectants – mechanism of action and use.

Poisons and antidotes.


1. Raskovic A et al. Farmakologija, Alfa Graf, Novi Sad, 2015.

2. Prostran M et al. Klinička farmakologija, Medical Faculty in Belgrade, 2014.

3. Kažić T. Gotovi lekovi- Priručnik za farmakoterapiju – 13th edition. Integra, Belgrade 2011.

4. Raskovic A et al. Antibakterijski lekovi, Alfa Graf, Novi Sad, 2015.

5. Varagić V, Milošević M. Farmakologija, Elit medica, Belgrade, 2007.

6. Stringer JL . Osnovni koncepti u farmakologiji. Datastatus, Belgrade, 2008.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, practical training with demonstration of the method unit and practice, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 35    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Radoslav Radosavljevic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: passed anatomy exam
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with morphological and pathological changes of cells, tissues, organs and systems, and the correlation of these changes with the pathophysiological processes of certain diseases and conditions that will be the area of future work of a health worker.

Outcome of the course

Students will be able to recognize pathological changes and conditions in their work with patients and know how to practically apply the acquired knowledge in the process of treating patients.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Material and methods of study in pathology. Disease, causes and mechanism of disease (etiology and pathogenesis). Disorder and circulation of blood or lymph. Anemia (general and local), bleeding, thrombosis, embolism, edema and hydrops, dehydration, hematogenous metastasis. Atrophy, significance and consequences. Necrosis: ischemic (infarction, gangrene) direct, inflammatory (alterative inflammation, gangrenous inflammation). Sclerosis (cirrhosis) of tissues and organs: angiogenic (vascular), reparative, inflammatory. Hypertrophy. Degeneration, salt deposition and concretion formation. Regeneration. Transplantation. Inflammation. Causes, morphological division, classifications, spread, specific and nonspecific inflammations.

Tumors: definition, division and characteristics of benign and malignant tumors. Malignant cell, division of malignant tumors, onset and growth of tumors, local and general action of tumors, necrosis and bleeding in malignant tumors, metastasis of malignant tumors.

Special pathological anatomy. Pathology of the central nervous system and neuromuscular diseases: vascular diseases of the CNS, ischemic lesions of the CNS, purulent inflammation of the brain and cerebellum, multiple sclerosis, CNS tumor, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, Myasthenia gravis, Poliomyelitis anterior.

Pathology of the locomotor system: purulent ostemyelitis, tuberculous ostemyelitis, rickets, radiation osteitis, bone tumors, arthritis in rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthropathy. Systemic connective tissue diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, acute rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, Wegener's granulomatosis (dermatomyositis mentioned earlier).

Cardiovascular diseases: endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis. Pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, arteritis: abacterial arteritis. (Buerger's thromboangiitis, hypersensitivity angiitis, polyarteritis nodosa), nonspecific bacterial arteritis. Thrombophlebitis. Arteriosclerosis. Risk factors, circulatory insufficiency (shock, collapse). Diabetes mellitus. Gastric and duodenal ulcers (acute stress ulcer, chronic peptic ulcer). Ileus. Jaundice. Viral hepatitis. Cirrhosis of the liver. Idiopathic ulcerative colitis. Acute chronic renal failure. Accompanying nephritis. The concept of glomerulonephritis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Hemolytic uraemic syndrome.


8. Tatić V. Patologija za studente Više medicinske škole, Beograd, 2004.

9. Prof.Dr Dušan Mitrović: Patofiziologija,Beograd, 2010.


Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, consultations, seminar paper, colloquiums..

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    









Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Milenko Budimcic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

is for students to acquire knowledge about the properties of pathogenic microorganisms and parasites, their way of life and causing diseases, in order to apply the acquired knowledge in professional work and life and implement preventive measures to prevent infections.

Outcome of the course

To acquire the knowledge necessary to understand microbiological phenomena.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction to microbiology. Bacterial morphology and structure, bacterial physiology, bacterial reproduction and genetics. Effect of physical and chemical agents on microorganisms. Infection and infectious disease, nosocomial infections, germination. Fundamentals of epidemiology of infectious diseases, Vogralik chain, prevention and control measures. Pathogenicity and virulence. Immunity, innate, acquired. The term antigen, antibody. Immune response, humoral immunity, cellular immunity. Manifestations and types of immunity. Vaccines and serums. Hypersensitivity, autoimmune diseases.

Special bacteriology, cocci, bacilli, rickettsiae, spirochetes and other bacteria. Medical virology, general characteristics, division and reproduction of viruses, tropism. Chlamydia. Medical parasitology. Protozoa, flagellates, sporozoa, nematodes, cestodes, trematodes. Digestive and urogenital tract protozoa, blood and tissue protozoa. Medical mycology, general characteristics. Systemic mycoses. Sanitary microbiology-types of microorganisms in water. Wastewater microbiology, microbiological examination and wastewater treatment. Air microbiology, number and types of microorganisms in the air. Air purification. Milk microbiology. The origin of microorganisms in milk. Saprophytic microorganisms of milk. Molds in milk and pathogenic microorganisms in milk. Bacteriological examination of milk. Methods of destroying microorganisms in milk. Pasteurization of milk. Bacteriological norms for milk. Microbiology of food-meat, fruits and vegetables. Sources of contamination and multiplication of microorganisms in fruits, vegetables and meat. Surface sterility control. Control of germination in staff who come into contact with food.


are realized in the school and in the laboratories of the institutions with which the school has concluded an agreement on cooperation according to the curriculum which is realized on the theoretical teaching


10. Berger-Jekić O. I sar.: Medicinska bakteriologija, Savremena administracija, Beograd, 2008

11. Kalenić S. i sur. Medicinska mikrobiologija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2013

12. Marković Lj I sar.: Virusologija, Medicinski fakultet, Beograd, 2008

13. Arsić Arsenijević V I dr.: Medicinska mikologija I parazitologija, Centar za inovacije u mikologiji, Beograd, 2012

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Through lectures, illustrated lectures, interactive lectures, students acquire precise knowledge about the properties of pathogenic microorganisms. organisms and parasites, their way of life and causing diseases.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 10    










Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Zoran Katanic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

is acquainting with the implementation of information technology, information system management and information technology in healthcare.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students to implement information technology for problem solving in the domain of healthcare. Training students to use IS databases, learn basic project development requests and use those for research purposes.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching, understanding information technology and information systems; information resources and information systems; computing systems and data processing; software; telecommunication and computer networks; managing data resources; internet, electronic trading and e-business; automation of office operations; transparency of information technology in economy management; organization, management and information system interaction; ethical and social aspects of information technology and systems.

Practical teaching

Practicing in a PC lab with the operating system MS Windows XP and software suite MS Office. Practicing with software MS Visio, AutoCad, Mathcad and Matlab and other statistical software.


1. Dačić M. Metodologija izrade naučnostručnog rada u biomedicinskim istraživanjima. VMŠ, Beograd, 2005.

2. Dačić M. Biomedicinska naučna informatika. Peto, prerađeno i dopunjeno izdanje. Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 2001

3. Dačić M. Statistika i informatika u zdravstvu. VZŠ, Beograd, 2009.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures and practical teaching in a computer lab.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 10 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 25    



Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: HEALTH MANAGEMENT
Teachers: Maja Cogoljević, associate professor Anđelić Slavica, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for the student to acquire knowledge of the basics of management and its application in practice.

Outcome of the course

Students will apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

General aspects of leadership and management in nursing.

Leadership, research and leadership theories.

Motivation, motivation theories, ways to motivate in nursing.

Personnel function and personnel policy.

Organization of nursing service. Division of labor / levels of nurses’ managers.

Shared management. Organizational models of health care-Model of primary care (Primary Nursing)

Case management model.

Patient-focused care model (Patient focused care). Planning in nursing.

Time planning in the organization of health care. Time management.

The importance of nursing in change planning. Budget planning and nurse participation. Implementation of control and monitoring in ensuring the quality of health care and services in nursing practice. Performance appraisal (performance).

Professional and ethical elements of leadership and management


1. Marinković Lj: Management in health organizations, GAD: Belgrade, 2001.

2. Mićović P: Health management, Obeležja, Belgrade, 2008.

3. S. Probbins, T. Judge: Organizational Behavior, Mate DOO, Zagreb, 2009.

4. Basics of management in the health system; Group of authors, Belgrade, 2011

5. Čajka Z, Jovanović L: Sustainable Marketing Management, Scientific Professional Society for Environmental Protection of Serbia “Ecologica”, Belgrade

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

L ectures, consultations, colloquium, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    


Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Ilic-Zivojinovic Jelena, MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to enable students to view the phenomena of health and disease from a broader, interdisciplinary aspect; to enable the acquisition of basic knowledge about human development in the field of biological, psychological and social functioning, about interpersonal relations in the family and society that affect the development, maturation and vital survival of the individual; that students understand the importance of health education as a scientific discipline and process that is applied to daily and planned health work with users of health services.

Outcome of the course

The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills as a health worker for health promotion and education of individuals, families and communities in primary, secondary and tertiary health care, to independently and in a health team to conduct health education interventions to promote health. and disease prevention. Application of knowledge about the importance of air, water, soil and proper nutrition for the normal functioning of the organism.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Introduction to communal hygiene. Atmosphere and air pollution. Measures to combat excessive air pollution in settlements. Air sampling and standard sedimentator. Electromagnetic properties of the atmosphere. Microclimate (temperature, humidity, air flow rate, heat radiation), dust, brightness and noise and vibration. Apartment and housing. Occupational hygiene. Water – Hygienic and epidemiological significance of drinking water. Water supply facilities. Organoleptic, chemical and bacteriological examination examination and disinfection. Wastewater and treatment. Medico-ecological significance of land. Nutrition and health. Food poisoning. The role of school hygiene as a preventive discipline in health and disease .. Mental-hygienic problems of adolescence and adulthood. Hygiene of sports and physical culture. Hygiene in emergency situations. Methods in health education; Communication, educational and organizational methods and strategies; Seven principles of WHO education; Health education tools – types, application and compliance; Implementing healthy. educational interventions in the family, preschool and school institutions, in the workplace; Application of health education interventions in the community.

Exercises: “Views on health”; “What does it mean to be healthy”; “Be a health educator”; “Style and quality of life”; “Behavioral changes”; “Individual Action Plan”; ” Preparation and execution of the health program. educational interventions ”; Interview, Lectures, Small group work; Education; Demonstration, handling, application, production of health education tools; Patient information and counseling; Participation in promotional activities according to the WHO; Campaigns.


1. Р. Kocijancic. Hygiene. Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids. Belgrade. 2002

2. Vasiljevic N, ch. editor. Practicum in hygiene and medical ecology for medical students. Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade 2010

3. Kekush, D. Health education. Second edition, Digital Art, Belgrade, 2009.

4. Baračkov N, Bujak J, Ilić D, Jović S, Panić M et al. Health education through life skills. Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, 2007. Supplementary literature.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, exercises, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: NURSING CARE
Teachers: Vesna Paunovic, Prof. MD PhD  Zeljko Vlaisavljevic, MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

of the course is to acquire basic and specific knowledge in health care, professional education of nurses with analytical thinking and development of skills for the implementation of health care procedures.

Outcome of the course

Formation of a positive attitude of students towards the profession and ability to apply the process of health care through defining the diagnosis of care and collaborative problem. Ability to apply independent and interdependent nursing interventions in a specific patient as well as the application of the health care process in the family and community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Historical development of health care and modern nursing. Education of nurses. Emergence and development of methods of health care process. Lead disease prevention programs. Primary, secondary and tertiary care. Nursing functions and competencies. Phases of the health care process. Analysis of classical care and process care. Needs and models need care. Diagnosis of care and collaborative problems. Care planning, planning elements and documenting a care plan. Nursing care in clinical hospital practice. Admission and discharge of patients. Implementation of basic care procedures and progressive care. Participation of patients and families in the implementation of care programs. Health protection and self-protection of nurses.ктивно учешће студената у различитим моделима пружања неге. Организовање  здравствене неге у болничким јединицана и и јединицама за интензивну негу.


Establishing an interactive nurse-patient relationship. Admission of patients to a health care institution. Documentation of the health care process. Determining the need for care, formulating diagnoses of care and collaborative problems, planning goals and programs of care. Implementation of the planned care program. Evaluation, evaluation method. Documenting nursing interventions.


1. Munćan B. Zdravstvena nega1, Beograd, 2014.

2. Tijanić M, Đuranović D, Rudić R, Milović Lj. Zdravstvena nega i savremeno sestrinstvo, Naučna, Beograd, 2010.

3. Rudić R, Kocev N, Munćan B. Proces zdravstvene nege, Beograd, 2005.

4. Sestrinske procedure, odabrana poglavlja u knjizi Nursing procedures, prevod četvrtog izdanja, Datastatus, Beograd, 2010..

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 15    
Seminar paper 20    
Colloquiums 20    













Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: INTERNAL MEDICINE
Teachers: Dragan Jovanovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim is acquiring knowledge about etiopathogenesis of disease, how it manifests, the course, treatment and cure of diseases with the focus on contemporary diagnosis and therapy procedures.

Outcome of the course

Students are trained to recognise life threatening conditions in internal medicine and take necessary steps in carrying out the adequate procedure. Learning skills required for active participation in urgent diagnosis and therapy procedure. Ability to lead the team of health care workers in specialised intensive care units.

Content of the course

Internal propaedeutics

Relevant signs and symptoms. Pain, fever, syncope, paralysis, altering state of consciousness, dyspnoea, cough, nausea, diarrhoea, ascites. Urgent states. Genetics and human diseases: genetical aspect of  human diseases. Cardiology: arterial hypertension, coronary atheroscrelosis risk factors,  stable angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial diseases, pericardial disease, rheumatic fever, valvular heart diseases, heart arrhytmia, peripheral vascular diseases, acute cor pulmonale. Bacterial endocarditis, cardiac insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases rehabilitation.  Pneumophthisiology: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Asthma,  chronic respiratory failure, pneumonia, airway tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastroenterology, oesophagus and diaphragm diseases, stomach diseases, small and large intestine diseases, liver diseases, bile duct diseases, pancreas diseases.  Endocrinology: hypothalamus and hypophisis diseases, thyroid gland diseases, parathyroid gland diseases, adrenal gland diseases. Obesity. Hematology: anemia, malignant hemophaties, rheumatology, inflammatory rheumatic diseases, metabolic rheumatic diseases, degenerative rheumatic diseases, extra articular rheumatic disease, Nephrology: acute renal failure, urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, uremia, chronical kidney disease.


1. Group of authors (editor Dragoljub Manojlovic), (2009) Internal Medicine, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Belgrade

2. M. Ostojic, et al. (2012), Cardiology,  М. Ostojic et al. (2012), Cardiology, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Belgrade

3. Djurica S.: Internal Medicine, Medical college of applied sciences, Belgrade, 2000.

4. Manojlovic D. : Internal Medicine, I, II, 2003

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

L ectures, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 40    


Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: ENGLISH
Teachers: Moretic- Micic Snezana, Prof. PhD  
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The objectives of the course are to enable students to independently use professional literature in English; to train students for written and oral communication in English; training students to process and extract information from foreign sources necessary for work in the profession, in written and oral form.

Outcome of the course

Students will maintain a productive knowledge of English acquired in the previous stages of learning as well as be able to express themselves independently within the topics related to the professional sphere.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching and exercises:

Review of grammatical categories of the English language, connection with functions.

Verbs – present tense, past tense.

Verbs – future (simple and continuous).

Verbs – infinitive, participle, gerund form.

Nouns, pronouns.

Adjectives, adverbs.

Direct and indirect speech.


Passive Voice.

The syntax.

Functions in English.

Giving instructions, descriptions, requests, commands.

Expressing personal opinion, comparison, recommendations, discussion (argumentation), etc.

Lexical scope of language, vocabulary of professional language.

Features of the style used in scientific and professional publications, speech, correspondence.

Translation – basics of translation theory and technique.


1. Murphy,  Raymond: English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012

2. Maher, John Christopher. International Medical Communication in English. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004

3. English Grammar in Use, by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquiums,  exercises, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: GERMAN
Teachers: Ivan Martic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge on the structure of organs, organ systems and the entire human body, the composition of body fluids and the role of functional systems in maintaining homeostasis and to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in other disciplines, professional work and life.

Outcome of the course

Students become able to actively apply the acquired knowledge through conversation and writing reports. They are able to express their plans and cope with everyday situations by actively using the acquired vocabulary.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

The subject of study is German language and its application in everyday situations as well as in communication with patients. Teaching is theoretical, working on mastering German grammar and professional medical terminology and specific expressions.

The practical part includes phonetic exercises and conversation exercises.

At the beginning of working with students, testing is conducted to determine their level of knowledge.

Revision of grammatical categories of English language, connecting with functions.

Verbs – present tense, past tense. Verbs – future (simple and continuous).

Verbs – infinitive, participle, gerund.

Nouns, pronouns. Adjectives, adverbs. Direct and indirect speech.

Sentences. Giving instructions, descriptions, requests, demands. Expressing personal opinion, comparison, recommendations, discussion (argumentation), etc. Lexical scope of language, lexical fund of professional language.

Features of the style used in scientific and professional publications, speech, correspondence.

Translation – basics of translation theory and technique.

Practical classes are realized by working in small groups according to the theoretical teaching plan.


1. Тhemen Aktuell A1/1 Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch, Hueber Verlag, 2013

2. Themen Aktuell A2/1 Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch, DAF, Hueber Verlag, 2013

3. Menschen im Beruf, Pflege B1, Hueber Verlag, 2014

4. Граматика савременог немачког језика, Нада Арсенијевић, Партенон, Београд 2007.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 1 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 20 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 30    
Colloquiums 10    












Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 – 2
Eligibility: the condition for summer practice is realized professional practice 1
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the professional practice is for the student to practically apply the acquired knowledge, through well-organized work and achieve a higher degree of professional independence and master the skills necessary for the work of a professional physiotherapist.

Outcome of the course

The ability of students to apply and implement the acquired knowledge in working with patients of various pathological conditions. the student is trained to: assess the patient's condition; synthesizes relevant patient information; participates in the planning and implementation of treatment; competently communicates with the patient and other relevant parties in the course of their profession; performs evaluation to assess the justification of treatment.

Content of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester. student during professional practice 1 should acquire knowledge and ability to apply certain interventions in the process of physical medicine and rehabilitation of patients, as well as in the process of health education work with healthy users. The content of professional practice includes the following contents:

since students begin professional practice from the first semester, the curriculum conditions the list of skills they need to master. The content of the professional practice includes the following contents: Introduction to health care institutions and health procedures. part of the professional practice takes place in laboratories where students can see how biochemical, pathophysiological and microbiological analyzes are done. Introduction to pharmaceutical institutions and the method of application of therapy in health care institutions. interventions when admitting patients to a hospital; establishing an interactive relationship with the patient; determining the needs for health care, independent realization of planned independent activities and participation in the realization of interdependent interventions; documenting activities; preparationpatient for discharge; evaluation of therapy outcomes.

In the local community: Participation of students in programs of comprehensive and multidimensional prevention of mental disorders according to the National Strategy in the field of mental health; Participation in events according to the WHO Health Calendar; Participation in Preventive programs for suicide prevention – Tele appealservices; Participation in prevention programs for the prevention of mental and behavioral disorders (PAS).
Health promotion – active participation of students in public health campaigns according to the WHO Calendar and according to action plans – Strategy at the national level; Application of special health education programs in the prevention of diseases of greater sociomedical significance.


Structure of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. the student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the School has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the School. 900 hours of which 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300hours during the summer holidays, -summer practice, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and a week in the summer they practice 40 hours, namely eight hours a day which is about a month and a half during the summer. students can be involved in both day and night work depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation:

In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods are applied within the subjects with the use of methods of the health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling are also planned.

Total hours = 900 hours 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300 hours during the summer vacation
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the School. Professional practice is assessed descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized”, or “did not realize”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: MANUAL THERAPY
Teachers: Tanja Dedic, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: Passed exam in anatomy and physiology
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Preserving aesthetic appearance and improving health. Achieving the strengthening of the general functions of the organism, increasing endurance and general fitness. Achieving acceleration of blood and lymphatic circulation, and thus the process of metabolism and elimination of fluid. Achieving feelings of satisfaction, warmth, elimination of fatigue and complete relaxation. Preservation and improvement of skin condition and removal of aesthetic skin imperfections.

Outcome of the course

To learn the basic principles of anatomical and functional organization of the organism and to know the basic mechanisms and manual therapies that are used in order to treat and preserve health.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes and exercises

Preparation of materials and instruments, hand disinfection. Representation of the macroscopic appearance of the skin. Presentation of the histological structure of the skin. The role of the skin (protective, thermoregulatory, metabolic, sensitive, immunobiological).

Determining the type, intensity and duration of the massage. Hand massage preparations (oils, creams, gels). Extending the arms.

Performing massage grips. Performing massage interventions. Foot massage. Shank massage. Thigh massage. Abdominal massage. Chest massage. Hand massage. Back massage. Shoulder belt massage. Shank massage. Thigh massage. Foot massage. Chest massage. Abdominal massage.

Underwater massage, preparation of the patient, bathtubs, Dosage of underwater massage. Indications and contraindications for hydrotherapy. Types of agents for performing lymphatic drainage. Client preparation and selection of lymphatic drainage agents. Lymphatic drainage as part of anti-cellulite massage. Introductory massage of a given region.

Determining the starting position for myotherapy. Technique of performing myotherapy. Client preparation.

Determining the type of aromatherapy. Proper selection of essential oils depending on the indication. Mixing essential oils with other oils. Performing massage aromas and determining the amount of oil needed for the massage. Aroma body treatments (perfume and inhalation). Aroma baths as a form of aroma therapy. Sauna and showers as water methods of aroma therapy. Observing the human body through the foot. Rules of massage. Diseases in which massage is applied. Effects of massage on individual human systems and organs.

Definition, term and history of SHIATS massage. Health in the Eastern way. Technique to SHIATS (pressure). Touch techniques. Dosage. SHIATS treatment phase.

Paravertebral musculature massage. Arrangements of sacroiliac and apophyseal joints of the lower part of the lumbar spine. Massage of pelvitrochanteric musculature in pronated lying position. Coxofemoral joint placement. Massage the posterior loins of the thighs. Popliteal pit massage. Massage of the posterior loins of the lower legs. Subtalar joint adjustments. Massage the inner loins of the thighs. Leaf muscle traction. Adjustments of the toes. Sole arch muscle massage. Massage of the muscles of the humeroscapular and cervical region. Shoulder joint adjustments. Elbow joint adjustments. Palm hand massage. Stimulation of the “Delta” point. Adjustments of the finger joints of the hands.

Adjustment of the upper thoracic vertebrae and shoulder joints in the kneeling position. Adjustment of the upper lumbar vertebrae in the kneeling position. Hot stone massage. Weight loss massage.

Other modern massage techniques – aspects of action and methods of application.


1. required: textbook, Massage, author: Dr. Z. Miletić, Institute for Textbooks 2015.

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, exercises, practical work, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 40    
Colloquiums 15    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: KINESIOLOGY
Teachers: Miroslav Nešić, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: Passed exam in anatomy and physiology
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of this course is intended to provide a theoretical basis for the successful mastery of all subject’s programs that are in any way related to the training of the disabled by the method of their engagement, especially by the application of movement, motion and work. The tasks are to stress the importance of the human body’s structure in morphological, functional and biomechanical terms, the importance of work physiology for the realization of movement in terms of performing some work, the importance of implementing the movement for the development of psychophysical attributes and increase of the biological value of the organism.

Outcome of the course

To learn the basic principles of implementing movement for the development of psychophysical attributes and increase of the biological value of organism.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

Kinesiology – definition, subject, scope and importance of study. The structure and function of human organism, morphology, systems, organs, basic anatomical structure, basic functional unit. The structure and function of the locomotor system, bones, joints and muscles. Basic principles of physics and biomechanics. Function and structure of muscle. Basic neurophysiology. Basic knowledge of  physiology of work. Analysis of the movement of individual body parts. Analysis of some important positions and movements. Body movement analysis. Measurement of muscle power.

Program content of exercises

Elements of the locomotor system through the analysis of the kinetic chain, about movement in general (types of movement), the role of the joint in movement (types of movement in joints – rolling, sliding, rotation, amplitude of movement in joints), defining movement (planes, axes, spatial and physical planes). Measurement of range of motion in joints (patient position, position of measured segments, position of adjacent segments, types of measuring instruments, method of registering obtained data), active and passive mobility, average mobility, limited mobility (contractures, types of contractures), hypermobility. Spinal movements. Limb circumference. Muscle contraction and decontraction. Free and fixed muscle attachment. The role of the nervous system in movement.

– assessment of muscle strength

– examination of muscle strength by the manual method, principles of testing and conditions

– examination of the strength of the muscles responsible for movement of the lower extremities

– examination of the strength of the muscles responsible for movement of the upper extremities

– examination of the strength of the muscles responsible for the movement of the head, neck and torso

– examination of the strength of the muscles that move the face and jaw.

Body postures analysis – principles and elements of the assessment of the posture. Body movement analysis. Gait – analysis and assessment, phases of gait, movements of individual body segments during gait, biomechanical basis of gait (ground reaction force, vertical and horizontal component of the ground reaction force, the base of support in gait), gait speed and stride length, muscular work during gait, walking on the flat surface, walking on inclined and declined surfaces  (up and down stairs), running (running phases, body position during running, stopping from running), jumping (the preparatory phase, the propulsive phase, flight, landing), swimming, volleyball, football, tennis, cycling, skating, wheelchair riding, rowing.


1. Pavlović B.: Kineziterašpija hemiplegija sa opštekineziterapijskim pristupom i dodatkom. „Naučna KMD“ Beograd  2006.

2. „Budi prav bićeš zdrav“(2003), Perić D., Cvetković N., Jovčić Lj. Biblioteka Despot Stefan Lazarević,  Mladenovac

3. „Vežbe oblikovanja za decu“ (1996), autorsko izdanje, Mladenovac

4. „Opšta antropomotorika“ (1996),  Kukolj M., Fakultet fizičke kulture, Beograd

5. „Biomehanika“ (1987), Оpavky P., Naučna kniiga, Beograd

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, excercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 25    
Colloquiums 20    
Seminar papaer 10    







Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Snezana Trifunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

To acquaint students with the basic principles of action of agents and certain techniques of application in the field: thermo, mechanical, photo and electrotherapy. To enable them to properly handle all application procedures. Enabling students to apply protective measures, to operate devices and check their correctness.

Outcome of the course

Students will know the causes of the disease, the clinical picture and therapy, and thus will be able to take preventive measures that will prevent the development of the disease.

Content of the course

Program content of exercises and practical classes:


Paraffin therapy, preparation of paraffin, preparation of pots or vessels, purification of paraffin mixture, accessories for paraffin packaging, technique of paraffin application, procedure after final preparation, errors in work. Sauna.

Hyperthermia, hypothermia, hydrotherapy, general and local, action (desired – undesirable). Cryotherapy, application technique. Different forms of hydrotherapy. Electrotherapy.

Division. Direct current, sources and bases of their construction (pole action). Galvanization, stable and labile, direct and indirect, types of devices, their possibilities. Fact (desired – unwanted).

Galvanotherapy, device preparation, correctness control, types of electrodes in galvanic therapy, patient preparation, application technique in classical galvanic therapy. Hydrogalvanic procedures, four-cell bath, preparation of devices, preparation of patients, preparation technique, procedure after completed preparation, work errors.

Drug electrophoresis. Diadynamic currents. Exponential current.

Sources, electrodiagnostics and electrostimulation, significance. Neuron electrodiagnostics, determination of rheobase, chronaxy, accommodation. I / T curve, reading interpretation. Effects (desired-unwanted). Alternating current (low frequency). Farad current, elections. Fact (desired-unwanted). Types of electrodes, application techniques, operating errors. Medium frequency currents. Interference currents, sources, operation. Fact (desired-unwanted). Accessories for application of interference currents, technique of application of interference field (static and dynamic).

High frequency currents Division, sources and their construction, thermal effects. Shortwave diathermy (electrostatic and electromagnetic field), microwave and ultrashortwave diathermy. Sources and action (desired – undesirable). Room for application of diathermy, equipment of the room, type of electrodes (monode, glass electrodes, felt electrodes, induction cable), preparation of patients, technique of application of diathermy, procedure after completed application, errors in work.

Sonotherapy. Power sources, combined application of ultrasound and diadynamic currents. Phototherapy.

Infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, artificial sources of infrared and ultraviolet rays, skin reaction, individual and regional sensitivity. Lamps with infrared rays Lamps with ultraviolet rays Underwater massage, manual massage, special forms of massage (connective tissue massage, syndardial massage, vascular massage). Laser physical therapy

Magnetotherapy, sources, actions. Proper application of magnets, work technique. Non-apparatus physical therapy. Possibilities, technique of application of non-apparatus application in physical therapy, choice of procedures.


1. obligatory: “Physical therapy for students of the Higher Medical School”, author: prof. Dr. O. Popović, 2014

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lecture, exercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 40    
Colloquiums 15    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Miroslav Nešić, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: Passed exam in kinesiology
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The goal and task of teaching general kinesitherapy is: to define the subject and determine its place in physical medicine and rehabilitation, to explain the basic causes that lead to dysfunction of the locomotor system and other systems that are functionally related to locomotor, to clearly define the principles of movement therapy : (kinesiological, physiological and neurophysiological). Through the teaching of General Kinesitherapy, the student gets intoroduced to and trained in: forms of kinesitherapy, methods of implementation, general methods of work, principles of dosing therapeutic procedures, indications and contraindications for the application of certain kinesitherapy procedures.

Outcome of the course

Students will know the causes of the disease, the clinical presentation and therapy, and thus will be able to take preventive measures that will prevent the disease occuring.

Content of the course

Theoretical and practice teaching

Goals and tasks of kinesitherapy. Means of kinesitherapy. Fundamental means. Different aspects of the division of therapeutic movements, according to the force being carried out: passive and active, according to complexity: simple, complex and functional, according to the degree of voluntary participation: voluntary, automatic movements, reflex movements and reactions. Auxiliaries in kinesitherapy.

The place and role of kinesitherapy in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Physiotherapeutic examination-physiotherapeutic diagnostics. Consequences of inactivity, biological value of movement. Means of kinesitherapy, elements of therapeutic movement. Organization, goals, tasks, forms and ways of conducting kinesitherapy. Indications and contraindications for kinesitherapy. Pedagogical and methodological principles of kinesitherapy. Types, elements, effects and use of passive therapeutic movements. Types, elements, effects and use of active therapeutic movements. The growth and development of movement, principles and laws of motor development. Application of suspension in kinesitherapy, principles of application of hydrokinesitherapy, sports activities and plays as a form of kinesitherapy. Mobility aids. Definition of kinesitherapy. Subject of study. Connection of kinesitherapy with other disciplines.

Evaluation methods and principles in kinesitherapy.

Forms of kinesitherapy. Method of implementation. Principles of conducting therapeutic exercises. Pedagogical principles. Methodological principles. Dosage principles. Initial positions in kinesitherapy.

Stimulation of reflexes and reactions, achieving relaxation, demonstrating planned exercises, learning movements, assessing the extent of movement in the joints and the mobility of other tissues.

Principles of sports activities as a form of kinesitherapy. Principles of occupational therapy: functional, pre-professional, occupational. Mobility aids, characteristics and use.

Getting to know the workplace of a physiotherapist. Kinesitherapy equipment, names, characteristics, use. Initial positions in kinesitherapy: basic, derived, supplementary, active, passive, relaxing.


1. „Osnovi kineziterapije za studente Više medicinske škole“ autor: prim. dr D. Vulović

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, excercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 25    
Colloquiums 20    
Seminar papaer 10    









Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Anita Kovacic-Popovic, PhD  Vojin Vidanovic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Introducing students to modern theoretical and practical achievements in the field of sociotherapy in rehabilitation (medical, social and professional). Also, acquiring knowledge about the methods of sociotherapy in prevention, diagnosis and therapy within the rehabilitation and social integration of persons with various disorders, conditions and diseases.

Outcome of the course

Application of acquired knowledge and skills in the field of sociotherapy in rehabilitation as a multidisciplinary field that is present in its complexity in all aspects of rehabilitation. As such, it is present in the work of physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching: Teaching covers theoretical and practical socio-medical aspects and possibilities of sociotherapeutic action in prevention, diagnosis, therapy, training, rehabilitation and social integration of persons with different types of disorders, conditions and diseases, persons with disabilities and persons with special needs. “Open forms” of protection and integration of persons with disabilities. Characteristics and possibilities of rehabilitation and social integration of children with disabilities. Studying the elements of sociotherapeutic work in the therapeutic dimensions of the group, communication theory, interpersonal psychology, field theory, etc. Within the rehabilitation process, sociotherapeutic aspects of occupational, occupational and recreational therapy as well as environmental therapy are studied. Special emphasis is placed on the elements of therapeutic work in the family environment, on network or network therapy.

Exercises: Acquisition and adoption of elements of sociotherapeutic work of rehabilitation, in which physiotherapists participate.


1. Popović Kovačić A.: Skripta iz socioterapije u rehabilitaciji, 2020. VZŠSS Medika 

2. Simić M.: Skripta iz gerontologije, 2002.

3. Lakićević M: Metode i tehnike u socijalnom radu, FPN 2003.

4. Jovčić LJ: Skripta iz socioterapije u rehabilitaciji VZŠSS 2015.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, exercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 25    
Colloquiums 30    


Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Aleksandra Sekulic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Gaining knowledge about importance of appropriate disposal of medical waste, with respect to health of employees, patients and local population and environmental protection.

Outcome of the course

Obtained knowledge and expertise in medical waste recognition and classification and ability to efficiently apply acquired knowledge and skills in a daily professional work.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Introduction to medical waste management, type of wastes, key principles in medical waste management. Medical waste hazards. Legislation. Medical waste risk control. Classification and arrangement of medical waste. Packaging and marking of medical waste. Safe handling of medical waste. Safety and health on work, injuries at work caused by sharp objects. Handling of spilled medical waste, treatment and disposal of medical waste. The flow of infectious waste.


Determining the risk. Classification of medical waste on place of origin, usage of appropriate containers and bags. Sterilization of medical waste in autoclaves, medical waste classification by EWC – hands-on experience. Handling of spilled medical waste. Measures in cases of injuries, accidents.


2. Jan Gerrit Tesink, Craig C, Milanović S et al. Upravljanje medicinskim otpadom, priručnik za učenike medicinskih škola, septembar 2012. Tehnička podrška za tretman medicinskog otpada u Srbiji, EU, Ministarstvo zdravlja RS.

3. Milanović S, Jovanović V, Mršulja A et al: Radna sveska za upravljanje medicinskim otpadom za medinske škole, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2015.

4. Nacionalni vodič za bezbedno upravljanje medicinskim otpadom, septembar 2008.

5. Lewis LS, Dirksen SR, Heitkemper MM, Bucher L.: Medical surgical nursing : Assessment and management of clinical problems.

6. Pravilnik o upravljanju medicinskim otpdaom, Sl. Glasnik RS br 78/2010.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lecture, practical training, seminars.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 10    
Colloquiums 25    


Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: SOMATOPEDICS
Teachers: Anita Kovacic Popovic, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Basic (general) aim of Somatopedics course is to extent medical aspect of physiotherapeutic education with educational and clinical corpus of knowledge, as a prerequisite if inclusion to scheme of integral rehabilitation.

Goals of Somatopedics are research of conditions, contents, extent, methods, means and forms of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

Outcome of the course

Students will know how to properly approach and professionally conduct  kinesitherapeutical goals, as well as they will be able to resolve effects of body handicaps, psychomotorical functioning of persons with disabilities and will be able to send them to required socialization.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching and exercises:

· Definition, subject and goals of Somatopedics. Importance of Somatopedics. Relations of Somatopedics with other scientific areas and disciplines.

· Somatopedia in education and rehabilitation, in practical work of physiotherapists and work therapists.

· Principles of educational and clinical work with children, youth and grownup persons.

· Methods and forms of Somatopedia professional work in domains of work therapeutics for children, youth and grownup persons with disabilities.

· Structure of complex rehabilitation process.

· Locomotor apparatus and basics of kinesiology. Functional anatomy of locomotor apparatus.

· Movement. Motor basis of the nervous system. Muscle tonus. Automatin of locomotor apparatus functions. Lever system in body.

· Center of body gravity. Mechanics of vertical body position. Biomechanics of walking. Motorics and psychomotorical ablities.

· General principles (laws) of motoric development.

· Body disability as result of damage to locomotor apparatus (bones, joints, muscles)

· Body disability as result of chronical and long-term illness of other organic systems.

· Rehabilitation of children with physical disability. Structure of complex process of rehabilitation.

· Basis of clinical and educational Somatopedics of persons with disabilities.

· Principles of education of bodily disabled, ill and weakened children.

· General principles. Principles of Special Pedagogy.

· Principles of upbringing of children with body disabilities.

· Pre-school (kindergarten) education and upbringing of bodily disabled children.

· Primary school education and upbringing of bodily disabled children.

· Secondary school education and upbringing of bodily disabled children.

· Special writing of bodily disabled persons with physical disabilities.

· Physical education of persons with disabilities.

· Somatopedics in geriatrics.

· Persons with disabilities in process of integral rehabilitation-

· Mental handicaps (retardations) – definitions, classifications, causes, clinical symptoms, education.

· Bleariness and blindness – definition, causes, characteristics, rehabilitation and socialization.

· Speech impediments – definition, causes, characteristics, rehabilitation and socialization.

· Multiple disabilities – definition, causes, characteristics, rehabilitation and socialization.



1. Somatopedija, skripta, Ј. Urošević, 2012.


Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Interactive teaching, theoretical teaching in the form of lectures with discussion, individual and group work with students, colloquiums, consultations, student research papers

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Practical knowledge examination 25    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Tanja Dedic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The student should get acquainted with the possibilities of applying kinesitherapy in various diseases and injuries of the human body and learn how to practically apply kinesitherapy in these diseases and injuries.

Outcome of the course

Passed exam and the students’ ability to put into practice everything they have learned in their work with healthy and sick people.

Content of the course

Theoretical and practical exercises

Kinesitherapy for diseases of the central nervous system, kinesitherapy for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, kinesitherapy for muscular diseases, kinesitherapy for respiratory diseases, heart diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, kinesitherapy for inflammatory rheumatic diseases, degenerative rheumatic diseases and pain syndromes, kinesitherapy in surgery and orthopaedics, kinesitherapy for locomotor injuries, kinesitherapy in paediatrics, kinesitherapy in geriatrics, kinesitherapy in obstetrics and gynecology.

Practical classes Application of  kinesitherapy for the treatment of brain injuries and diseases, development of a kinesitherapy plan, training of students in exercises, kinesitherapy for diseases and injuries of the spinal cord, development of a kinesitherapy plan, practical excercises of students in the treatment of patients,  application of kinesitherapy exercises in the treatment of injuries and diseases of preipheral nerves, kinesitherapy exercises in the treatment of patients with muscular diseases, the use of kinesitherapy in the treatment of respiratory diseases, in the treatment of heart disease,  in patients suffering from peripheral vascular diseases, the use of kinesitherapy in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, in the treatment of patients with degenerative rheumatic diseases, in the treatments for surgical and orthopedic diseases, assessment of patients, development of a treatment plan, training of students in exercises, application of kinesitherapy in patients after injuries of the locomotor system, development of exercises  plan, training of students in exercises, application of kinesitherapy in early and late stages of rehabilitation after surgical interventions after bone fractures or due to illness, assessment of the patient's condition, development of a treatment plan, training of students in exercises, application of kinesitherapy in the treatment of children's diseases, assessment of the condition in children, development of special exercise plans in children, training of students in peforming exercises, application of kinesitherapy in geriatric patients, development of exercise plan, training of students in exercises, application of kinesitherapy in women before and after childbirth, application of kinesitherapy in gynecological diseases, development of exercise programs, training of students in performing exercises.


1. Jevtić, M: Klinička kineziterapija, Medicinski fakultet, Kragujevac, 2008.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, excercises.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 10    
Practical knowledge examination 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: SPECIAL PHYSIOTERAPY
Teachers: Biljana Stojanovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: Previously passed  exams in internal medicine, surgery with orthopedics, general kinesitherapy, neurology, kinesiology 1 and 2 and  general physical therapy.
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The student should get acquainted with the possibilities of applying physical therapy in various diseases and after injuries to the human body and with the practical application of these tools in patients.

Outcome of the course

Passed exam by the student and the student`s ability to apply everything he has learned in the further course of work with health and sick people.

Content of the course

The content theoretical classes: Physical therapy for injuries and diseases og peripheral nerves, physical therapy in the treatment of patients after injuries and diseases of the brain, diseases and injuries of the spinal cord and physical therapy for diseases of the respiratory system heart disease, diseases of the digestive system, inflammative rheumatic diseases, physical therapy in the treatment of patients with degenerative rheumatic diseases and pain syndromes in the treatment of periarticular rheumatic disease, physical therapy in the treatment of patients after soft tissue injuries, after fractures, in contractures, physical therapy in the trettment of pediatric diseases, in geriatric patients, physical therapy in gynecological diseases.

Practical classes: Applycation of physical therapy for peripheral nerve damage, development of a physical therapy plan, training of students in the application of physical therapy in patients, application of physical therapy in patients after brain injuries and diseases application of physical therapy in patients with spinal cord injury, use of physical agents in treatments respiratory diseases, in hearth diseases in the treatment of patients suffering from digestive diseases, the use of physical therapy in inflammatory rheumatic diseases, in degenerative rheumatic diseases, pain syndromes, application of various forms of physical therapy in patients with soft tissue injuries, in patints with fractures, in patients with edema, contractures and other conditions of the locomotor system, use of physical techniques in treatments for children`s diseases, assesment of children`s condition, training of students in treatments, application of physical therapyin geriatric patients, application of physical agents in gynecological diseases, assessment of the condition of sick women, training of students in treatments.


1. Jevtic M. Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine. Kragujevac, 1999.

2. Veljkovic M. Clinical physical therapy. HMS, Cuprija, 2004.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, practical work.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Practical knowledge examination 25    
Colloquiums 20    













Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: COMMUNICATION SKILLS
Teachers: Miroslav Knezevic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The goal of the course is for the student to actively participate in the teaching process, master the knowledge in the field of communication, in order to acquire communication competence and necessary skills for professional work in interaction with service users, communication, interpersonal communication, teamwork and public relations in health, social and educational institutions.

Outcome of the course

Ability to apply the acquired theoretical, pedagogical and psychological knowledge in the field of communication and communication skills for working with preschool children.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

Communications – general concepts, definitions, aspects, functions, types, models, methods, techniques; Personal skills of quality in communications: self-observation and self-esteem, political and social correctness, ethical principles in communications; Importance of verbal communication: speaking, listening, reading, writing Importance of nonverbal communication: body language, observation, recognition; Conflict resolution; Transmission, communication, presentation, reception – exchange of messages and establishment of a relationship between professional esthetician, beautician – patient / client;

Emotional intelligence and empathy; Communication structure: cognitive, emotional and action aspect in relation to age. Styles in communication: assertive, passive and aggressive; Application of assertive techniques; learning assertiveness; Conflicts in communication – conflict management; Communication skills in providing support and assistance – advisory communication. Presentation; Lecture, public appearance, media – preparation and performance techniques.


 “Communication Functions”; “Empathy and Ethical Principles”; ” Verbal and non-verbal communication ” ;; “Writing, reading, listening, speaking”; ” Assertiveness ” ” Communications for information ”; “Therapeutic communication”; “Communication in teamwork”; “Conflict Resolution”; “Electronic and telephone communication”;

“Communication for speech development”; “Public appearance, oral and poster presentation”; “Communication in conflict”.


1. Kekuš  D..Komunikacije u profesionalnoj praksi zdravstvenih radnika, II.izd. Beograd: autorsko izdanje, 2010.

2. Kekuš  D :  Modeli integrisanih komunikacija u zdravstvu, FON, Beograd  (dopunska).

3. Eide H.Eide T.:  Komunikacija sestra pacijent, UMST, Beograd. (2005)


Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Teaching methods and techniques: frontal, group and tandem

Oral presentation, conversation-discussion, role-playing, creative workshops.

Working with a book.

A combination of presentation, discussion and situation analysis.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Danilo Savovic, PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The students should be capable of applying the law and other legal acts on the subject of health and health protection, controlling the measures prescribed in accordance with the law and other legal acts, getting acquainted with the basic principles, norms, standards, and nomenclatures of health services, realizing the importance of organized healthcare in keeping and advancing the health of the population.

Outcome of the course

Students will learn the basic terms of the law and the organizational frameworks, as well as disciplinary, ethical and deontological groundwork necessary for the healthcare professional.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

The legal basis of health and ecological protections. The most important regulations in healthcare.

The rights and duties of the republic, and the municipalities, as well as the role of the state in the field of healthcare. The jurisdiction and the tasks of the republic in these fields.

The regulations on founding and cessation of work of healthcare institutions. The rights and duties of founders of healthcare institutions. The management and financing of healthcare institution – regulations. Overseeing the work of healthcare institutions – regulations. Law pertaining to healthcare – law on prevention of communicable diseases, laws on food safety.

Law on protection from ionizing irradiation.

Law on medications, opioids, poisons.

International humanitarian conventions – prisoners of war, civilians during wartime.

International law on environmental protection.

Law on healthcare database.

Database and their statistics.

Legal proceedings in healthcare.

Administration paperwork.


1. Timotic B, Andjelski H: Тимотић Б.: Zdravstveno zakonodavstvo,, Elit- Medica, Beograd, 2004.

2. Lazarevic A et al: Javno zdravlje, Socijalna politika in zdravstvena zastita – dopuna, Beograd, VZSSS u Beogradu, 2016.

3. Savovic M, Prlja D, Stepic D:  Zdravstveno zakonodavstvo, Udruzenje “Pravnici za demokratiju”, Beograd, 2006.

4. Lazarevic A: Socijalna medicina, autor, Beograd, 2015.

5. Milic C. Socijalna medicina, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2005.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

colloquia, papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    












Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 – 2
Eligibility: realized professional practice 1, summer practice 2
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the professional practice is for the student to practically apply the acquired knowledge, through well-organized work to achieve a higher degree of professional independence and master the skills necessary for work.

Outcome of the course

Expected outcomes in accordance with the set goals and anticipated competencies follow the contents of professionally applied subjects. Ability of the student to master the skills of performing certain interventions in the process of working with patients.

Content of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester. During the internship 2, the student should practically apply the acquired knowledge and skills, as well as to expand and acquire new knowledge and master the skills of performing certain interventions in the process of working with patients. The content of the internship includes: Manual therapies

Determining the type, intensity and duration of the massage. Hand massage preparations (oils, creams, gels). Performing massage grips. Performing massage interventions. Foot massage. Shank massage. Thigh massage. Abdominal massage. Chest massage. Hand massage. Back massage. Shoulder belt massage. Shank massage. Thigh massage. Foot massage. Chest massage. Abdominal massage. Underwater massage, preparation of the patient, bathtubs, Dosage of underwater massage. Indications and contraindications for hydrotherapy. Types of agents for performing lymphatic drainage. Client preparation and selection of lymphatic drainage agents. Lymphatic drainage as part of anti-cellulite massage. Determining the type of aromatherapy. Other modern massage techniques.

Kinesiology: Elements of the locomotor system through the analysis of the kinetic chain, about movement in general (types of movement), the role of the joint in movement (types of movement in joints – rolling, sliding, rotation, determination depending on movement in joints, amplitude of movement in joints), defining movement ( planes, axes, spatial and bodily planes). Measurement of range of motion in joints (patient position, position of measured segments, position of adjacent segments, types of measuring instruments, way of registering obtained data), active and passive average mobility, mobility, limited mobility (contractures, types of contractures), hypermobility. Spinal column movements. Limb circumference. Muscle contraction and decontraction. The role of the nervous system in movement. Assessment of muscle strength

Physical therapy: Thermotherapy. Electrotherapy. Galvanotherapy, preparation of the device, correctness control, types of electrodes in galvanic therapy, preparation of patients, application technique in classical galvanic therapy.

Hydrogalvanic procedures, four-cell bath, preparation of devices, preparation of patients, preparation technique, procedure after completed preparation, work errors.

Drug electrophoresis. Diadynamic currents. Exponential current. Alternating current (low frequency). Farad current, elections. Fact (desired-unwanted). Types of electrodes, application techniques, operating errors. Medium frequency currents.

Interference currents, sources, operation. Fact (desired-unwanted). Accessories for application of interference currents, technique of application of interference field (static and dynamic).

High frequency currents. Sonotherapy. Power sources, combined application of ultrasound and diadynamic currents. Phototherapy. Magnetotherapy, sources, actions.

Sociotherapy in rehabilitation: theoretical and practical socio-medical aspects and possibilities of sociotherapeutic action in prevention, diagnosis, therapy, training, rehabilitation and social integration of persons with different types of disorders, conditions and diseases, persons with disabilities and persons with special needs.

Medical waste management

Risk calculation. Sorting of waste at the place of origin, use of appropriate containers and bags. Sterilization of medical waste in autoclaves. classification of waste according to SKO – examples from practice. Disposal of spilled waste. Measures in case of injury, accident.

Structure of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. The student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the School has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the School.

900 hours of which 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300 hours during the summer holidays, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and weekly practice 40 hours a week, namely eight hours a day which is about a month and per day during the summer. Students can be involved in both day and night work depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation:

In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods are applied within the subjects with the use of methods of health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling are also planned.

Total hours = 900 hours 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300 hours during the summer vacation
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the School. Professional practice is assessed descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized”, or “did not realize”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.

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Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: ETHICS
Teachers: Jovan Jugovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

– adoption of ethical principles and their practical application;

– training students for a critical relation towards habits, attitudes and types of patient-approaching in order to establish an ethical approach and find solutions in a given situation.

Outcome of the course

To apply in practice ethical principles in accordance with the Rights of a Child Convention

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching:

Sociological genesis of morality: the role of the social system in the formation of value systems. Customs and morals, religion and morality, law and morality – differences: customary, religious, legal and moral norms. Pranorms: norms of the original community. History of ethical teachings: ethical teachings of ancient Greece (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, hedonism, stoicism – clinical direction) ethical teachings of the Middle and New Ages (Spinoza, Rus, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, utilitarianism), the latest ethical teachings (Marx, Engels, existentialism -Sartre). Yugoslav ethical practice. Positive and negative psychological and moral characteristics – virtues and flaws. Characteristics of magical medicine. Scientific medicine. Hippocrates, Seneca and Largus and their doctor's description. The Hippocratic Oath. Codes. International Code of Medical Ethics. Geneva revision of the Hippocratic oath. Code of Ethics of Healthcare Workers of Yugoslavia. Oath of Florence Nightingale. International Code of Ethics for Healthcare Professionals. Ethical attitude of the health worker towards the patient: the patient as a subject of treatment. Principles of communication health worker patient, verbal and nonverbal communication, transfer and countertransference. Attitude of health worker towards patient in certain branches of medicine – ethical specifics in psychiatry, oncology and attitude towards dying patient, ethical attitude towards sick child, in gynecology, towards handicapped patient, ethical problems in surgery, problems of communication with infectious patients. Great and eternal ethical themes and dilemmas: euthanasia, secret experiment. Ethical attitude of a health worker towards another health worker, ethical principles of communication with the patient's family. Ethical problems of health education, ethical obligations of the health worker towards the social community. Ethical aspects and norms of behavior in a health institution, ethical problems of modern medicine: prevention, diagnosis, expertise. Medical law: the principle of self-determination by patients. Mistakes in medicine and criminal liability of health workers.


1. Јugovic Ј.: Оdabrana poglavlja etike, skripta. VZSSS Мedika, Beograd 2021.

2. Muncan B.: Sestrincka etika, Mladost-biro, Beograd, 2009.

3. Мaric Ј.: Меdicinska etika, „Bareks“ Beograd, 2018.

4. Мaric Ј.: Оsnovi medicinske etike, Visa medicinska skola, Beograd, 1978.

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium, term papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Seminar paper 25    
Colloquiums 30    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Dedic Tanja, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim and task of the course is to acquaint the student with the types of prosthetic and orthotic devices, indications and use in practice.

Outcome of the course

Students will know the function and significance, as well as to apply and correctly place the necessary prosthetic and orthotic devices.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes

Introduction to orthotics and prosthetics. History. Development, significance, multidisciplinary approach. New directions.

Amputated person and its problems. Psychological, socio – economic, medical. Indications for amputation. The main indications for amputation of the lower extremities. Functional deficit related to amputation levels. Preoperative application. Postoperative period. Early complications and interventions. Preparation of the stump for prosthetics. Early mobilization method. Direct prosthetic technique on the operating table Berlomont, Njeiss. Phantom pain and phantom sensation. Psychological adjustment of a patient with amputation.

Introduction to prosthetics and orthotics, amputations, amputation techniques, indications for amputations, preoperative preparation, postoperative period, preparation of prosthetic stump, amputated person and his problems, phantom pain and phantom sensation, prostheses for lower and upper extremities, knee and lower knee prostheses other types of prostheses, prosthetic gait training, congenital amputations and malformations, upper arm and forearm prostheses, materials used in prosthetics and orthotics, basic principles in prescribing prosthetic and orthotic devices, knee, knee and knee braces and other orthotic devices for legs, orthotic devices for hands, types of spinal orthoses.

Knee prostheses: components, constructions, types of suspension, biomechanical principles, centering. Locations of mechanical knee joints when using femurs.

Prosthetic devices for partial amputations of the feet. Characteristics. Specialized shoes for partial foot amputations. Other types of lower extremity dentures. Canadian prosthesis for hip disarticulation and hemipelvictomy. Knee amputation prosthesis. Disarticulation of supracondylar amputation Grittiskokes. Syme amputation prosthesis. Human locomotion, principles and characteristics. Training of patients with lower limb amputation. The role and importance of temporary dentures. Prosthetic documentation. New achievements and new concepts in the field of orthotics and prosthetics.

Program content of exerciseskinesitherapy of stump and healthy parts of the body, application of rehabilitation in patients with knee prostheses, kinesitherapy of stump, kinesitherapy of healthy parts of the body, application of rehabilitation in upper and forearm prostheses, kinesitherapy for stump and injured arm, orthotics, orthotics crutches and sticks, orthopedic footwear, application of orthotic means for legs, application of orthotic means for hands, application of spinal orthoses, demonstration of these orthoses and placement on the spinal column. Training of patients in groups. orthotic devices and practical application in patients, walkers and wheelchairs, crutches and sticks, orthopedic footwear, application of orthotic means for legs, application of orthotic means for hands, application of spinal orthoses, demonstration of these orthoses and placement on the spinal column. Training of patients in groups. orthotic devices and practical application in patients, walkers and wheelchairs, crutches and sticks, orthopedic footwear, application of orthotic means for legs, application of orthotic means for hands, application of spinal orthoses, demonstration of these orthoses and placement on the spinal column. Training of patients in groups.


1. Authorized script for students of the Medical College, author: Dr. D. Mitrašinović

2.  Veljković, M .: Prosthetics and orthotics, VMS, Ćuprija, 2005.


Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, consultations, exercises, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 30    
Seminar paper 5    
Colloquiums 20    








Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Branislav Antic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Introduction to all aspects of diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain with special reference to postoperative, neuropathic and cancerous pain. Getting acquainted with the basics of the philosophy and practice of palliative care, as well as acquiring knowledge and skills for participation in palliative care, including emotional support to the patient and his family members.

Outcome of the course

Acquiring basic knowledge and skills in terms of diagnosis and treatment of pain. Qualification of students for the organization of palliative care, as well as work in the team for palliative care, ie implementation of measures and procedures that include palliative care. Mastering skills that enable the reduction of pain and suffering of the patient, as well as skills for providing psychological and other support, both to the patient and family members during the period of expected loss of a loved one.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes:

History and significance of pain. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of pain. Epidemiology of pain. Division of pain: acute, chronic; nociceptive, neuropathic, mixed. Assessment of pain type and severity: scales for pain assessment. Psychological aspect of pain. The most common pains: headaches, back pain, neuralgia, cancer pain, postoperative pain. Basic principles of pain treatment: pharmacological treatment (analgesics/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, adjuvants), infiltrations and blockades (muscle infiltrations, peripheral nerve blockades, spinal injections), pain surgery (anatomical, ablative and augmentative procedures). Pain in specific groups: children, the elderly, athletes. Definition, goals and basic principles of palliative care. Problems of patients in the terminal phase: physical (pain, weakness and fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, sleep disorder), emotional, mental, social. Terminal stage of the disease: symptoms and signs of impending death. Basic methods of palliative care: medication, nutrition, relaxation techniques, emotional support to the patient and family members. Palliative care standards. Ethical principles of palliative care. Palliative care team.


Pain assessment: pain expression, application of a pain assessment scale. The role of the nurse in the treatment of pain: proper implementation of drug, injection and infusion therapy of pain, assistance with infiltrations and blockages. Basic principles of opioid analgesic therapy: titration of opioid analgesics, proper application, monitoring of effects and complications. Proper application of the fentanyl patch. Basic principles of palliative care: medication, nutrition, care, relaxation techniques, emotional and psychological support to the patient and family members.


1. Antić B i saradnici: Dijagnostika i lečenje bola. Beograd, MP media&SLD, 2016.

2.  Ely J, Miličević N, Downing J, Haraldsdottir E. Priručnik za studente iz predmeta palijativna medicina. Beograd, Razvoj palijativnog zbrinjavanja u Srbiji & EuropeAid/129769/C/SER/RS, 2012

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

lectures, exercises, practical work, seminar work, consultations.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Checking practical work 25    
Colloquiums 20    











Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: WORK THERAPY
Teachers: Snezana Trifunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 5
Eligibility: passed exam in anatomy and physiology, somatopedics
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Getting acquainted with and acquiring basic knowledge about the principles, methods and types of occupational therapy, as well as techniques and activities that are most often used as a method of functional training in the rehabilitation process.

Outcome of the course

The student's ability to incorporate the acquired knowledge about activities and techniques from occupational therapy into therapeutic procedures and methods of rehabilitation.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching and teaching exercises

Definition. History. Profession development in Serbia. Connection with other sciences. Place and role in rehabilitation. Teamwork. Conceptual models in the practice of occupational therapy – rehabilitation or compensatory model, Canadian model of occupation performance and engagement, model of human occupation. Occupations. Goals, principles, methods, types and tasks of occupational therapy. Elements of treatment planning in occupational therapy: diagnosis, stage of the disease, localization of damage, functional status, therapeutic goals, techniques and activities. Elements of functional assessment in occupational therapy. Dosage. Elements and principles of dosing in strengthening muscle strength, increasing the amplitude of movement, improving movement coordination and oculomotor coordination. Basic principles of progressivity. Development and basic functions of the hand. Classification of grips. Occupational therapy at different ages. Occupational therapy in pediatrics. Occupational therapy in geriatrics. Geront scale. Occupational therapy in psychiatry. Assessment of a psychiatric patient in occupational therapy. Techniques in occupational therapy: mechanical, directed, sedative, stimulating, inventive and free. Assisted in occupational therapy. Activities of everyday life. Means of movement and gait analysis. Architectural and technical adaptations. Assessment of working ability.


3. Radna terapija –praktikum, skripta, Nada Savković; Osnovi radne terapije,Slobodan Nikolić;

4. Estelle B.Breines – Occupational Therapy-Activities From Clay To Computer- Theory And Practice,F.A. DAVIS COMPANY,Philadelphia,1995.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lecture, exercises, practical work

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 10    
Test of practical knowledge 30    
Colloquiums 15    




Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: FIRST AID
Teachers: Antic Branislav, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Practical training of future health workers to properly provide immediate assistance to life-threatening persons in unforeseen situations, which is the basis for saving and preserving lives in the care of life-threatening, mitigating the consequences of the situation and supportrecovery by practical actions prescribed and adopted at the international level if the methods of choiceEncouraging the development of ethical personality traits that characterize the professional character of health professionals such as: humanity, altruism, precision, self-initiative, responsibility and sacrifice; Enabling students to successfully transfer knowledge from the domain of first aid to the wider community.

Outcome of the course

For students to learn practical first aid for the injured.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes

The concept, goals, tasks and importance of first aid; The role of the rescuer in providing first aid;

the notion of emergency; Lifebuoys; Procedure at the scene of the accident; Determining the condition of the injured / sick person; Head-to-toe examination; The concept, types and signs of death. procedure in disorders of consciousness; Epilepsy (and hysteria); Shellshock; Stroke; Blood sugar disorders; Coma. concept and goals of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Cessation of breathing and heart rate – causes and signs; Artificial respiration methods; External heart massage; Specifics of CPR in children up to the first year of age; Specifics of CPR in children aged from the first year to puberty; Bleeding – types and consequences; Hemorrhagicshock; Methods of temporary hemostasis; Traumatic amputation and procedure for expected replantation; Bleeding from natural openings; Wounds and wound treatment; Bandages;

Techniques for wrapping individual body segments with a triangular scarf and bandage.joint injuries: contusion, sprain, dislocation and fracture; Immobilization – concept, goals; Immobilization rules; Immobilizers; Spinal immobilization; Upper limb immobilization; Chest immobilization; Lower limb immobilization; Injuriescaused by the effect of high temperature on the body: heat stroke, sunburn, burns;injuries caused by the effect of low temperature on the body: hypothermia and frostbite; Electricity injuries: electric shock injuries and lightning strikes; Chemical burns; Sudden poisoning by inhalation and ingestion of toxins; Carbon monoxide poisoning; Caustic poisoning; Poisoning by alcohol, drugs andpsychoactive substances; Biological injuries; Snake and other animal bites; Insect stings (bee, wasp, hornet, scorpion, spider, tick); Craniocerebral injuries; Eye and ear injuries; Chest organ injuries; Abdominal and pelvic injuries; Crash injuries; Blast injuries; Drowning in waterTraffic trauma; Polytrauma; Triage p / o


1. Srdjan Soldatovic, Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids

2. Dragana Pavlović, Zlatko Veža, First Aid, Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids


Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

lecture, consultations, colloquium, seminar papers.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Practical teaching 35    
Colloquiums 20    
























Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: PUBLIC HEALTH
Teachers: Sanja Djudjic, MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Introduction into general characteristics of public health and public health problems, with a special attention to ethical public health code in the application of multidimensional programs derived from public health strategy on the basis of evidence-based medicine.

Outcome of the course

The students are expected to apply the acquired knowledge in the field public health from public health problems recognition to their resolving in a community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

Introduction into public health, definitions and historical development. Subject and content of public health– science and social practice. Public health as a multidisciplinary entity. Health and disease research methodology. Strategies for the promotion and advancement of public health. Social community’s contribution to promotion of a proper nutrition. Public health programs, modeling, production, administering, financing. Improper nutrition disease prevention among population groups, women, children, the elderly, the working population, as well as for those in need of special care. Mobilization and resource engagement in the promotion of proper nutrition and improper nutrition disease prevention. Promotion of healthy lifestyles– nutrition and health.

Practical teaching

Parameters for public health problems in the field of nutrition. Healthy community lifestyle promotion and support. Identification of improper nutrition factors. Development of programs in the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases, cardiovascular, malignant, urinary, allergological, neurological and other diseases. Participation in the preparation of the Health Bazaar – the area of promotion of proper nutrition. Program evaluation in communities.


1. Lazarević A et al. Public health, social policy and health care – updated edition. Beograd: VŠSS in Belgrade, 2016.

2. Lazarević A. Social Medicine – updated edition. VZŠSS in Belgrade: Belgrade; 2015

3.  Đorđević J. Dietetics 1 and 2: for students of the College of Health Professional Studies in Belgrade – study program Professional nutritionist dietitian, for professional nutritionists  / senior dietitiansfor patients. Belgrade: Djordjevic Jelena; 2013

4.  Tisovski S, Trbović B, Đorđević J. Nutrition planning and organization: for students of the College of Health Vocational Studies in Belgrade, the study program of vocational nutritionist and for nutritionists. Belgrade: Tisovski Silvana; 2013.

5. Public health services – WHO/Europe

6. Public Health England (PHE)

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Introduction to Public Health. In: Public Health 101 Series. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2014. Available at:

8. American public health  association:

9. Law on Public Health, Republic of Serbia “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 15 of February 25, 2016.

Number of classes of active teaching    4 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 2
Teaching method:

Lectures, practice, discussions, students’ practical activities method, campaigns and field courses.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activity during exercise 20    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 20    





















Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Dedic Tanja, PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: passed physical therapy, kinesitherapy, special physical therapy, somatopedia
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge and skills about the aging process and the possibilities of rehabilitation in the treatment of the elderly.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students for teamwork in order to prevent treat and rehabilitate the elderly as a prerequisite for quality and meaningful life. Professionally decides on prevention measures and organization of medical rehabilitation in the field of geriatric rehabilitation.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

Characteristics of physical and mental changes in the elderly, rehabilitation methods in the prevention of accelerated aging, the importance of physical activity in geriatrics. Basic principles of rehabilitation treatment in the elderly, rehabilitation in respiratory diseases of the elderly, rehabilitation in heart disease in geriatrics, rehabilitation of peripheral vascular diseases in the elderly, rehabilitation of neurological diseases in geriatrics, rehabilitation of incontinence problems in the elderly, rehabilitation of rheumatic diseases in geriatrics, rehabilitation of orthopedic diseases in the elderly, rehabilitation of osteoporosis in the elderly, preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation in the elderly, rehabilitation of fractures in geriatrics, rehabilitation due to old age and bed rest.

Practical teaching: Possibilities of rehabilitation in the elderly, old man as a special person, basic rehabilitation techniques in the treatment of the elderly, application of kinesitherapy in prevention in the elderly, application of rehabilitation methods in the elderly to achieve satisfactory relaxation, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of the elderly suffer from respiratory diseases, the use of kinesitherapy in the prevention and treatment of heart disorders in the elderly, the use of rehabilitation methods to treat peripheral vascular diseases in the elderly, application of rehabilitation in the treatment of geriatric patients suffering from neurological diseases, application of rehabilitation methods in the prevention and elimination of incontinence problems in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of rheumatic diseases in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy elderly people, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in fracture treatments in the elderly, application of rehabilitation methods in preoperative preparation in the elderly and in the later period after surgery, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of rheumatic diseases in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of orthopedic diseases in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly, application of kinesitherapy and physical therapy in the elderly application of rehabilitation methods in preoperative preparation in the elderly and in the later period after surgical interventions, application of kinesitherapy and other methods of rehabilitation in geriatric patients who do not move and who are bedridden, prevention of pressure ulcers and other changes.


1. Veljković M.: Medicinska rehabilitacija, Medicinski fakultet Kragujevac, 2004

2. Davidović M.: Medicinska gerontologija, Medicinski fakultet Beograd, 2007.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activities during the exercises 10    
Practical knowledge evaluation 30    
Colloquiums 15    





















Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Snežana Trifunovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 6
Eligibility: passed subjects of physical therapy and special physical therapy
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge about the most significant children's diseases, deformities and congenital anomalies within the needs of their profession, in order to rehabilitate the child.

Outcome of the course

Acquisition of knowledge and skills for independent physiotherapeutic and team work in pediatrics.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

Introductory part, psychomotor development of children, special characteristics of a sick child, assessment of psycho-physical condition of a sick child, rehabilitation of children with neurological diseases, rehabilitation in the treatment of developmental disorders in children, rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, rehabilitation of children with rheumatic diseases, rehabilitation of children suffering from respiratory and heart diseases, rehabilitation of children with orthopedic diseases, rehabilitation of children with spinal deformities, rehabilitation of children with limb deformities, rehabilitation of children after locomotor injuries, rehabilitation of children after surgical interventions, team cooperation in physiotherapy training of parents in the rehabilitation of sick children.

Practical classes: 

Special halls for the application of kinesitherapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy for children, equipment of halls and equipment for children's exercise, introducing students to a sick child, special approach to sick children and working with them, games for children, application of rehabilitation methods children suffering from neurological diseases, methods of rehabilitation in the treatment of developmental disorders in children, application of rehabilitation methods in children suffering from cerebral palsy, training students for the application of facilitation methods in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, the application of facilitation exercises according to Bobat and Vojta in sick children, the application of rehabilitation methods in the treatment of children with rheumatic diseases, in the treatment of children with respiratory diseases, the use of rehabilitation methods in children with heart disease and after heart surgery, the use of rehabilitation in the treatment of children with orthopedic diseases, rehabilitation methods in children with spinal deformities, with deformities of the extremities, rehabilitation techniques in the treatment of children with soft tissue injuries and after fractures, the use of rehabilitation methods in children after surgery.


1. Rehabilitacija u pedijatriji, Novi Sad, 1999.

2. Savić K.: 3.Shepherd R.: Fizioterapija u pedijatriji

3. Jovanović L.: Kineziterapija u pedijatriji, autor, Beograd 2000.

4. Ivić I., Razvojna mapa Kreat. centar, 2002.

5. Zukunft B., Neometan razvoj odojčeta, Dečje novine, Beograd 1998.

6. Savić K, Mikov A. Rehabilitacija dece i omladine. Novi Sad: Ortomediks, 2007.

7. Kineziterapija u pedijatriji Leposava Jovanovic Beograd 2000

8. Kosta Savić Rehabilitacija dece i omladine. ORTOMEDICS 2007

Number of classes of active teaching    5 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activities during the exercises 10    
Practical knowledge evaluation 25    
Colloquiums 20    


























Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers: Miroslav Nesic, Prof. PhD
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 7
Eligibility: passed kinesiology, kinesiotherapy, physical therapy
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

Acquiring knowledge of specific etiology, pathogenesis, course, prognosis, prevention and treatment of sports injuries from the physiotherapeutic aspect.

Outcome of the course

Practical application of acquired knowledge and mastering the skills of applying physiotherapeutic methods as part of teamwork in the process of prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes: Diagnosis, evaluation, plan and program of physiotherapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of acute, endogenous and exogenous sports injuries, both of soft tissues (contusions, distensions, ruptures of musculotendinous tissues and ligament-capsular lesions) and osteoarticular system of endogenous chronic sports injuries (overstrain syndromes), postoperative procedures in sports medicine (arthroscopic interventions and invasive orthopedic surgical interventions).

Practical classes:

Practical application of physiotherapy- prevention, therapeutic diagnosis and evaluation of general and authorized methods of kinesiotherapy, manual techniques, sports massage, device-based techniques in cryo, magnetic, photo, thermo, sono, hydro, mechano and electro therapy in the process of teamwork, in the rehabilitation of sports injuries.



1. Higins R. Brukner P. Osnove sportske medicine. Belgrade: Data status, 2009.

2. Banović D. Povrede u sportu. Belgrade: Drasler partner, 2006. god.

3. Nikolić Ž- Povrede ekstremiteta, lečenje i medicinska rehabilitacija. Belgrade: Draslar partner, 2009. god.

Number of classes of active teaching    6 Lectures: 3 Exercise: 3
Teaching method:

Lecture, consultations, colloquium.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 40
Activities during the exercises 10    
Practical knowledge evaluation 25    
Colloquiums 20    





Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: MENTAL HEALTH
Teachers: Jovan Jugovic, Prof. MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The study of Mental Hygiene as a preventive interdisciplinary field aims to enable students to view the phenomena of mental health and mental illness from a broader, multidisciplinary and multidimensional aspect, to take responsible responsibilities for the protection and promotion of mental health in working with people in the community. but also care for the sick with the application of high technology and preserved humane relations in institutions and their homes.

Outcome of the course

Outcome of the subject adopted knowledge and mastery of the skills of assessment, monitoring, creation and implementation of therapeutic communication with the users of health care – persons with mental health problems, members of their families and healthy members of the community.

Content of the course

Theoretical teaching

Subject and theoretical foundations of mental hygiene; Prevention of mental disorders; Mental hygiene of the entire human life cycle: Birth and childhood; Adolescence; Adulthood; Age; Contemporary problems of living: Alienation; Living in an urban environment; Living in a rural area; Nutritional problems; Physical activities; Life crises, illness and disability in the family; Stress and burnout syndrome; Emergency Situations; Refugee; Social pathology and maladaptive behaviors: Marginalized groups; Extramarital affairs; Domestic violence; Alcoholism; Drug addiction; Prostitution; Religious sects; Pathological gambling; Suicidality; New forms of addiction; Mental and hygienic approach to man: Health and disease; Dying and death; Dehumanization and humanization of relations; Communication in the activity of health workers;Comprehensive mental health care.

Exercises: follows theoretical classes and is realized in relevant institutions and communities.


1. Simic, M., Kovacevic, K. Mentalnahigijena. Author's edition, Belgrade, 2004.

2. Berger D .: Health Psychology, Association of Psychologists of Serbia, Center for Applied Psychology, Belgrade, 2002.

3. Kalicanin P. et al., Stress, health, illness, Landmarks, Belgrade, 2001.

4. Havelka M. et al., Health Psychology, Slap Publishing House, Jastrebarsko, 2002.

5. Nikolić D., Addiction Diseases, Narodna knjiga – Alfa, Belgrade, 2007.

6. Stanković Z., Begović D .: Alcoholism from the first to the last glass, Creative Center, Belgrade, 2005.


Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Classes are conducted in the form of theoretical classes, exercises and independent student work.Different methods and forms are used in the realization, depending on the specific content and the institution in which the teaching takes place.

The method is used to teach, show, discuss and book. In particular, the implementation of individual parts of the program uses observation and methods based on practical activities of students.Frontal work is used as a form of teaching.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 10 Oral exam 30
Activities during the exercises 15    
Practical knowledge evaluation 30    
Colloquiums 15    
























Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: HEALTH TOURISM
Teachers: Zeljko Vlaisavljevic, MD PhD
Status of the course: elective
Number of ECTS: 4
Eligibility: no prerequisites required
Teaching language: English, Serbian
Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the impact of all natural factors that affect health, and are related to the stay of tourists at the destination, as well as the effectiveness of non-medical treatments offered in wellness and spa centers and spas. Introduce students to the laws of historical development of various forms of health tourism (thermal spas, climatic spas, etc.) with a special emphasis on spas in Serbia.

Outcome of the course

The outcome of the course is to enable the student to think critically about topics related to health tourism or, more broadly, the relationship between tourism and health.

Content of the course

Theoretical classes and exercises

Forms of health tourism. Specifics of health tourism development. Medical science in health resorts. Natural factor treatment. History of balneotherapy. Balneoclimatology. Meteorology and human biometeorology. Climatology and human bioclimatology. Mineral waters. Balneotherapy. Application of physical therapy in spa conditions. Spas and climatic places in Serbia. Wellness tourism. Medical tourism. Type of medical services in medical tourism. Medical travel planning. The most important medical tourism destinations. Medical tourism-Global competition in healthcare. Promotion of medical tourism. Prospects for the development of health tourism in Serbia.


1. Живановић С. Forms and trends of health tourism. University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja. 2015

2. V.овановић В. Thematic tourism. Singidunum University, Belgrade. 2015

Number of classes of active teaching    3 Lectures: 2 Exercise: 1
Teaching method:

Interactive presentations in which lectures take place with questions, active student participation, visual aids and printed materials. Small group discussions in which students exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and answers in the presence of a teacher who supports the discussion. Case studies using realistic scenarios related to specific topics and problems; students read such case studies and then report after individual work or work in small groups. Seminar paper.

Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
Activity during the class 5 Oral exam 30
Activities during the exercises 10    
Seminar paper 15    
Colloquiums 30    






























Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Teachers in charge of organizing professional practice: Sonja Bulajic, MD PhD
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2 – 2
Eligibility: realized professional practice 2, summer practice 2
Teaching language: Serbian
Aim of the course

Active involvement of students in the rehabilitation process and independent mastering of skills related to the study program.

Outcome of the course

Enabling students to actively participate in the rehabilitation team and work independently in the application of physical medicine and rehabilitation in appropriate institutions.

Content of professional practice:

Since students start their professional internship from the first semester, the curriculum conditions the list of skills they need to master. The student of the first and second semester of the study gets acquainted with the work in the Chinese hall, participates in posture assessment and anthropometric measurements (height, length, circumference of individual body parts), manual muscle test and functional examinations of the cardiovascular, respiratory system and peripheral circulation. The student of the third and fourth semester focuses his work on the application of Chinese treatments in: contractures, disorders of muscle tone, disorders of coordination, disorders of peripheral circulation. He is also trained in the independent application of physical procedures: thermo, hydro, sono, magneto, electro and photo therapy. The fifth and sixth semester student is involved in the complete rehabilitation of cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, pediatric, surgical and orthopedic and rheumatological patients. Number of hours: The student is obliged to do 600 hours of professional practice per year of study, a total of 3600 = 1800 hours. Classes are held in both semesters (winter and summer) as well as during the holidays. The total number of realized hours of professional practice after the completion of studies is 1800. Methods of implementation: At the beginning of the winter semester, the student decides on the institutions in which he will complete his professional practice. These can be institutions of the teaching base of the school, then institutions with which the school has signed a cooperation agreement or other institutions that meet certain criteria. The work of the student during the internship is monitored by a mentor – associate teacher, or a responsible person in the institution. During the work, the student keeps a diary of activities, which is checked and verified by the responsible person. The report filled in by the mentor is submitted to the head of the study program and after a practical check of the acquired knowledge and skills, he enters the achieved ECTS points in the index.

Structure of professional practice:

Professional practice is performed in professional and professionally applied subjects, during the first and second semester, and partly during the summer months. The student performs professional practice in reference health institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary care, preschool institutions with which the School has a cooperation agreement, and under the supervision of teachers and associates of the School. 900 hours of which 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300 hours during the summer holidays, so that during the school year they practice in accordance with the existing schedule of professional practice, and weekly practice 40 hours a week, namely eight hours a day which is about a month and per day during the summer. Students can be involved in both day and night work, depending on the plan of the institution and in agreement with the mentor and associates who monitor the implementation of the practice.

Methods of implementation:

In the implementation of professional practice, all teaching methods within the framework are applied

subjects using the methods of the health care process. Work in a small group, practical activity of students, demonstration, practice, creative workshops, counseling are also planned.

Total hours = 900 hours 600 hours are realized by students during the school year, and 300 hours during the summer holidays..
The student is obliged to keep a Diary of Professional Practice, which is signed and certified by an associate / mentor and a teacher of the School. Professional practice is assessed descriptively – “very successfully realized”, “successfully realized”, or “did not realize”. The grade is given on the basis of regular attendance at professional practice and the level of mastered skills, and on the basis of the grade / opinion of associates / mentors.

























Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Status of the course: required
Number of ECTS: 2
Teaching language: Serbian
The scientific research activity of the High Medical School “Medika” is planned in accordance with the Law on Scientific Research, the Rulebook on the Procedure and Manner of Evaluation and Quantitative Expression of Scientific Research Results of Researchers and the Statute of the School.

The scope of scientific research activities is planned in accordance with the possibilities of the School a quality is evaluated on an annual basis, by ranking published papers over the coefficients of learning competencies.

– organizing professional conferences on current issues in the field of nursing, health and clinical care and physiotherapy;

– initiative for concrete cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations in the country, within joint projects and exchange of teachers, associates and students;

– design, adoption, accreditation and implementation of continuing education programs;

– planning of professional development of teachers in the field of teaching;

– monitoring and evaluating the quality of professional, research and scientific work of teachers and associates;

– planning the participation of students, associates and students at professional and scientific gatherings in the country and abroad;

– selection of strategic partners in the field of nursing, health and clinical care and physiotherapy, concretization of bilateral cooperation programs, joint appearances in European projects, increasing the volume of teaching staff and students within international cooperation;

– realization of the publishing activity of the School, which would include publications of teachers and associates (textbooks, professional papers, scripts, practicums), publications within the program of continuous education (brochures) and publications of students of the School;

– Involvement of the School, teaching staff and students in research projects in the country and abroad.












Study program: Vocational physiotherapist
Name of the course: FINAL THESIS
Teachers: Mentor of the final thesis
Status of the course: obligatory
Number of ECTS: 2
Teaching language: Serbian
Condition for submitting the topic of the work: the student must pass all exams in the study program

Prerequisite for the defense of the completed work: successful completion of professional and summer internship 1,2,3

Aim of the course

Preparation of the final work in the professional-applied field based on the results obtained in practice through the process of research and comparison with published data on the same topic; ability to connect theory and practice; use of research methodology in the field of physiotherapy; ability to adequately present the results, draw conclusions in the area that is the subject of research; the ability to value one's own work, propose measures and improve the field of physiotherapy.

Outcome of the course

Upon completion of the final work, the student is expected to acquire knowledge and skills in: finding the literature, assessing the validity and significance of publication results, designing research, formulating research questions, collecting data, statistical processing of results, analysis of results, making adequate research conclusions and drafting presentation of results.

Upon completion of the final paper, the student is expected to gain views on the ethical principles of research work and a critical attitude towards their own results.

The ability of students to individually and as a team participate in all forms of research work in the field of physiotherapy.

Content of the course

The final work is a research work of the student in which he gets acquainted with the research methodology in the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation. The final work is done from professional – applied subjects and refers to research in the field at all levels of health care (primary, secondary and tertiary) and at all levels of implementation of physical therapy (in the field of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation of patients). The research is conducted in the field of functions and competencies of professional physiotherapists. After the research, the student prepares the final work in the form that contains the following chapters: introduction, goals, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion with a proposal of measures and literature.

Methods of performance

According to the interest, the student decides on the professional field of research, on the basis of which he has the opportunity to choose a mentor. In agreement with the mentor, the topic of the final work, research design and necessary literature are determined. The research is conducted with the work of a selected mentor.After the research, the student prepares the final work according to the instructions.The final work contains the following chapters – theoretical approach, methods of work, results and discussion of results, conclusion, proposed measures, bibliography, contributions and biography of the author.The oral defense of the final work before a three-member commission is made in public.


Valuation of knowledge (maximum points 100)
Pre-exam obligations Points Final exam Points
written paper of the eamination 50 Public defence of the thesis 50